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DNA Solves
  1. S

    All Casey Cell Phone LOGS and PINGS

    Hi, Great job. If Casey was at the residence on the 15th and 16th of June as you may indicate and she left at 4:15 after trying to reach her parents, then maybe something did happen. I still think that if Casey did anything to Caylee or better yet was there when something happened to Caylee...
  2. S

    All Casey Cell Phone LOGS and PINGS

    Can each day be mapped out? Can a line be drawn like a graph starting at point A for the first and going on until the last? Could this be drawn up daily so that we can see where she was from the beginning of each day until there were no more calls?
  3. S

    All Casey Cell Phone LOGS and PINGS

    This is what is troublesome. Why did Casey not dispose of the body when it was fresh? If it was premeditated, would she not have planned what to do with the body? Carrying a body around and driving with the smell just does not seem right. If she planned this, why would she wait. There are...
  4. S

    All Casey Cell Phone LOGS and PINGS

    Casey was out of gas on 20th and 27th. Jesse said that he was with Casey on the 27th right. Am I remembering that right. Somebody out there do you know where that reference is? That is the day she left the car at Amscot and the morning Tony picked her up but I also remember somewhere seeing...
  5. S

    This thread is for posters that believe Calee is still alive #5

    In my gut, I believe that sometime after May Casey got involved in something and Caylee got caught in the middle. What that something is we can only speculate. I do believe that the final group of friends and maybe a few of the past group still involved with Casey may be involved in all of...
  6. S

    This thread is for posters that believe Calee is still alive #5

    It would seem that if there was a distinct smell at the tow yard, that the police would have been called and not a letter sent to George and Cindy to come get it. Somebody at the yard missed the boat.
  7. S

    Casey hooking/escort service/or what?

    Not if she just started this since she got together with the Fusian group. Casey's life seemed to take a drastic turn after May. All said this is not the Casey they knew. What happened from May to July 15th to change Casey's life and Caylees too.
  8. S

    Casey hooking/escort service/or what?

    George mentioned on his interview with LE that he saw Casey (either on the 16th or the 24th) that she had an event and was on her way to work. Could the event be a rendevous with someone looking for a quick "fling".
  9. S

    Casey hooking/escort service/or what?

    Lee was trying to find Casey's "black jack" (her work phone) that Casey told him was maybe lost in Blanchard Park. I believe some of this was 'code". She had a separate "work" phone she often connected to "Universal". Could she have been doing some side work for someone connected to...
  10. S

    This thread is for posters that believe Calee is still alive #5

    humm!! wonder----Casey it was rumored may have had a miscarriage. wonder if some of that could have been left behind. just thinking out loud.
  11. S

    This thread is for posters that believe Calee is still alive #5

    I agree you can't trust them. That is why so many innocent go to jail. They often bully people before even making an effort to listen. Casey complained of them not listening. Often in the interviews they cut off what the other person was saying. They never let anyone finish a thought. I...
  12. S

    This thread is for posters that believe Calee is still alive #5

    We must leave no stone unturned and everyone should be respected. Thanks Tricia for checking this out and making sure that TTT is one of us. She absolutely should be respected for the information she brings. It is LE's job to find the answers to her questions and make sure that this indeed...
  13. S

    This thread is for posters that believe Calee is still alive #5

    I agree. LE does not seem to follow up on all the leads. Did they interview TTT's 14 year old son and compare his statement to TTTs? I find that LE often decides right away who did what and doesn't go any deeper investigating other options ie. JonBenet Ramsey. Then everything gets cold and...
  14. S

    2008.08.19 Jamie R. Interview Only (Met Casey at Fusions)

    Did I understand JR that the blue dress incident was May 23 the re-opening and not June 20th as we had been led to believe? What is the truth? Anyone have those facts down pat.
  15. S

    Who is Annie D?

    How do you know Annie not involved in any way with Caylee? Are you a friend of hers? If she is a good friend to Casey, then she may really know something. Finding Caylee is our goal. Everyone connected needs to be given a chance to vent. No one is accusing anyone of anything. We are just...
  16. S

    Who is Annie D?

    I had not heard a lot about Annie D until today. I remember things about a friend, Annie but today after reading TTT about seeing who she believed to be Caylee at the airport on 7-2 with a lady that called herself Auntie D, and then the thread about Annie D, I just put 2 and 2 together and am...
  17. S

    Casey's PC and Related Searches #2

    Does anyone know the date she or someone else visited this site?
  18. S

    Casey's PC and Related Searches #2

    Didn't Casey tell her mom she was going to Jacksonville for a month to "work".
  19. S

    Casey's PC and Related Searches #2

    If Casey was planning on going to California, why not just go. If she had left town, nobody would have caught up to her yet. She could have stalled her mother and father indefinitely by saying they were settled in in California and that she wanted time with Caylee without interference from...
  20. S

    Casey's PC and Related Searches #2

    I don't know. This is just the only one of those sites that caught my attention. I am hoping experienced sleuthers can provide answers to my thinking out loud.

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