ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

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Yeah, with him on tv saying shes "going" to get her butt there, I mean, wow, he should just retire before hes disbarred. jmo

That was Keith Mitnik who said that today, not John Morgan. And he said "behind", not "butt", just to be clear.

I don't either Mitnik or Morgan are in any danger of being disbarred at this time. Just saying.
See, I think she felt (oddly) uncomfortable in a restricted place with definitive rules and boundaries. It actually sounds like she was able to thrive there, to some extent.

Her life on the outside was chaos without boundaries. I don't think she has a clue how to operate in the real world. That will be her challenge and is why I expect her to be in trouble over and over again, wherever she goes

First time away from your family as a real grown up is a bit anxiety making for anyone.
I wish her some really good panic attacks when she realizes she is really alone out there...
I heard that about a counter suit. On what grounds is Casey suing? lol

honestly I forgot. But JB filed the counter suit to try to stall and prevent FCA from having to testify. he did this shortly after the original suit.
Well figured Casey would get some time to get away from Florida today. But heck, even I never figured they would let her have 6 months or more to stay in Florida. TO GET MORE COURT CASES GOING AGINST THE SYSTEM! Now it is a certainly she be hanging around to soak up every blood dollar she can from Florida. Until the court cases come up in who knows when time. Then she will run and never pay anyone a cent. In particular the State of Florida!

Oh those off shore bank accounts come in handy for people like her. And it is starting to look like she is going to be making huge money. Heck, even her pink blouse she wore in court can not be kept in stock. This is the classic case of money before and after immorality! Casey is winning and laughing at us all. And there is nothing we can do.

My son got this right from the start. He said just follow the money and all will be clear. Well the prosecution did not follow the money. And the money is following CASEY!!!
BBM - that would be good and probably would have satisfied them except that Casey filed a counter-suit and refuses to this day to say that this ZG wasn't involved. Meantime, ZG lost a job and apartment because in the beginning people believed she kidnapped Caylee and ZG has her own children to support. She had every right to bring this suit and justice has been denied to her quite long enough.

Settlement agreement would take into account counter-claim so it is dismissed as part of settlement. I am sure that KC would be happy to admit that ZG had nothing to do with it if she could get rid of this lawsuit.
Wow, she manages to get out of everything! She didn't seem very "mentally unstable" on the day of her sentencing..

BBM: I agree.

I have never seen anyone who is ABSOLUTELY UNTOUCHABLE as CFCA !

And on the day of her "sentencing", all she did was "primp" ... "piddle with her hair" ... "flirt" ... "giggle" ... "raise those eyebrows" at her lawyers ...

Mentally unstable. Good that is another reason not to have her on any tv show.

The defense team is just now realizing she is unstable? OF COURSE SHE IS UNSTABLE. NO ONE IN THIR "RIGHT MIND" DOES THE THINGS SHE HAS DONE. (oops, sorry for yelling, couldn't help myself)

Sheesh, we could have told them this years ago. They must not have paid enough attention to those conversations in the social media.

It is still my wild guess that she threatened someone on the defense team when Mason stopped and asked for the competency evaluation during trial.
Yes K. Belich said they are looking into what happened and trying to get the records but it was alleged that Judge Rodriquez was not being fair. See that is the old game. Play the victim, scream that people are not playing fair and the victim who has waited 3 years for her day in court. Zaneida Gonzalez waits some more.

I think it was HLN they said earlier JM tries cases in front of Judge R frequently and Greene felt Judge R was therefore biased in his favor....
perhaps he is a little upset he has had to wait 3 years and on top of that FCA is counter suing ZFG. He has every right to be fed up with the stall tactics.
John Morgan, his wife and now his two boys are well respected in this community and do not need any extra publicity. everyone knows them here. They are the go to attorneys together with Nejame if you need a civil defense attorney.

Well, he should be professional and not upset. He just was on tv saying he had just assumed she was basically never getting out of jail, but now that she is, hes going in for money, as her name has been cleared, so they admit her name is clear, and now they go in for some cash, even though her name is not Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez and she didnt lose her home and job because of Casey, oh and she looks nothing like the description given and Casey said that was not her. But hey, good luck Mr Morgan! jmo
With any luck FCA's plane will fall and we can all sign "bye, bye Miss American pie.."
(Geez, I need therapy. I'm against the death penalty! but my mind is going nuts!)
BBM - that would be good and probably would have satisfied them except that Casey filed a counter-suit and refuses to this day to say that this ZG wasn't involved. Meantime, ZG lost a job and apartment because in the beginning people believed she kidnapped Caylee and ZG has her own children to support. She had every right to bring this suit and justice has been denied to her quite long enough.

Casey has never claimed this Z?G was involved, I don't see where she has any obligation to say she wasn't.

Z?G was evicted from her apartment and was not working when Caylee disappeared.
They don't have to find her. She has to show up. If she does not show it may be a default in favor of ZG. jmo

And you think she cares about a little 15 G pay out?

Even when they do come to collect, Casey will be long gone. With her money.
they are not allowed, IIRC. one's right to remain silent is pretty much iron clad.

I wonder though... does she still get that right after she's already been acquitted and the acquittal is final? I wouldn't think she'd need the 5th unless for some reason charges regarding Caylee's death can still be brought against her somehow. Hmmmm... :waitasec:
They may be well established but they never stop advertising. And they seem to be treating this as free advertising to show that they are good guys.

Believe me, all of this grandstanding with this deposition, streaming it live, etc has nothing to do with protecting his clients interests. Indeed, his clients interests would be best served with a small settlement and public apology and acknowledgement that ZG is innocent and had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance and death.

Other questions such as how Caylee died are not particularly helpful to his suit and have very little to do with the issues of controversy in this claim.


LOL! I think the DT is certainly more interested in free advertising than M&M. There grandstanding on the media circuit has been laughable.

Off the top of my head, just this week:

Jose Baez on Primetime w/ Barbara Walters and FoxNews w/ Geraldo
Cheney Mason on Today Show and Insession
Dorothy Clay Sims on Joy Behar & Piers Morgan

IMO, the free advertising leach is not M&M and I would only hope I would have a lawyer willing to fight that hard for me, if I were ever in her situation....but, that's just me!
Casey has never claimed this Z?G was involved, I don't see where she has any obligation to say she wasn't.

Z?G was evicted from her apartment and was not working when Caylee disappeared.

But she also refused to say that SHE WAS NOT involved. This is all that ZFG wanted. For FCA to say to the world 'THIS IS NOT ZANNY! but FCA refused to do that. well JB refused to that :banghead: ZFG just wanted her name cleared from any involvement publicly.
Settlement agreement would take into account counter-claim so it is dismissed as part of settlement. I am sure that KC would be happy to admit that ZG had nothing to do with it if she could get rid of this lawsuit.

Considering Casey's luck, I would not be terribly surprised to see Z?G lose her suit and Casey win on the countersuit. Z?G could end up paying Casey.
But she also refused to say that SHE WAS NOT involved. This is all that ZFG wanted. For FCA to say to the world 'THIS IS NOT ZANNY! but FCA refused to do that. well JB refused to that :banghead: ZFG just wanted her name cleared from any involvement publicly.

Not meaning to come across as a smart aleck, but...so? If I say Joe Ebenezer *hyphen* Blow stepped on my foot, I am under no legal obligation to tell the world that it was not Joe Vincent Blow who did it.
Well, he should be professional and not upset. He just was on tv saying he had just assumed she was basically never getting out of jail, but now that she is, hes going in for money, as her name has been cleared, so they admit her name is clear, and now they go in for some cash, even though her name is not Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez and she didnt lose her home and job because of Casey, oh and she looks nothing like the description given and Casey said that was not her. But hey, good luck Mr Morgan! jmo

bolded by me

see FCA has NEVER said it was not her. JB immediately filed a counter suit and FCA plead the fifth in a written dep where she still refused to say ZFG was not 'THE' ZFG. that is the problem. All ZFG wanted was for FCA to tell everyone she was not the "right" ZFG but FCA has never done that. instead she sued ZFG back!
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