ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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There you go again...you have a pretty high standard of proof with ZG but have no problem implying ever so subtly that money may have changed hands. <modsnip>

It's a question that's been asked about pretty much everyone else connected to this case, why not ZG?
It's a question that's been asked about pretty much everyone else connected to this case, why not ZG?

There's no evidence or reason to think there has been money changing hands with her. There is absolute metaphysical certitude that it has with the other players, specifically the Anthonys, tv networks, JB, scam charity, Dr. Phil, etc.
There's no evidence or reason to think there has been money changing hands with her. There is absolute metaphysical certitude that it has with the other players, specifically the Anthonys, tv networks, JB, scam charity, Dr. Phil, etc.

There is also no reason to think ZG wasn't paid for at least some of her media appearances, most everyone else was, why not her? It's a legitimate question, especially considering that when people set up a paypal account to send her donations due to her losing her job, she never bothered to mention that she didn't have a job to lose and she'd been living off the state all along.
I don't believe that for a minute. Are you saying that the average person who does not post here missed all the media coverage between the first day Caylee was reported missing and the day the trial started? Did they not know that Casey was in jail charged with first degree murder?

She was arrested on July 16th but wasn't charged with murder until mid October. Until then only people who knew the background facts knew that she was a murderer. That gave her minimally 3 months to keep the Zenaida/Sawgrass apartments story going, which she did through her mother and father with their multiple TV appearances, and on jail video. IIRC it was only a couple years later, when LK was on TV admitting that her client lied that we knew she was going to come up with another story that didn't include Zenaida.
The damage was done to Zenaida long before Casey was charged with murder. She and her children did not feel safe in their own home thanks to her. If someone maliciously put me in harms way like that I would be suing too!
If Casey did not mean this particular Zenaida why would she not simply declare that publicly? She knows she got caught out on this and dare not speak. Not even today, she is still hiding behind attorneys to avoid having to reveal why she targeted this Zenaida.
So. . . . . How bout this weather?

She was arrested on July 16th but wasn't charged with murder until mid October. Until then only people who knew the background facts knew that she was a murderer. That gave her minimally 3 months to keep the Zenaida/Sawgrass apartments story going, which she did through her mother and father with their multiple TV appearances, and on jail video. IIRC it was only a couple years later, when LK was on TV admitting that her client lied that we knew she was going to come up with another story that didn't include Zenaida.
The damage was done to Zenaida long before Casey was charged with murder. She and her children did not feel safe in their own home thanks to her. If someone maliciously put me in harms way like that I would be suing too!
If Casey did not mean this particular Zenaida why would she not simply declare that publicly? She knows she got caught out on this and dare not speak. Not even today, she is still hiding behind attorneys to avoid having to reveal why she targeted this Zenaida.


How could there have been malice when ZG readily admits she and Casey did not know each other and had never met?
There is also no reason to think ZG wasn't paid for at least some of her media appearances, most everyone else was, why not her? It's a legitimate question, especially considering that when people set up a paypal account to send her donations due to her losing her job, she never bothered to mention that she didn't have a job to lose and she'd been living off the state all along.

Chilly, where did you see a paypal account set up to send donations because she lost her job? The only one I've ever seen was to help pay for this lawsuit and that's on Morgan's website.

How could there have been malice when ZG readily admits she and Casey did not know each other and had never met?

I've already posted this numerous times, but....
Cindy told Casey in a jail visit they were told by LE that she had been shown a photo lineup and she ruled out this Zenaida. Casey could have just admitted it there and then, but she denied it vehemently - she said that LE were full of **** and she had not been shown photos despite pleading for a lineup.. "And when they went and interviewed that girl down in Kissimmee"
she is referring to this person, no other. With that information in hand Cindy
continued with her mission of finding out what she had done with Caylee...
After the jail conversation everyone in the viewing audience also thought that Zenaida had not been ruled out.
That is malicious. It is normal,vicious Casey Anthony maneuvering to shift blame onto some hapless person. By the time Zenaida had managed to clear her name they had switched gears to Roy Kronk and focused all their malice on him.

Zenaida had not known Casey previously, but obviously Casey knew something about Zenaida, to use her identity.
Chilly, where did you see a paypal account set up to send donations because she lost her job? The only one I've ever seen was to help pay for this lawsuit and that's on Morgan's website.

If that is true, it is pretty shabby. Still doesnt change my opinion of whether or not ZG deserves damages. I am still on board with that. JB was the ultimate ambulance chaser and look where that got him. Go M&M
I'm telling ya! Praying for everyone who has been affected.

The devastated area is a few miles from me. It missed my area and went a little north of us. It is unnerving when those sirens start blowing and you just can't do anything other than pray..
I am counting my blessings and watching the coverage on TV. Poor souls.
Local TV and our childrens hospital is appealing for the family of an around 3 yr old , blonde hair blue eyed little girl found blown out into a field, with no houses anywhere around - she was helicoptered out and they have no idea where she is from.
ZFG does not exist in KC's world. Never did, just a figment of her imagination. We don't know if KC ever planned to involve this ZG because KC is not talking. And by not talking and she had a chance in her deposition, KC somehow gives the impression that she may have used ZG to deflect attention away from herself. We do see what she has done to RK so KC has a well established pattern of destroying peoples lives just for the he!! of it. No one knows what KC's intention was when she said she was never shown a picture of "that woman in Kississmee" but we all know what it was not and that was to clear ZG's name.

I'd like to see ZG get an award just for the trouble KC caused. It does not have to be big. KC will never apologize, ever. jmo
The devastated area is a few miles from me. It missed my area and went a little north of us. It is unnerving when those sirens start blowing and you just can't do anything other than pray..
I am counting my blessings and watching the coverage on TV. Poor souls.
Local TV and our childrens hospital is appealing for the family of an around 3 yr old , blonde hair blue eyed little girl found blown out into a field, with no houses anywhere around - she was helicoptered out and they have no idea where she is from.

Keep yourself safe, ZsaZsa, and I'm praying right along with you!
I remember that too...

She wanted it to come out of OCA's mouth, a verbal statement and apology.

This tends to show that zg and her atty is not just out trying to get paid. She publicly offered to drop the suit in exchange for the apology, but fca refused. 'nuff said.
According to Casey's motion many people with a name similar to ZFG were investigated. We never heard from them. Why? It seems clear to me that it's because they never contacted the media and arranged to be interviewed.

Perhaps I am being harsh on ZG, but nothing I've said appears to be untrue. As a matter of fact, with the release of the recent defense motions, she looks to be of even lower moral character than I thought. Had she not gone to the media, presented herself as ZFG, and filed this fraudulent suit, we wouldn't know about her sordid past. I don't believe she's been harmed at all and, so far, she hasn't presented anything to prove that she has. On the contrary, I think she, perhaps with Morgan's guidance, is turning Caylee's death and Casey's lies into her golden goose. Had she even once, during any of her many media appearances, pointed out that her name is not ZFG or admitted that she was unemployed all along, I might feel differently.

I have felt many times that people were being unfairly harsh toward George and Cindy and it probably made me more defensive of them than I'd have been otherwise. In this case, I feel people are being overly sympathetic and defensive about ZG, to the point that they're refusing to see the facts clearly. Perhaps that's making me overly harsh. Like you said, we all have faults and I know I have more than my share. :)

Thank you very much for your reply. Although we are not on the same page, it always helps to see where others are coming from.

What I am interested in seeing from this (right or wrong) is Casey Anthony showing her face in court, absent the disquise, and getting on the stand to testify.

And :) I still maintain that it might be a good idea to play nice instead of ridiculing ZG until that possibly is gone. :)

The connection to the Sawgrass apartments it is no mere coincidence. I would like to read that Morgan did his job and found the connection.

Thanks again.
The devastated area is a few miles from me. It missed my area and went a little north of us. It is unnerving when those sirens start blowing and you just can't do anything other than pray..
I am counting my blessings and watching the coverage on TV. Poor souls.
Local TV and our childrens hospital is appealing for the family of an around 3 yr old , blonde hair blue eyed little girl found blown out into a field, with no houses anywhere around - she was helicoptered out and they have no idea where she is from.

Ya'll are in my prayers, ZsaZsa! Stay safe!

As to the thread topic, Ok! I will admit it! I don't know if ZG has a good case or not. I am simply tickled at the thought that KC isn't done yet! And, I know it's a mean thing to say, but ANYTHING that pesters KC is going to make me happy! She has visited so much misery on so many innocent people that I think turn about is fair play! I hope that ZG, TM, RK, JG, and any TES searchers that were bothered by the PI line up and file away! Do they all have good strong cases? I don't think so, but I don't really know, and I don't really care! Just sling those barbs at KC and keep her balled up in fisties and frushtrashun! :great:
Ya'll are in my prayers, ZsaZsa! Stay safe!

As to the thread topic, Ok! I will admit it! I don't know if ZG has a good case or not. I am simply tickled at the thought that KC isn't done yet! And, I know it's a mean thing to say, but ANYTHING that pesters KC is going to make me happy! She has visited so much misery on so many innocent people that I think turn about is fair play! I hope that ZG, TM, RK, JG, and any TES searchers that were bothered by the PI line up and file away! Do they all have good strong cases? I don't think so, but I don't really know, and I don't really care! Just sling those barbs at KC and keep her balled up in fisties and frushtrashun! :great:

BBM. Yes Yes Yes.

The case is probably crap and I could care less LOL.
I want the karma train to roll down the track and smash her flat. Whatever it takes, however long it takes......I will have great pleasure when it hits.
BBM. Yes Yes Yes.

The case is probably crap and I could care less LOL.
I want the karma train to roll down the track and smash her flat. Whatever it takes, however long it takes......I will have great pleasure when it hits.

Agreed! I really want her to be made to take the stand and answer questions. No, I won't believe a word she says, but it would be fun to see JM going after her. And, maybe she will say something that causes more problems for her! Lol! If nothing else, it will continue to delay her from giving any big interviews. And, maybe the delay will lower the value.
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