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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. graphicsgal

    ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #2

    Me too...I haven't heard of any other little men missing in Boise. Very sad times.
  2. graphicsgal

    ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #2

    It was a deputy who pulled him out of the water..per the Statesman website.
  3. graphicsgal

    ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #2

    I am watching positive ID.
  4. graphicsgal

    ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #1

    Slightly off topic, but my 8 year old son just had his well child and isn't even 50 lbs. I always feel sad when I see people place neglect on size. I assure you, I feed my child when ever he wants. He is slight. His father is only 5'6", I am guessing that my little man will never be...
  5. graphicsgal

    ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #1

    I'm in Twin...wish I could have gotten to Boise for this today. My prayers are with little Robert. I know that I am holding my 8-year-old son a bit tighter today.
  6. graphicsgal

    Update your Avatar with a PINK BALLOON for Caylee

    Done...what a great idea!
  7. graphicsgal

    Former Tenant talks about Haleigh's Trailer

    My kids still like to sleep out in the living room (with their father...which is a whole different story) or with me than to sleep in their own room. They just feel safer. And because my kids have suffered some trauma of their own (husband was on meth and left us many times...he is now clean and...
  8. graphicsgal

    Turner Syndrome

    My cousin, who has Turner's, can be heck on wheels. Love her, though. She has some serious spunk.
  9. graphicsgal

    Drew is ENGAGED!

    I just saw this on Fox news...that they are together again...and had to get on here to see if I was really believing my eyes. Ugh! I can't believe they are back together again.
  10. graphicsgal

    Is this case on your "local" news?

    Yeah...not too much about it here in Idaho. In fact, most people have absolutely no clue what I am talking about when I mention it.
  11. graphicsgal

    What are you feeling right now????

    Admiration for the people who worked so hard on this case. Sadness for sweet Caylee. Compassion for the Anthony's who are no doubt really struggling. Gratefulness for my own sweet babies. And honestly, I am still baffled by Casey. I just don't get it. Perhaps beyond baffled, I am shocked.
  12. graphicsgal

    Crime scene photos CASUAL VERSION

    I agree..I don't see it, either. I don't think LE would release a pic of the skull. MOO.
  13. graphicsgal

    Issues with Jane Valez Mitchell, Wednesday, 12/17/08

    Hooray!!!!! I'm certainly going to catch it later. Thanks for the head's up!!
  14. graphicsgal

    Issues with Jane Valez Mitchell, Wednesday, 12/17/08

    I'm at work now but might have to catch this later just to see Captain Nieves. He is very easy on my eyes!!:crazy:
  15. graphicsgal

    Nancy Grace - Friday, December 12th

    I want to hide at the Ritz.
  16. graphicsgal

    Nancy Grace - Friday, December 12th

    Ugh...I forgot to set my dvr for Nancy...I'll just have to keep checking back here.
  17. graphicsgal

    Condolences for the Anthony Family

    My heart does go out to Cindy and George. Caylee clearly was a special little girl who was loved by her grandparents. I hope that they can find peace and comfort.
  18. graphicsgal

    Remains Discussion Part 4 UPDATE Caylee Tentatively ID'ed

    Awww...sad. The chloroform is bad enough...but to duct tape, too. That makes me very sad for little Caylee. And mad at KC.:furious:
  19. graphicsgal

    A gift for all of Caylee's hero's

    So lovely. Thank you...I also applaud all the wonderful people who worked so hard to bring Caylee home. I will this...this whole thing has made me appreciate my kids a lot more.
  20. graphicsgal

    Skeletal Remains of child just found 1/3 mile from anthony home

    Nope...I was thinking the same thing. I mean, they are already saying it isn't her. When will they believe it could be her? And will they really give her the memorial she deserves or continue to deny?

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