General discussion thread No. 15

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,,,(snip)And, you are
not alone. Leaving the kids in the room has had a major impact on people's thoughts and opinions related to this case, IMO.

BTW-- Welcome to WS! :)

Welcome to a great sleuthing community JMCDAD !

The first post on the original Madeleine thread was an expression of disbelief that the children were alone, followed by many others, with little discussion of the abduction.

They left the 3 year old babysitting two younger children?

I feel for them but they should be charged with negligence.

There's scarcely a page on this big board that doesn't reference the children having been left alone. Very few advocates of 'relaxed parenting' here..
It's made it hard for me to give the parents the benefit of the doubt on other issues.
Thank you for your responses and the welcomes :)
I appreciate the info

If in fact they left the doors open, thats even more mind boggling to me :banghead:

I had heard about the friend going just listening at the door, if you are going to check on kids, why would you just listen at the door? thats either being lazy or because the doors were in fact, locked?

I assume there were no fingerprints found either?

I hope they find her soon, and the person/persons responsible...
"There's scarcely a page on this big board that doesn't reference the children having been left alone. Very few advocates of 'relaxed parenting' here..
It's made it hard for me to give the parents the benefit of the doubt on other issues."

To me, "relaxed" parenting makes about as much sense as "open" marriage. Guess I'm just oldfashioned.

Either you're in for 100%, or not at all.
Another snippet from a new article, (Posted here on the Media Link thread. Again, I have no idea if this paper is a gossip paper or a legit news paper.)
He believes that the concerted fightback by the McCanns will reveal that, for all the police posturing when they named the couple as suspects, their evidence was at best flimsy, at worst supposition. ''He has told me he always worried that the evidence against the McCanns was weak," says one former policeman. ''He was worried it would not bear scrutiny."
He has complained that while fellow officers were leaking information illegally — Portugal has strict secrecy laws — the same officers would instruct him to deny the stories when printed. The problem for Sousa was that the denials rarely got into the media.

The result has been endless column inches slandering the McCanns. ''Some Portuguese journalists were fairly convinced the so-called evidence passed on to them by police was nowhere near as concrete as their sources suggested," says Jose Lugios, a freelance reporter based in the Algarve.
EXACTLY "WHO" is R. Dr. Francisco Gentil Martins? And, "WHY" is his residence marked on a map of the area where Madeleine disappeared from?

Here is the url to the map.

The map is at the bottom of this article,and his residence is between the Tapas Bar and the apartment that Madeleine disappeared from. I did a quick search but came up with little - none of which I could follow and get much information from.

  1. Hotspot | Portugal
    PORTUGAL. Technical Support. Rua Dr. Francisco Gentil Martins. Nº. 14, 1º Andar. 2795-083 Linda-a-Velha. PORTUGAL. Tel: (+351) 21 4196162. Fax: (+351) 21 4191684 ... - 9k - Cached
  2. Portugal Blue Pages - Business and Service finder for the Portugal ...
    Portugal Blue Pages - The Business and Service Directory for Portugal ... Rua Dr Francisco Gentil Martins, Ap 2 Bloc 6, Waterside Gardens, Luz. 8600-174 LUZ LGS ... - 11k - Cached
It APPEARS to me he is a Doctor - WHY is his residence marked so clearly on the map? What does he have to do with this case?
EXACTLY "WHO" is R. Dr. Francisco Gentil Martins? And, "WHY" is his residence marked on a map of the area where Madeleine disappeared from?

I have posted it on the Proboards site to run it past our Portuguese friends. I could not find anything "solid" in my search either.

Will let you know....

Apparently the R stands for Rue which means "street" in Portuguese. Our friends at the Proboards believe it is the name of the street and this map backs that up.
Thanks for the URL. Yes, it was pro-McCann, but it summed up what we know so far in a succinct fashion with no frills added for effect. Thanks again.
I think these are frills....

Also, I can now see the McCanns in no way abandoned their kids, as some have suggested.

The McCanns are also deeply religious, yet the Portuguese police want us to believe they have disposed of their daughter's body at sea or buried it in unconsecrated ground

The police now need to halt their campaign to pin this awful crime on two innocent people

Apparently the R stands for Rue which means "street" in Portuguese. Our friends at the Proboards believe it is the name of the street and this map backs that up.

Yes, it does appear to be a street. Thank you, Colomom.
Here's another frill from the retired cop:

I was amazed at how close their apartment was to the tapas restaurant.

Was he amazed that an abductor could have snuck in and out with the non-abandoning parents so amazingly close by?
EXACTLY "WHO" is R. Dr. Francisco Gentil Martins? And, "WHY" is his residence marked on a map of the area where Madeleine disappeared from?

I also thought this was
where a doctor lived when I first
read the map. In Portuguese they say "Rua" first so instead of Elm Street they'd say Rua Elm.
An avenida is
a bigger street or road.
Here's another frill from the retired cop:

Was he amazed that an abductor could have snuck in and out with the non-abandoning parents so amazingly close by?

It was close- no frills there.
75 yards, 100 as the walk would provide with turns around pools and shrubery ets...

Wow! That's amazingly close!

Oh wait, amazingly close would be next door. This is like, um, down the block or so.

Well, amazingly close is a subjective thing. Not like comparing it to dining in the garden or anything like THAT.
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