ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 17

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I see, yes, I'm the age of what their grandparents could be. Though we all slept in each others bed during slumber parties or after returning from parties depending on which of our homes we went to high school, I never slept one of my college room mates bed. Ever, dorms or the house. I'm sorry to hear about the anxiety and codepenence etc. :(
My best girlfriends and I often shared a bed after an evening out, well into our 30s. You rehash the evening, laugh about the inside jokes that were created, gossip about who you saw. Then we wake up sort of half hungover, maybe still slightly buzzed and rehash the night before. Giggling ensues. Best friends kind of pillow talk. Based on my experience, this is one of the most normal bits of information to have been released.
I get that. Truly being in earshot is the only way. But he would have to know all 4 were asleep IF his goal was to strike while they were asleep. Which means what? Checked both rooms first? OR what else could it mean?

I will throw out things I am thinking of.

The killer was previously chatting with one or more.
Killer had somehow incapacitated them all? Maybe a laced drink shared together?
Killer had been in the house before and planted bugs or cameras?
There were two killers?
Killer really didn't care if they were asleep and staged the scene and the coroner was incorrect?
Did killer expect 2 per room? Seems it didn't deter.
Was the target all 4? And that is why 2 per room didn't deter?
Was the killer just utterly nuts?
Was the killer already in the house?

Maybe he just takes his time. Stops every so often to hear of any noise from any of the rooms or see any light coming from a cell phone or laptop under the door. He probably was watching kylee and maddie from the back of the house and figured they were no match and it didn't matter if they were awake or not. If he's going up the stairs, in his mind, maybe k or m think it's a roommate walking up the stairs? From his perspective, they won't know there's a killer at the door until it's too late? (If they are awake).
Just hearing of a police report of an alcohol disturbance at 3am in front of a frat house party…doesn’t seem all that suspicious, IMO, but more of a coincidence. Apparently there were plenty of students, presumably many in the Greek system, all around that area. I’m sure there were plenty of disturbance calls from the frat parties at my school (back in the day). Are there actually any details that seem to link it to the crime?

Edited to reword my thought—that it seems coincidental, not very suspicious
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As I wrote before, it is not easy for one perp to kill 2 people in the same room because other one would wake up and try to help, scream, or started running for help. Others would wake up for sure. And he had to do it twice, two rooms two people. If there were 2 or more perps, it would be easier, faster and quieter. IMO
I wouldn't say that's definitely true. When I was that age, my mother could vacuum my bedroom without waking me up, and that was without any drinking being involved. If the perp killed the first victim with one well placed thrust, by the time the second individual wakes and realizes what's happening, they're going to have little time to react. Even if they did yell for help, it might not have been enough to wake anyone on another floor.
Just hearing of a police report of an alcohol disturbance at 3am in front of a frat house party…doesn’t seem like too much of a coincidence, IMO. Apparently there were plenty of students, presumably many in the Greek system, all around that area. I’m sure there were plenty of disturbance calls from the frat parties at my school (back in the day). Are there actually any details that seem to link it to he crime?
But it was Ethan’s fraternity. Not just any fraternity. And whatever happened to warrant a call to police happened in the field between the frat and the house where the victims lived — VERY close to the house.

And it happened at 3:01 am, just as the victims were falling asleep. (The last call to J was at 2:52).

Those are definitely some crazy coincidences if they are coincidences.

Speculation / new theory: one of the victims (maybe one of the two with the 4.5 hours missing in their timeline) called the police on someone. That somebody got extremely angry, followed them home, and killed them.
For the folks that think Universities have no say what happens in off campus housing. That is incorrect.

I admittedly skimmed some of this, but I haven't seen anyone say universities aren't involved in off-campus housing. What I'm saying is that there's no reason the university would be a crime scene. There's no reason to think there's evidence of a crime having been committed on campus, as that was the original claim. JMO
If you are wondering why the police said targeted and no threat. Probably University control. The Mayor in collaboration with the University probably told the police to say that. All speculation on my part but that’s just how politics works. And as I have said, institutional and agency self preservation outweighs solving crimes sometimes. Sort of like the Mayor of Amity keeping the beach open when jaws was lurking. Expect a lawsuit soon against the University in my opinion.
I wouldn't say that's definitely true. When I was that age, my mother could vacuum my bedroom without waking me up, and that was without any drinking being involved. If the perp killed the first victim with one well placed thrust, by the time the second individual wakes and realizes what's happening, they're going to have little time to react. Even if they did yell for help, it might not have been enough to wake anyone on another floor.

It’s difficult for me to imagine not waking or hearing anything. I’m the lightest sleeper ever, lucky to get 2 straight hours & a cat w FOMO. I wake if someone stares at me.
That said, I know everyone is different - especially college kids who are burning the candle at both ends. It had to have been a precise, lethal strike or two.
I wanted to add, seems hunters and college students are being separated into different catagories in some posts. I met my husband in college, I was 19, he was 21, at the University, and he was an experienced hunter, it's not an either/or situation, they can be both, as well as have a great job that requires a suit and tie everyday. The possibilities are endless.

Too bad we don't have knowledge of which teacher aides and professors all them shared over the years.
I admittedly skimmed some of this, but I haven't seen anyone say universities aren't involved in off-campus housing. What I'm saying is that there's no reason the university would be a crime scene. There's no reason to think there's evidence of a crime having been committed on campus, as that was the original claim. JMO
I never said the university was a crime scene. Have you never seen LE investigate locations other than simply the crime scene?
But it was Ethan’s fraternity. Not just any fraternity. And whatever happened to warrant a call to police happened in the field between the frat and the house where the victims lived — VERY close to the house.

And it happened at 3:01 am, just as the victims were falling asleep. (The last call to J was at 2:52).

Those are definitely some crazy coincidences if they are coincidences.

Speculation / new theory: one of the victims (maybe one of the two with the 4.5 hours missing in their timeline) called the police on someone. That somebody got extremely angry, followed them home, and killed them.
I do believe with this new information we may need to start discussing new theory’s. I think given all we know now, it may be very telling that police have not informed the public of E and X’s exact locations and have 4.5 hours missing of their timeline. I find it HARD to believe that with all their friends, family ( E’s siblings attend the same University ) phone records and interviews that LE doesn’t have a timeline for E & X. MOO
I'm considering some things *assuming* (speculating) all 4 victims were attacked while in 2 different beds.

There would be some fast striking. How did that happen? Running from one side of the bed to the other? Crawling over victim # 1 of each pair? At some point in time, that could potentially become awkward in regards to the killer's ability to strike effectively. Perp had to have blood on him. I just can't envision him not.

Maybe something they were holding close to the vest for various reasons but then again, they knew it would eventually be revealed. God bless these poor families...its just do you ever move on from something like this?

no one moves on. some learn to cope and continue, but after this kind of grief, something changes in a way that can't be explained.
I'm considering some things *assuming* (speculating) all 4 victims were attacked while in 2 different beds.

There would be some fast striking. How did that happen? Running from one side of the bed to the other? Crawling over victim # 1 of each pair? At some point in time, that could potentially become awkward in regards to the killer's ability to strike effectively. Perp had to have blood on him. I just can't envision him not.


It does raise questions, unless someone else was there to hold them down. Which would make more sense right? Get someone for support and you quickly do the job and leave. Less messy
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