Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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She IRKED me too many times. Her name is Wendy Walsh. She was rude to the friend of Travis too. She seemed to think just like Dr. Drew that everything has to have a mental diagnosis for it. I dont know why Dr. D is always having a partner now.

Sometimes, people are just pure evil. No diagnosis necessary.

Wendy Walsh was way over the top and wants her own show. So rude.
Interesting-- she stalked all the ex BF's EXCEPT Darryl, the older divorced guy she lived with for 4 years. She seemed to have no further "need" of him (except as an alibi, and gas cans), and never seemed to have any interest in stalking HIM.

Well we haven't hear the story of Matt yet.. lol

He is also on the defense's witness list, so that will be interesting.
Good morning all -
I had a VERY busy evening last night, so once court was over, I didnt see anything.

Katie - can you link the Dr Drew you were on? I would LOVE to see it.

I heard a few things when JA was on the stand that REALLY stood out to me on her character:

-She hacked into "Bobby's" email to prove he was cheating
-She confronted him in the BATHROOM (you cant make this crap up)

I know there was more, but this right here shows what kind of person she is and what she does. How her mind works. Even at 15 she was hacking into email accounts... who does this?

And Im not sure I believe the library story. "I took Bobby to a friends and went back to the library. I hit the back button and VIOLA i got into his email, saw he was emailing another girl and I could tell (by what she read) he really had feelings for her" (JEALOUSY) - then she goes to the friends house where the bf is and confronts him in the bathroom "cause I didnt want to make a scene" :puke:

I mean REALLY????? :what:

So is this the first time she confronts a boyfriend in the bathroom???? She has a thing for bathrooms.
Just popped back on to say once Nurmi asked Jodi if she killed Travis he opened the door for jM to ask her every minute detail about the murder. I can't wait.

I have a strange feeling that Nurmi would like to take one for the prosecution team and see her get convicted. I know that goes against good reasoning seeing as he is defense attorney and wants to win every case. But I am sure he
knows her.
BBM. I get what you're saying. Jodi very likely lacked effective discipline growing up.

And not to derail the thread on the topic of spanking and liberal-ness, but physical discipline is not really a legal or effective option for most law abiding parents now. I am not that old, but yes, we had corporal punishment and paddling in my public school in the Midwest into the early 80's. It is just a modern day truth that we have to acknowledge that times are very different now than in earlier decades. A parent simply is not free to strike, whip, or spank their children much above the age of swatting a preschooler on the diapered bottom for running into the street.

You see, if a school aged child goes to school and confides to a teacher that their parent hit them as discipline (or for any abusive reason, really), the teacher, by law, must report that to police. Police pass it off to social services, and the parent is then investigated for child abuse. Physical discipline of children is no longer tolerated anywhere in our society, and all forms of physical discipline are viewed as child abuse. Whether one agrees or disagrees with that, parents and teachers HAVE to abide by the new social norm. That is not liberal or conservative-- it just "is" what is now socially acceptable, and also what is the law. Parents (and teachers) must be VERY creative, and persistent to discipline children using incentives, and disincentives, that do not include physical discipline. A time out in and of itself is not a bad technique. There are many ways to correct behavior, but an adult has to be willing to continuously parent, correct, and guide. It's not an easy job-- never was, but maybe is a bit harder than in decades past.

K Z...sadly, you are right about this. I am old school. But it worked. I respect your thoughts because the world is changing.
Why is it hard to believe Jodi was beaten as a child? Do we really think she had an ideal upbringing, considering her later actions?

I think there's some confirmation bias going on around here. Seems some believe she is guilty and are just not going to believe anything that might help her case, no matter what it is.
I got some sleep to work off the headache Jodi's testiphony gave me yesterday. My heart goes out in a way to Mr. Nurmi, who obviously is having to put her on the stand in an effort to save her life.

None of his witnesses really worked out. Martinez was 6 for 6 in making them prosecution witnesses. The jury has certainly helped in that regard.

I know others noticed some of this, but I have to focus on the stories of violence she recounted with Bobby/Victor. Most obviously she used the "threated to kill my family" line she used with the Ninja Story. She also used the phrase "twirled me around and..." which Ms. Willmott used in conjunction with Travis temper tantrum in the den the fateful night. More than likely, that phrase came from Jodi.

"Twirled me around" reminds me more of a dance move than a move of violence!

I am both dreading and looking forward to today's testiphony. Since it is virtually impossible to get all the pieces together logically, I plan to listen for more use of later verbiage to describe past events.

Heck, we can't even tell if Bobby/Victor are dead or alive at this point!

Ms. Katiecoolady, I was so impressed with your appearance on Dr. Drew last night. I did find it condescending, however, that Dr. Drew and his co-host-of-the-week immediately made the point about the abuse claims. They seemed to take Jodi's word on everything and not consider what behavior on her part pushed her parents beyond reasoning with her.

I have a cray-cray younger sister who was very physical with my mother. Mom resorted to the wooden spoon after her hand was broken trying to get her under control. As for me, I never saw the wrong end of a spoon.

Back in the 60's, we didn't have school psychologists for the most part. There was no thing as ADHD, autism, etc. Children back then were classified as uncontrollable. There certainly were few opportunities for psychological counseling. I wish there had been and my sister DX'ed for something. Of course, there weren't that many medications to help back then either.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Jodi was somewhat like my sister, the sibling that fought back long and hard against her parents' rules. I know it probably won't happen, but I'd like to see someone (not Mom) from that family testify to what Jodi said.
Hi Anita,
If the caption follows the pix left to right, it looks to me like she is cuddling up to Mario............................and Victor?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and Bobby ????
Do we know who is who here? Since Bobby AND Victor are both in the pix, I have to assume this was when Victor was visiting Yreka??? And she introduced her NEXT lover Bobby, to then lover Victor??
Am I getting this right? I think the jury may need a play book.

I believe those were Travis' friends and maybe church or PPL people as well.
One of them appearing to have recorded this video of Travis doing the chicken dance.
The photo says they were in Utah and it was posted on myspace in a "friends folder dated Feb 29, 2008".

Why is it hard to believe Jodi was beaten as a child? Do we really think she had an ideal upbringing, considering her later actions?

I think there's some confirmation bias going on around here. Seems some believe she is guilty and are just not going to believe anything that might help her case, no matter what it is.


She said...mark her words...on tv interview that she had a happy childhood. Let's don't doubt her okay?
Good morning all -
I had a VERY busy evening last night, so once court was over, I didnt see anything.

Katie - can you link the Dr Drew you were on? I would LOVE to see it.

I heard a few things when JA was on the stand that REALLY stood out to me on her character:

-She hacked into "Bobby's" email to prove he was cheating
-She confronted him in the BATHROOM (you cant make this crap up)

I know there was more, but this right here shows what kind of person she is and what she does. How her mind works. Even at 15 she was hacking into email accounts... who does this?

And Im not sure I believe the library story. "I took Bobby to a friends and went back to the library. I hit the back button and VIOLA i got into his email, saw he was emailing another girl and I could tell (by what she read) he really had feelings for her" (JEALOUSY) - then she goes to the friends house where the bf is and confronts him in the bathroom "cause I didnt want to make a scene" :puke:

I mean REALLY????? :what:

Here you go.
Good morning posters, it has been fun reading all the insightful posts from last night.
Gotta get some things done this morning before trial comes on today. See ya later..
Hane a great morning!!
I got some sleep to work off the headache Jodi's testiphony gave me yesterday. My heart goes out in a way to Mr. Nurmi, who obviously is having to put her on the stand in an effort to save her life.

None of his witnesses really worked out. Martinez was 6 for 6 in making them prosecution witnesses. The jury has certainly helped in that regard.

I know others noticed some of this, but I have to focus on the stories of violence she recounted with Bobby/Victor. Most obviously she used the "threated to kill my family" line she used with the Ninja Story. She also used the phrase "twirled me around and..." which Ms. Willmott used in conjunction with Travis temper tantrum in the den the fateful night. More than likely, that phrase came from Jodi.

"Twirled me around" reminds me more of a dance move than a move of violence!

I am both dreading and looking forward to today's testiphony. Since it is virtually impossible to get all the pieces together logically, I plan to listen for more use of later verbiage to describe past events.

Heck, we can't even tell if Bobby/Victor are dead or alive at this point!

Ms. Katiecoolady, I was so impressed with your appearance on Dr. Drew last night. I did find it condescending, however, that Dr. Drew and his co-host-of-the-week immediately made the point about the abuse claims. They seemed to take Jodi's word on everything and not consider what behavior on her part pushed her parents beyond reasoning with her.

I have a cray-cray younger sister who was very physical with my mother. Mom resorted to the wooden spoon after her hand was broken trying to get her under control. As for me, I never saw the wrong end of a spoon.

Back in the 60's, we didn't have school psychologists for the most part. There was no thing as ADHD, autism, etc. Children back then were classified as uncontrollable. There certainly were few opportunities for psychological counseling. I wish there had been and my sister DX'ed for something. Of course, there weren't that many medications to help back then either.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Jodi was somewhat like my sister, the sibling that fought back long and hard against her parents' rules. I know it probably won't happen, but I'd like to see someone (not Mom) from that family testify to what Jodi said.

Why do I have the feeling, since Dad and the brother aren't there, that they would be called before the Mom would be?
Momma hit me with a wooden spoon a time or two and I have yet to kill someone! This is so stupid!

I expect to see her moma put the wooden spoon up on Ebay to be sold to the highest bidder.

Sometimes, when children paint in all black, they are flagged. Children are also sometimes held back because they are not socially appropriate for their age ... that makes them one year older and socially appropriate or children with corrected personalities ... or children that are held back for no good reason. Given the amount of trouble that Arias was in from the age of 5 or 7, it doesn't surprise me that she is on trial for murder.

I was flabbergasted to hear Jodi say she failed kindergarten. I'd never heard of such a thing. That's a HUGE red flag, IMO.

So I did a Google search and learned there a few variations as to why this happens. Some indicate trouble grasping academic concepts, but a shocking number of cases cite immaturity that manifests as: aggression, toy stealing, crying and screaming tantrums, kicking teachers, etc.

That made me immediately think about what Jodi's babysitter told Dr. Drew. She said that she couldn't leave the 5 or 6 y.o. Jodi alone with her little brother. Once, in fact, Jodi cracked him on the head with a baseball bat, leaving a big lump. She heard the boy screaming and ran to see what was wrong. When she asked Jodi what happened, Jodi just stood there saying she didn't know, didn't have a clue...

Sounds like as an only child for a while, Jodi got too used to getting all the attention. And then along came her brother to ruin it. When talking about her parents not giving her art interest encouragement, that definitely spoke of a child starved for attention.

I really want to hear her mother's side of why Jodi "constantly" got The Spoon. Was this child a holy terror from the start? (Think: "The Bad Seed.")

Jodi seems obsessed with getting the adoration that was taken away from her as a child. Then along came poor Travis, who worshiped her for five glorious months. Once she realized she just couldn't hook him, her dream of the good-life with him was really over, her unquenchable inner-child threw her biggest tantrum ever.

<In interrogation, she said twice, "I should have been an adult and confronted Travis... well not 'confronted' him, but...>

Similarly, Jodi's demeanor on the witness stand tells me she is LOVING this. She is waaay too poised and comfortable up there, from the word "hello" she was all in...

Finally, Jodi's getting ALL the attention she could ever dream of. Her art is even selling!! Where's her friggin' movie deal already?!! Ugggh
It's ok. I'll be prepared next time. And I will sit forward in my seat and interrupt at will to make my points. ;) Katie (the other katie) is really trying to get a JOB out of this...she's clearly selling herself and trying to become a trial reporter. She'd be good at it too. So she's got a different agenda imo. But I do think Dr. Drew will bring me on separately just to talk crime victims issues (or so said the producer today). So it's all good. I'm just glad to have survived it. We are looking in a far away camera...crazy!

PS my brother left me a long message with feedback about the show talking about how she seemed more glib and he said "you were taking this trial seriously and you seemed to be quite upset at Jodi Arias". Which is exactly the sentiment I'm wanting to convey. This is no party. It's a serious issue for me.

Wow, I had the same feeling as your Brother and just left you a pm before I even read this! I am looking back on all your posts I missed last night. :waitasec:

She said...mark her words...on tv interview that she had a happy childhood. Let's don't doubt her okay?

She also said if she killed Travis she would beg for the death penalty...when do we get to see that, which day?
OMG, I was just reviewing her description of the first time she saw Bobby Juarez. They were at a fair and he was with his friends. He was tall, dress in all black, gothic, with a white high collared shirt. Long black curly hair. Their eyes meet through the crowd, blah blah blah, she notices he's looking at her again. He's on crutches. He also wanted to go to San Francisco to be a Vampire Hunter.

Does anyone remember the movie "Lost Boys" from 1987? It starred Jason Patric, Keifer Sutherland and a bunch of sexy young guys as modern day vampires (some who dressed in black leather as she described BJ when he was older) and some dressed in that gothic look, like she described young BJ. The hero meets his love interest (a sexy female almost-vampire) at guessed it...fair. Here's a link to a clip of that meeting. I am almost sure that one of the main characters is on crutches in that movie. I'm ready to watch it again just to have it confirmed. Although she MAY have come up with the "Zipper" detail on her own. :moo:

Jodi Arias's lovestory is a Netflix Number One. :floorlaugh:

OMG, you're right!! There she goes with the movie clips replacing real life again!!
I have a strange feeling that Nurmi would like to take one for the prosecution team and see her get convicted. I know that goes against good reasoning seeing as he is defense attorney and wants to win every case. But I am sure he
knows her.

It sure has been strange. All through the trial I havent seen Nurmi even acknowledge JA sitting there.

Usually all defense attorneys interact at times with their client throughout the trial. Its like he knows he has to be there and do his job but isnt comfortable with it at all.

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