Sidebar Discussion #2

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No, to Amanda Knox. Apparently, they're both All Americans Girls, but poor wittle Casey has bad parents. :sick:

I guess I had a brain f@rt cuz I thought CA/GA went above and beyond for 3 years to free their little felon. But, now that I think about it, as far as JB's OS is concerned, they were bad parents. GA for molesting her and CA for allowing it. I wonder if that is going to be his reason. Oh! Wouldn't that just hack the A's off if JB/KC go on a media blitz telling the world how they were awful parents? I guess we will have to wait and see!
I was wondering what to wear for Halloween. I am going to a party in scrubs, with a hairnet and surgical mask and name tag that says JB. Hahahaha.......can't wait. Think I will stick a few velveeta wrappers to my "uniform".

OMG, I am losing it. :)

OMG - Sooo - funny!!! Too bad it isn't a bunch of WSers getting together for a Halloween dooo - you would bring down the house!!!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
amazing that your 1-10 comes straight from the website :)

didn't need any website to know the signs. Learned them in therapy lol. First I've heard of this website. This is the only website I frequent about Casey. Might have to check that out now lol.
JB is up to his old tricks!!!.....Don't buy into it.

I'm not sure if anyone has posted a remark regarding this BUT....JB is drumming up business and trying to ride on Amanda K's coat tails to get the job done. He's using PR to keep his "girl" in the news. JB and FCA can't compete with her so they are using her story to get in the news. He's hoping people will react exactly how they probably will. He knows darn good and well what CA did to get her "girl" off...what better than to PO AK's family off comparing her in anyway to FCA and if he can start a public fight between him and CA...all the better...As long as he can keep people mad at FCA, the "my life is in danger" card stays in his back pocket.
LogicalGirl...Where are ya when I need you. You keep reminding everyone NOT to believe anything that comes out of JB's mouth....Help!
Because it is a Canadian holiday today I had "The View" on this morning. Apparently some NY columnist other than TMZ made a similar comment, with several of the folks on The View nodding sagely - at the comment that OCA's story stayed in the news because of OCA's good looks....:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Duh - no to the Ladies engaged in Stoopid Thinking...:slap:

The case stayed in the news because of a beautiful little 2.5 year old girl called Caylee who was brutally murdered by her mother - IMO.
The off button was what happened to me watching the View.
Because it is a Canadian holiday today I had "The View" on this morning. Apparently some NY columnist other than TMZ made a similar comment, with several of the folks on The View nodding sagely - at the comment that OCA's story stayed in the news because of OCA's good looks....:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Duh - no to the Ladies engaged in Stoopid Thinking...:slap:

The case stayed in the news because of a beautiful little 2.5 year old girl called Caylee who was brutally murdered by her mother - IMO.
The off button was what happened to me watching the View.
Happy Thanksgiving LG.
amazing that your 1-10 comes straight from the website :)

I just checked out that website. WOW! All I see on there are ridiculous stories and theories about werewolves, time travel, and vampires. I see no mention of anything remotely serious.
Man - oh - Man! Wise up Jose - it probably isn't too smart to poke the hornet's nest!

Cindy and George supported their pathological lying monster daughter to the point of looking like absolute fools. All Jose needs now is for George to start singing about what KC was really like and what she really put them through their entire lives. Keep poking, Jose!

IMO...This is exactly what he wants..He made it on TMZ..didn't he. His camp is probably on FB right now laughing. Timed it pretty well also..Jurors names release is coming up...:banghead:
Didn't he have some inside connection to TMZ? This is most likely a deliberately provoking statement to rattle people (including the As) to get them talking about / interested in Casey again.

It's just more of "poor me, feel bad for me, my parents were jerks". Yeah, whatever, Casey. Your parents lied in court for you! Yeah, real jerks who campaigned for your innocence almost the whole time, and who helped you get out of prison. How dare they do all of that, which in your world, isn't support!

I am so beyond any sympathy for her, and she and her DT are just pathetic losers right now with trying to use Amanda Knox to get sympathy. Sheesh.

Wow, he called them both a pair of "All American Girls". Baez, seriously, I want some of whatever you're smoking because that is some good stuff keeping you sooooooooooo delusional!
Well... that's because they have much in common, including both being acquitted murderesses and liars! IMO.:twocents:
Didn't he have some inside connection to TMZ? This is most likely a deliberately provoking statement to rattle people (including the As) to get them talking about / interested in Casey again.

My theory is that TMZ is funding FCA. I think every time one of these stories come out on there FCA gets some $$. IMO
I doubt think you will be chastised - and you have my sympathy for suffering the abuse and my admiration for being a survivor. There are many many members on the site with similar histories. We had long long discussions about this subject in the family psyche thread.
We do tend to see what we have suffered. In other words, we see our own boogie men everywhere. It is part of our healing process. However, all of those ten points fit with many many a diagnosis.

I refuse to take the word of a pathological liar about this or any other subject. I need proof and none was ever found.

Thanks for the kind words. I do agree that these signs can be fitting to more diagnosis than just molestation/sexual abuse. And I also agree that my POV may be skewed because of my history. However, the secrecy around Caylee's paternity has always been a hinky one. All the secrets and lies (classic sign of incest in the home). As for proof, didn't expect there to be any. As is the case with most incest cases. Most are hidden way past any proof stage (physical evidence) and most victims don't tell or tell slight variations of the truth as to assailant. JMO. I know I did. I actually told a boyfriend first but told him it was my cousin not the real perp. Later it was revealed to my mother that first didn't believe it and then made excuses for it lol. My perp was never reported to authorities for fear of humiliating the family and my mother stayed with him. Sound familiar? Thank God my child didn't accidently drown (what an awful thought) or I may have been a topic of webslueths way before Casey. Not at all being snarkey just trying to lighten the topic with not much success lol. Now I'll drop the topic for I know it's really really not liked on this forum. Only reason to bring it up was in response to another posters question. That happens occassionally where I'm asked what leads me to believe this or that and the only way to honestly answer is to bring this up again. All just my own opinion based on my personal experience and knowledge of this case.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I also have my demons from the past as well. The night this story broke and I heard the 911 call, I said to my husband "That girl did something to her baby!" I was heartbroken to hear the anguish in CA's voice as she pleaded with them to help her find Caylee, and I was floored by the coolness that KC displayed when she spoke with the operator. Fast forward to a few nights later when the infamous party pics were now in the news. I looked at that jubilent face in the blue dress having a ball and I said to my husband "That girl has been molested as a child!" Those were my initial impressions in the beginning. That she had done something to Caylee and that she had been molested. She may have been molested. The only problem I have had with it is the chronic lies. Yes, all of the things you listed CAN be associated with a person who was molested as a child. And, I will agree that it is possible that KC was. I KNOW I was. And, with the exception of #1 and #9,( I suffer from an anxiety disorder), I have none of the others. KC, on the other hand, appears to have them all. That makes me believe that she suffers from something else.

Thanks for the kind words. So sorry you had to endure that as well. I too was immediately stating to anyone that would listen "WOW, that girls has been sexually abused". As for the lying, OMG I was the biggest liar lol. Until I went through years of therapy could I stop and understand why I was lying about the littlest of things for no reason. Who knows, maybe she was molested, maybe she wasn't. At this point, I tend to think she was. JMO.
Seriously? This is the sidebar's our refuge...please take any debates on the molestation to the proper thread. Really I don't think we should have to see this thread turned into a pro-KC one as well. Thanks!

First, I was asked a question by another poster and therefore answered it. I simply stated in my original post that I agreed with baez if you care to read back and see where this all started. Second, I never realized that this thread or forum, for that matter, was only for PRO-GUILTY. If that is the case, I will certainly move along. Geez! THANKS!
And like I said, Let the CHASTIZING begin!
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