FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #25

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Thanks for the video links - I've watched them in full screen mode and have also paused the frames with LE digging in the dumpster, but I can't identify anything specific.

The neighbor guy who said he looked for Somer said he shone a flashlight in the window of the Gano house and didn't see anything unusual. He also said he has walked by that house in the past & has never seen anyone there other than the workers.

Makes me wonder (again) why Vinson said they'd get there in the a.m. & find empty beer cans & such...

maybe weekend teen kids sneaking at night, drinking a beer they took from dad or moms kitchen fridg ..
Did you mean Amason's or something else? A's is the company the contract was with for emptying the dumpster?? Don't think links were right.

And it's not Vinson's home ... except that the company owned by them is working on it.

ETA: Whoever was asking about what kind of equipment they had in there, in that video there is a shot of a bulldozer (?) or something like that.

It was in this video you quoted above. There is a sign in front of the vinson's kids home.

Thanks for the video links - I've watched them in full screen mode and have also paused the frames with LE digging in the dumpster, but I can't identify anything specific.

The neighbor guy who said he looked for Somer said he shone a flashlight in the window of the Gano house and didn't see anything unusual. He also said he has walked by that house in the past & has never seen anyone there other than the workers.

Makes me wonder (again) why Vinson said they'd get there in the a.m. & find empty beer cans & such...

Just found and don't know if link will work.
In video the sister says brother told her he would find beer cans inside in the morning so there had to be homeless person/teens in there.


ETA: There is no longer a video here that I see. Just an auto-slide show type thing.
I am sorry .. had gopher duties and had to run.. but I looked at the video from channel 4 and it stops at 6:48 or so. the whole 13minutes doesn't play. Something is up they don't want us to see again. I feel anyway. So many of the video's have been chopped.. now that bugs me all those minutes are gone.

I will look for video after I do a couple things.

I thought there was just something wrong with my wi-fi connection! It wouldn't play all the way through for me either.

You might be onto something there, MommaD!
Thanks for the video links - I've watched them in full screen mode and have also paused the frames with LE digging in the dumpster, but I can't identify anything specific.

The neighbor guy who said he looked for Somer said he shone a flashlight in the window of the Gano house and didn't see anything unusual. He also said he has walked by that house in the past & has never seen anyone there other than the workers.

Makes me wonder (again) why Vinson said they'd get there in the a.m. & find empty beer cans & such...

My husband & I built a number of houses doing our own contracting out. Just want to say it want not unusual for the guys to have a beer after work or if they were working late. Just thinking sometime there may have been say one of his contractors working later than he did. He also may have been trying to do damage control. But the one thing I do believe is that house MUST have been locked once the doors & windows were in! He wouldn't take a chance leaving it open in case of vandalism as well as the guys leave tools & supplies. This would have been his responsibility. So I take what he said with a pound of salt lol.
I still don't know why they went to the Gano house in the first place.
...LE said that they had to get permission from the homeowner before they could search the Gano house. They were interested in the Gano house very quickly after they discovered Somer.

...I know if there was an empty house next to me, I would know if there is someone goofing around there. But who knows about that neighbor.

...D V and B was looking to CYA. Protested a lot. He didn't seem concerned about Somer at all. A little hinky thing to me.

...There had to be a reason to investigate that house.

I wonder if they HAD to get permission, or if they just preferred to do it that way instead of getting a warrant since the homeowners were willing to allow them whatever access they needed. I think it had to have been some evidence found with or on the remains that caused them to want to search that particular area.

There IS an empty home being worked on right next door to us, and unless I'm asleep, I know when people are working there. At night, you can see in since there aren't any window dressings, and during the day, you can see the trucks outside and you can HEAR the people working. I wouldn't be able to forget they were over there if I wanted to. The construction company did seem pretty callous in terms of Somer. Almost, they sounded a little outraged that they were questioned.
I thought there was just something wrong with my wi-fi connection! It wouldn't play all the way through for me either.

You might be onto something there, MommaD!
Seems like alot of the videos are being shortened in this case.
I wonder if they HAD to get permission, or if they just preferred to do it that way instead of getting a warrant since the homeowners were willing to allow them whatever access they needed. I think it had to have been some evidence found with or on the remains that caused them to want to search that particular area.

There IS an empty home being worked on right next door to us, and unless I'm asleep, I know when people are working there. At night, you can see in since there aren't any window dressings, and during the day, you can see the trucks outside and you can HEAR the people working. I wouldn't be able to forget they were over there if I wanted to. The construction company did seem pretty callous in terms of Somer. Almost, they sounded a little outraged that they were questioned.

It makes you wonder why did the questioning of them take several hours.
It makes you wonder why did the questioning of them take several hours.

Yeah - that fits the time frame of an interrogation, doesn't it? Not just routine questioning. Unless the "several hours" was due to each worker being questioned individually, and by the time LE concluded questioning all of them, it added up to a total time of several hours. Even still, how many workers did they question - 3 (including Vinson)? That still seems like a long time to do a cursory Q&A.
Yeah - that fits the time frame of an interrogation, doesn't it? Not just routine questioning. Unless the "several hours" was due to each worker being questioned individually, and by the time LE concluded questioning all of them, it added up to a total time of several hours. Even still, how many workers did they question - 3 (including Vinson)? That still seems like a long time to do a cursory Q&A.

The one reporter said several hours for the two owners of the company and then they were questioning the son the next day.

Someone mentioned earlier they may have been looking for something in particular. I may be reading too much into this picture, but when I saw this one it made me think they could be looking for a weapon or something in particular that could have made wounds perhpas. See pic 18 (if I counted right), the way the investigator is looking at this board with nails coming out of it. It may mean nothing, but he appears to be diligently looking at this.
Maybe the guy who said he'd never seen anyone there but construction workers was covering the butts of someone he knows.
The one reporter said several hours for the two owners of the company and then they were questioning the son the next day.

He (RSO) is the brother of the owner.

IIRC, JV and assistant (Kyle?) were questioned on Thursday and G.Chris V. was questioned on Thursday and maybe Friday? Not in facts but in post 4 of this thread.

LE talks with James V. owner of construction company working at Gano house.

LE talks with Kyle (assumption on my part), assistant of James V. (The assumption here is that Kyle is the assistant's name.)
LE talks with G. Chris V., brother of James V. and an RSO, who worked at Gano house months ago but was not at the house on October 19. Source

FRIDAY 10/23
LE to Gano House at WHAT TIME?

LE talks with G. Chris V., brother of James V., an RSO, who worked at Gano house months ago but was not at the house on October 19. Source
Someone mentioned earlier they may have been looking for something in particular. I may be reading too much into this picture, but when I saw this one it made me think they could be looking for a weapon or something in particular that could have made wounds perhpas. See pic 18 (if I counted right), the way the investigator is looking at this board with nails coming out of it. It may mean nothing, but he appears to be diligently looking at this.

Looks like he is checking that out pretty close to me. That also looks like the begining of the search of the dumpster.
If you look on YouTube, you can sometimes find longer versions of the videos that are now cut at the source.
Yeah - that fits the time frame of an interrogation, doesn't it? Not just routine questioning. Unless the "several hours" was due to each worker being questioned individually, and by the time LE concluded questioning all of them, it added up to a total time of several hours. Even still, how many workers did they question - 3 (including Vinson)? That still seems like a long time to do a cursory Q&A.

Also remember LE seized a vehicle & trailer of theirs. Of course this was after they found Somer's body and why I had/have (little iffy) the feeling she was probably molested. I can't image if they were looking/suspecting one or any of them there would be a possible reason for killing this little girl if she wasn't KWIM?
Someone mentioned earlier they may have been looking for something in particular. I may be reading too much into this picture, but when I saw this one it made me think they could be looking for a weapon or something in particular that could have made wounds perhpas. See pic 18 (if I counted right), the way the investigator is looking at this board with nails coming out of it. It may mean nothing, but he appears to be diligently looking at this.

I think I've seen the video of this and he is looking where to toss. I'll try to find it again. Until I post a link, this is a hallucination by me.

ETA: I have found it twice in a video but it is just still shot. I'll keep looking since I'm in a watch-videos-until-I-drop mode.
The Vinsons' sister Alissa Barrs, who lives at the same address in Mandarin as George Vinson, said her brothers have been questioned by police. She said on Friday afternoon that George Vinson, 33, worked at the Gano home about two months ago, but then found other work.

James Vinson and his business partner were interrogated for hours by detectives on Thursday, she said, and George Vinson was being questioned Friday.


Here the reporter says the sister said LOL
He (RSO) is the brother of the owner.

IIRC, JV and assistant (Kyle?) were questioned on Thursday and G.Chris V. was questioned on Thursday and maybe Friday? Not in facts but in post 4 of this thread.

I'm kind of lost on LE's warning about someone having changed cars recently, or not using a car they previously used. We know they searched the work vehicle of the contractor. I don't get why they can't just look up car registrations for the people (and their families - since people sometimes drive cars belonging to their parents, spouse, gf/bf, etc) they are suspicious about. Then they could specifically check to see what people's behavior was in regard to driving that car or not, etc.
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