ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

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At least they did the hearing today...that could have been put off as well, I suppose. And I totally believe they are getting death threats against Casey.
Mitnik calls this hearing a victory. Says "hallelujah they set a date for a deposition". #CaseyAnthony
Greene says today alone he has received 7 threats against #CaseyAnthony -jfell

This makes me :floorlaugh: What did folks do? Call him up and say, Mr Greene, I'm calling you so you can pass on my threat to Casey Anthony.
Mentally unstable. Good that is another reason not to have her on any tv show.

:waitasec: I agree ...

And if she is "mentally unstable" she should NOT be allowed out of jail because she will kill again ! :maddening:

MItnik says he'll never quit. He'll keep asking questions until he gets answers.
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge asks if they can agree on a date today? greene says evaluation of #CaseyAnthony shows she is emotionally unstable -jfell
58 seconds ago

so....the real reason they are fighting the depo is not because she is gonna plead the 5th, but because they are pretty sure she wont?
Yes but Morgan's conduct in my opinion borders upon abuse of process.

It seems he is conducting this claim in such a way to gain publicity for his firm: streaming the depo, grilling KC "for the truth" and for "what happened to Caylee", "getting justice for Caylee", etc.

These are quite improper motives for bringing a defamation claim that KC defamed ZG.

john Morgan has been around and respected in these parts for a LONG time. He's got a website called "For the people" and Governor Charlie Crist has just gone to work for them after his governorship.
He wants JUSTICE pure and simple. Something we can't seem to get with this case!
Let's see what excuse her DT comes up with in Oct or Feb or in 2015.... It's sickening.
He doesn't need the publicity. He's already very well established. There's a long history with their involvement.

They may be well established but they never stop advertising. And they seem to be treating this as free advertising to show that they are good guys.

Believe me, all of this grandstanding with this deposition, streaming it live, etc has nothing to do with protecting his clients interests. Indeed, his clients interests would be best served with a small settlement and public apology and acknowledgement that ZG is innocent and had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance and death.

Other questions such as how Caylee died are not particularly helpful to his suit and have very little to do with the issues of controversy in this claim.
Yes but Morgan's conduct in my opinion borders upon abuse of process.

It seems he is conducting this claim in such a way to gain publicity for his firm: streaming the depo, grilling KC "for the truth" and for "what happened to Caylee", "getting justice for Caylee", etc.

These are quite improper motives for bringing a defamation claim that KC defamed ZG.
M&M do not need any publicity, their firm is huge and covers several states.
Serving All of Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee
so....the real reason they are fighting the depo is not because she is gonna plead the 5th, but because they are pretty sure she wont?

She is a loose cannon--the lawyers are NOT going to be able to control her when she gets out--maybe they will put her in mental hospital.
john Morgan has been around and respected in these parts for a LONG time. He's got a website called "For the people" and Governor Charlie Crist has just gone to work for them after his governorship.
He wants JUSTICE pure and simple. Something we can't seem to get with this case!
Let's see what excuse her DT comes up with in Oct or Feb or in 2015.... It's sickening.

I admit that he has a website called for the people. However, you must bear in mind how much he makes working "for the people".

See all this huge settlements advertised on site? He will be taking on average 35% of that as a contingency fee.
How does Morgan claim victory because a date was set? The date was already set, for July 19th...
Greene says today alone he has received 7 threats against #CaseyAnthony -jfell

:waitasec::waitasec: Are these "imaginary threats" like CFCA's "imaginary friends" ?

This makes me :floorlaugh: What did folks do? Call him up and say, Mr Greene, I'm calling you so you can pass on my threat to Casey Anthony.

Not funny. Could be calls, emails, faxes... considering some poor woman in Oklahoma was assaulted for (not) looking like Casey, I buy that.

I don't believe the DT on many things but in terms of threats, absolutely.
Yes but Morgan's conduct in my opinion borders upon abuse of process.

It seems he is conducting this claim in such a way to gain publicity for his firm: streaming the depo, grilling KC "for the truth" and for "what happened to Caylee", "getting justice for Caylee", etc.

These are quite improper motives for bringing a defamation claim that KC defamed ZG.

Finally, someone who sees it as I do. Morgan's motivation in this lawsuit is the same as Padilla wanting to be photographed holding Casey's skull. It's not about Z?G at all, but about Morgan's ego. I doubt he even expects to win.
How does Morgan claim victory because a date was set? The date was already set, for July 19th...

Its a victory of extending the 15 minutes of fame I guess. If he thinks this was a win.........yikes, poor ZG.
Greene says today alone hes received 7 threats against #CaseyAnthony -jfell

Mitnik calls this hearing a victory. Says hallelujah they set a date for a deposition. #CaseyAnthony -jfell

MItnik says he'll never quit. He'll keep asking questions until he gets answers. #CaseyAnthony -jfell

Mitnik says he has never waited this long to get someones depo. #CaseyAnthony -jfell

What does getting threats have to do with taking a depo? Especially if the depo is taken at the jail. :waitasec:

Good for Mitnik!
so....the real reason they are fighting the depo is not because she is gonna plead the 5th, but because they are pretty sure she wont?

I was thinking perhaps the attorneys for ZG would try and talk her into not taking the 5th. Like saying "what you got to hide", etc.
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