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  1. Jasmine_xoxo

    Anthony's in hiding due to death threats per WFTV

    I cried through the verdict this morning. Thank you so much for writing this, it really helped me see things more clearly. I have to step away and avoid all mention of the Anthonys for the time being...I've been following it for 3 years like so many of you and this verdict was really personal...
  2. Jasmine_xoxo

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    Yet LDB's rebuttal will be fresh on their minds when they go to deliberate tomorrow~~ that's a good thing!! :) IMO!!
  3. Jasmine_xoxo

    2011.07.03 Defense (CM) Closing Arguments #2

    From the other defense thread re shoes & socks... As a mom of 3 sons I can attest to the fact that when it was summer they were barefoot more than they weren't. It's meaningless IMO. PS CM history lesson = zzzzzzz
  4. Jasmine_xoxo

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    George is on trial now? This case is an episode of the Twilight Zone now...
  5. Jasmine_xoxo

    2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

    I'm envisioning a wide array of huge gorgeous pictures of Caylee all over the courtroom to remind the jury what this long fight was for. :heartbeat:
  6. Jasmine_xoxo

    2011.06.07 Sidebar (Trial Day Twelve)

    I've been following this case since 7-17-08. My youngest son's 1st birthday and the dy the news Caylee had been missing for a month came out. I've never been able to understand Casey at all & the more I read about the trial the less I can! If my little one was missing THIRTY ONE minutes I would...
  7. Jasmine_xoxo

    What is ICA Doing At Defense Table?

    One could hope she's writing a long really truly true confession...
  8. Jasmine_xoxo

    2011.06.07 Sidebar (Trial Day Twelve)

    Yup Agreed! I should have said nose too. I was typing while under siege from a 3yo and his Lego boat brigade heh :)
  9. Jasmine_xoxo

    2011.06.07 Sidebar (Trial Day Twelve)

    Mostly lurking...but... Couldn't ICA have used the playhouse to stash a doped up Caylee in other times? It'd be so easy...which we all know is ICA's style. Maybe the last time she did it she willfully duct taped her mouth, knowing full well little Caylee wouldn't survive and stashed her in the...
  10. Jasmine_xoxo

    2011.06.02 Sidebar Day Eight (incl Universal audio discussion)

    Hi, Lurker chiming in re hospice & other things: My SO's mom is in my home right now, under hospice care...they go ANYWHERE you are...nursing home, hospice facility, adult foster home, your own home etc... They are (as another poster so aptly put) angels on earth. They do also offer grief...
  11. Jasmine_xoxo

    Jason Wishert Has Threatened My Family.

    I think you are correct. :blowkiss:
  12. Jasmine_xoxo

    A message to us from Rosemont Farms

    Thanks so much for your kind words. :blushing: Sniifffffs you're so sweet :blowkiss: I'll still be around but it's harvest time soon and we're going to have lots of tomatillos, peaches, plums, pears, apples, pickles, berries and tomatoes to process. Whew I'm tired just typing that. Make sure...
  13. Jasmine_xoxo

    A message to us from Rosemont Farms

    You were my angel! I'll definitely keep in touch.
  14. Jasmine_xoxo

    A message to us from Rosemont Farms

    Well I think (hah I've said this before but this time I think I think I'm right or something like that) this has settled down for us now. I appreciate so much the time and care each one of you showed our farm, family and myself. So many people took time to email or send messages in different...
  15. Jasmine_xoxo

    Dede defends Terri - People Magazine

    There are no poisonous snakes in Western Oregon. It's too wet here. The ONLY poisonous snakes in Oregon are Rattlesnakes and they are in the drier regions (east and south).
  16. Jasmine_xoxo

    Dede defends Terri - People Magazine

    I long for the day my poor farm's name never is mentioned again on this forum. No offense. :furious:
  17. Jasmine_xoxo

    Dede defends Terri - People Magazine

    90% of the time I have my phone in my pocket while working at the farm too many pics I'd miss if I didn't... JMO
  18. Jasmine_xoxo

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    Well if this is the case we can't accuse them of wasting time...they're doing double duty by mixing business with pleasure.
  19. Jasmine_xoxo

    If Terri is guilty...why isn't she cracking?

    If you look back through history and nature the mothering instinct is well-documented. Even in adoptive and surrogate type relationships... But also as you look back through history (in humans) there are many cases of mothers whose mother-instinct was horribly broken. Whether it's hard-wiring...

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