ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

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Zanny the Nanny didn't have any children.

Right. And this is an area where M&M need to research...KC said ZFG had no children...as to ZG's car, the silver Ford Focus, I have seen that Leonard says KC told him about ZG's ford focus, but I would need to listen to Lee's depo to remember if Lee says he got that from KC, cause LP is not credible to me....
Finally, as to ZG's kids that were listed on the form-the children that KC talked about that were Samantha's, or Juliette's or whomever's, their names were not the same as the names of the children of the real ZG. IIRC, the only connection we found to the names of ZG's children were names that VickiA had on her MySpace page.
I love me some John Morgan and believe KC should have to pay ZG 5 zillion dollars, but it worries me when M&M states things about the car/children when we have sleuthed them out and not found the same info. LP is not reliable enough to go out and repeat things he says.
Am I wrong? Have we sleuthed hard facts that indicate KC did mention a silver Focus, or named the real ZG's children?

ETA-Wait, wait...I believe KC did mention ZFG having a new car (like AH got a new(er) car)...did she say it was a silver Focus, or something similar? I mean to LE, or to her mom or brother...not Leonard.
Gotta listen to Lee's depo with M&M again...haven't for a long time...will bring up topics of note/questions for the thread if I hear anything I forgot :)
i will be very suprised if this zenaida wins .. she may win just because its casey anthony she is suing .. i saw zenaidas myspace years ago when she was first talked about until she made her page private .. all of her info was out there for everyone to see .. she also had pics of her kids up for everyone to see as well .. i was not her friend however i was still able to view the pics and posts she had up.. so casey may have gotten it from myspace because i THINK they had a mutal myspace friend through some app games .. but its been so long i dont remember .
Another stall by the DT. How do they get away with this crap? Come court time FCA will still be "recovering from her traumatic events". I want Zenaida to win, and win big.
i will be very suprised if this zenaida wins .. she may win just because its casey anthony she is suing .. i saw zenaidas myspace years ago when she was first talked about until she made her page private .. all of her info was out there for everyone to see .. she also had pics of her kids up for everyone to see as well .. i was not her friend however i was still able to view the pics and posts she had up.. so casey may have gotten it from myspace because i THINK they had a mutal myspace friend through some app games .. but its been so long i dont remember .

I think the mutual MySpace link was Cast Iron tattoos.
Zanny the Nanny didn't have any children.

Zanny the nanny is not a real person so her children are irrevelent to me. the only relevence i care about is her full name was given by Casey, Zenaida was at Sawgrass apts and the some members of the general public decided to believe this ZFG may have kidnapped Caylee. You cant unring a bell. once her name was out and she was investigated thats all some people have to hear to decide to assume its her no matter what. just because she isnt Zanny the nanny doesnt mean people stopped making assumptions about possible involvement. peope wanted so badly for Caylee to be found they clung to it.
look at how easily the jury clung to the GA possibly did something theory and he wasnt even a suspect! people can make their own theories and that is why i feel ZFG was effected by this case. i dont care if she spoke to the media, if the perfect 10 doesnt fit, what car she drove. it still changed her life and i am ok with her trying to win her lawsuit. it doesnt hurt me in anyway so why would i judge her merits. she didnt kill anyone, she hasnt hurt anyone. i wouldnt be jealous if she "got rich" off of this. i just dont care. i just want casey held accountable for her lack of consideration of others as she stomped thru the case with fingers pointing everywhere. besides even is ZFG wins she will probably never see a penny. im not sure why this is such a hot topic but i admit it is an interesting one. is it that people think she is taking advantage of the situation? do people think since she doesnt match the imaginary description she should just move on? is it because people think her lawyers are trying to hard to prove the description leads to her? isnt their job to try as hard for their client as JB did for casey? im really curious because im surprised there is so much debate on why she shouldnt or wont be successful. she was an innocent woman minding her own business when a national case came knocking on her doorstep. i think that would rock most peoples world. i know i dont want to find out thru personal experience.
Just FYI The rule here at WS is if someone goes public with statements then they are considered open for discussion. If they mind their business and don't get involved we don't involve them. We however do not wish to involve Ms. Baez unless she continues to make statements. :)

Right that makes complete sense,

Just to clarify, what is considered "public"? If I'm not mistaken this comment was posted on her facebook page. I wouldn't equate that with talking to a reporter. I wasn't able to find her facebook page but did find a bunch of fake Jose's. Facebook can be "going public" with things like statements from politicians or presidential candidates but here, not really.

Here, I'm not positive the original comment was ever public. It was a status update that someone reposted.

If she said something stupid to her friends, it really doesn't seem relevant. If she starts posting more on verified social media accounts or talking to press then it would be fair game.
how much is ZG seeking in damages.I read 15,000-is that correct?


The Complaint needs to allege that damages are over $15,000 to place the Suit within the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court rather than County Court.
Orange County wants her out of their jail without incident is my feeling.

I also think she must have felt it was on a road to nowhere if she was going to plead the 5th and if Greene wanted to have ground rules set and apply for orders (such as to prevent it being "streamed live" on the internet) it would be best to put it back so proper arrangements can be made.
I'm certainly not! Their only "claim" to fame was that Robert was one of OJ's dream team- he's dead now of cancer. Probably the stress of getting off a guilty person killed him,:twocents:.

How can you not be a fan of Kim and Kourtney? :D
But she also refused to say that SHE WAS NOT involved. This is all that ZFG wanted. For FCA to say to the world 'THIS IS NOT ZANNY! but FCA refused to do that. well JB refused to that :banghead: ZFG just wanted her name cleared from any involvement publicly.

I thought KC was shown a picture of this ZFG at the jail shortly after this all came to be and she said that wasn't her.
Here is what ICA told CA during jail visitation, the tape was showed to millions on NG and probably all the other HLN shows IIRC.
From NG transcript-

CA - Did anybody ask you to describe her and did they do a composite drawing of her?

ICA- Not once, and when they went and interviewed that girl down in Kissimmee they never showed me a picture of her.

CA- Well, have....


CA - Ok now they told us - well they told us you couldn't pull her out of a lineup!

ICA- They're full of s***. I had told them multiple times, find a sketch artist, show me pictures, show me something. I can point her out to you.

We know from discovery that LE did show her a photo from driving license of ZG but ICA will not admit that to CA (or publicly) she wants to keep the ZG lie out there and meanwhile poor hapless ZG is getting accosted and threatened by people who want to do to her what she "did to Caylee".

Reality Orlando-

This is what she said,to an audience of millions.....
Zanny the nanny is not a real person so her children are irrevelent to me. the only relevence i care about is her full name was given by Casey,

Her full name is NOT Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez! So, no, shes not the woman Casey named.
I thought KC was shown a picture of this ZFG at the jail shortly after this all came to be and she said that wasn't her.

If I remember right Yuri said he showed KC pictures of ZG's after the Universal interview while they were in his car. I would imagine this was after they had interviewed ZG that was at Sawgrass Apts. The long wait before her arrest IMO imagine they were checking databases to see if there were any more in the system and NY that fit KC's description. jmo
If I remember right Yuri said he showed KC pictures of ZG's after the Universal interview while they were in his car. I would imagine this was after they had interviewed ZG that was at Sawgrass Apts. The long wait before her arrest IMO imagine they were checking databases to see if there were any more in the system and NY that fit KC's description. jmo
LE phoned ZG while they were interviewing KC at Universal, they then showed KC several ZG's and then showed her a picture of the lawsuit ZG, she said no she's too old. LE went and received a sworn statement from ZG within 2 hours of showing KC the picture.
Her full name is NOT Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez! So, no, shes not the woman Casey named.

Well, maybe KC just misunderstood when she heard them talking about ZG at the tattoo parlor. KC made the name up to blame someone else. ZG just happened to be the one some people focused on as Caylee's nanny and threatened her and her children. If KC had not told the lie this woman would never have been investigated, had cameras shoved in her face everywhere she went and subquently can't find a job causing her to loose her place to live. Simple cause and effect. KC provided the lie and the effect was ZG was threatened because of it.

Going into court and saying, "Well, your Honor, my client lied but this is not really who she was talking about. Her ZG had an "F" in her name." Was the intent of her lie to place the blame on someone else? ......And it goes downhill from here. jmo
Well, maybe KC just misunderstood when she heard them talking about ZG at the tattoo parlor. KC made the name up to blame someone else. ZG just happened to be the one some people focused on as Caylee's nanny and threatened her and her children. If KC had not told the lie this woman would never have been investigated, had cameras shoved in her face everywhere she went and subquently can't find a job causing her to loose her place to live. Simple cause and effect. KC provided the lie and the effect was ZG was threatened because of it.

Going into court and saying, "Well, your Honor, my client lied but this is not really who she was talking about. Her ZG had an "F" in her name." Was the intent of her lie to place the blame on someone else? ......And it goes downhill from here. jmo

And they were talking about Zenaida at a tattoo parlor why? In this day and age of social media, i belong to lots of groups with thousands of people,but that does not mean we are connected in real life. And I think everyone named zenaida would be looked into, and by the way, they were, so this woman was not anything special, shes just trying really hard to be the imaginary person Casey described. I mean come on, how did Casey make her lose her home when she was at sawgrass looking for apartments? So glad her lawyer got postponed till October, maybe in the mean time the bar should look into a lawyer who is trying to get money for someone who doesn't even have the right name as Casey described.
So if I talk about Casey Marie Anthony and not Casey Anthony and my conversation is shown on NG - will anyone think I am not talking about the same person?
And they were talking about Zenaida at a tattoo parlor why? In this day and age of social media, i belong to lots of groups with thousands of people,but that does not mean we are connected in real life. And I think everyone named zenaida would be looked into, and by the way, they were, so this woman was not anything special, shes just trying really hard to be the imaginary person Casey described. I mean come on, how did Casey make her lose her home when she was at sawgrass looking for apartments? So glad her lawyer got postponed till October, maybe in the mean time the bar should look into a lawyer who is trying to get money for someone who doesn't even have the right name as Casey described.

Somehow this very opinion makes it's own point. jmo
I am confused.
Did ICA have a friend that worked at Sawgrass apartments?
Did the real ZG drive a silver Ford Focus and did ICA say that's what ZFG drove?
Did the real ZG fill out the form at Sawgrass Apmts in April 2008, or June 2008?
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