2011.06.07 Sidebar (Trial Day Twelve)

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HLN just had a promo for JVM's program this afternoon, and she's going to be examining the mother- daughter relationship between Cindy and Casey today.
Does anyone have a screen shot or description of ICA when the officer pointed out the area near the playhouse as the place the K9 alerted.? TIA
Did they even get 5 hours of actual testimony in today? :(

there were over three (maybe four) hours of FOUNDATIONAL TESTIMONY just on the dog handler alone...

the last bit was on the actual car and than cross by DT and redirect..etc
What show ? I usually listen to KABC or KFI and I have not heard anyone discuss the case yet.

Another KFI fan here! John and Ken are my faves :) .... but Bill Carroll talked about the "bombshells" in the CA case on Friday's show.
I haven't heard any evidence concerning the duct tape yet, but I have heard other WSers who know this case inside out comment that the duct tape was over both the mouth and nose of Caylee. If that's the case...no person of even modest intelligence would duct tape the only 2 orafices from which a child can breathe, and expect to come back and find that child alive and well.

Just saying.

Yup Agreed! I should have said nose too. I was typing while under siege from a 3yo and his Lego boat brigade heh :)
Noobie here. Can no longer sit on my hands and observe...
The addiction to justice for Caylee is overwhelming. You guys are awesome!

This may have been discussed in the past, just thought I would throw it out there. Bear with me.
The dog hit in the backyard...GA/CA cleaned out the trunk, potentially with a wet vac of some sort. When I have buckets of water with cleaning agents, outside, I have locations in my yard I may dump this liquid, away from any small vegetation, but sometimes in a grassy area. Testimony has not yet been presented to this fact(?) But, isn't it possible the wet vac contents were dumped in the yard near Caylee's play area? This would leave a surface residue on decomp material (from the trunk) on the ground. The dog hit on it. Next day it was disturbed by the forensics team/scraped. The liquid did not seep far enough into the soil for the dog to respond the next day - it was scattered or removed.

If Caylee had drowned in the pool as the defense claims there would be no evidence in the yard. The remains would not have been there long enough for decomp.
I haven't heard any evidence concerning the duct tape yet, but I have heard other WSers who know this case inside out comment that the duct tape was over both the mouth and nose of Caylee. If that's the case...no person of even modest intelligence would duct tape the only 2 orafices from which a child can breathe, and expect to come back and find that child alive and well.

Just saying.

It was also in her hair. That duct tape was never meant to come off. Somehow Caylee managed to hold onto it through hurricaine weather, heat and being spread across the woods :great:
Noobie here. Can no longer sit on my hands and observe...
The addiction to justice for Caylee is overwhelming. You guys are awesome!

This may have been discussed in the past, just thought I would throw it out there. Bear with me.
The dog hit in the backyard...GA/CA cleaned out the trunk, potentially with a wet vac of some sort. When I have buckets of water with cleaning agents, outside, I have locations in my yard I may dump this liquid, away from any small vegetation, but sometimes in a grassy area. Testimony has not yet been presented to this fact(?) But, isn't it possible the wet vac contents were dumped in the yard near Caylee's play area? This would leave a surface residue on decomp material (from the trunk) on the ground. The dog hit on it. Next day it was disturbed by the forensics team/scraped. The liquid did not seep far enough into the soil for the dog to respond the next day - it was scattered or removed.

If Caylee had drowned in the pool as the defense claims there would be no evidence in the yard. The remains would not have been there long enough for decomp.

The jury has got to be convinced there was a dead body in the trunk of ICA's car. Come on, Defense, get with it. Too bad Zanny's gone. I kind of miss Zanny.
I was in the zone.









Sponsered by: Casey cam :great: (and the blurrier ones are reflector link in my signature)

The jury never see's this. :maddening:
You spoil us.
But even dogs with no training would smell the child they loved and lived with for the 3 past years. Those little furbaby pets lived in that yard and went out side to do their business every single day. They did not need training to know what belonged in THEIR yard and what didn't. And if their little friend was dead and hidden in their yard they would be sniffing and scratching and whining, imo.

I have had a lot of dogs throughout my life time. I think I have had dogs continuously for the past 58 years. And I think that every single one of them would have 'objected' if one of our family members was dead and buried in the yard. imoo

I thought the dogs had their own little place to pee and poop, I'm sure Cindy didn't let them have access to Caylee's area, that's just not cindy, she would never allow dog poop near Caylee.
That is a great plan. I know when the trial started I was going to put myself in an existence where I didn't know any facts. I was going to try to remain neutral and listen to the trial and then decide. That last about two days. lol JB is driving me nuts and he is his own worst enemy. jmo

I have no prior knowledge of JB. But from observing the trial, I find him to be rude, inexperienced (to put it kindly!), and not in the slightest likeable or worthy of any trust.

(Mods, I AM being kind here, so please don't slap me.)
But even dogs with no training would smell the child they loved and lived with for the 3 past years. Those little furbaby pets lived in that yard and went out side to do their business every single day. They did not need training to know what belonged in THEIR yard and what didn't. And if their little friend was dead and hidden in their yard they would be sniffing and scratching and whining, imo.

I have had a lot of dogs throughout my life time. I think I have had dogs continuously for the past 58 years. And I think that every single one of them would have 'objected' if one of our family members was dead and buried in the yard. imoo

Maybe so katydid..I have had terriers..and snoop, bark and scratch..although had full run of backyard. So do agree with you on a certain level..

Seeing the Anthony Furbabies..they were very small, ( Yorkies I think) and for some reason I just cant imagine they allowed them free run of their backyard...in fact I have known these small little dogs (4-7 lbs) are often trained to do their business in a "Litter Box"..Of course and as I said I am only speculating..but doubt very much these pups ever got close to that area of the yard...

Those K-9 dogs proved to me that Caylee had been in that yard long enough to leave residue decomp odour/scent..not just her death..decomp residue doesnt occur immediately to leave enough for any cadaver dog to hit on..at least from what I recall..and GEORGE would neveer have stashed her back there either....Yikes this must be so heart breaking for both CA and GA to hear!!
The jury has got to be convinced there was a dead body in the trunk of ICA's car. Come on, Defense, get with it. Too bad Zanny's gone. I kind of miss Zanny.

I miss Zanny like the toothbrush I threw out three years ago...

MOO of course LOL:truce:
I have no prior knowledge of JB. But from observing the trial, I find him to be rude, inexperienced (to put it kindly!), and not in the slightest likeable or worthy of any trust.

(Mods, I AM being kind here, so please don't slap me.)

come on Kat.. let it all out.. this is the decompression and decontamination thread... just no outright bashing...

vent away Kat!:woohoo:
I was in the zone.

The jury never see's this. :maddening:
<snip> :gthanks:

The mock juror leaves court today disturbed and deep in thought.

(P.S. The mock juror is probably getting on everyone's nerves now, so this may be her last post.) ;)

No! I like the mock juror's perspective!

And as annoying as JB is, I'm extremely grateful each and every time it happens. He's a 'gift' that keeps on giving.


Wonder how many times per day they each want to say "stop talking to me, I'm not listening".

Did ya'll notice that ICA doesn't seem to be getting many words in response to her long whispers? In fact, it appeared to me that JB actually turned away from her at the end there, during the stuff going on re: photos Eidetic posted...very interesting body language there...

I had an unexpected detour to my day and missed almost everything,BUT I caught JB harassing Bones' handler about not finding or alerting on any human remains at the recovery site( TG for XM radio in my car !). What was point of that? If the jury didn't dislike JB before,they probably do know.
It was POINTLESS. Waste,a huge waste.

I don't think it was a waste...well, it was for JB, but not for the SA's case, IMO:)

I watched a few minutes of Forgey's testimony today and thought he looked very familiar. Then it hit me: he's an older version of Casey's childhood friend Jeff Hopkins. Anyone else see the similarity?

I do see it now that you mention it! Weird but also speaks to what we've been saying--normal, regular, hard-working people...they make relatable witnesses IMO.
LOL...the "mock juror" is me. I haven't followed this case closely, so I'm hearing all of this as the jury is hearing it. Just trying to give WSer's who know this case inside out how it looks from someone who doesn't know the case well. :)

Works for me. I'm intrigued how much "mock juror" sees the same way many Websleuths do.
I have no prior knowledge of JB. But from observing the trial, I find him to be rude, inexperienced (to put it kindly!), and not in the slightest likeable or worthy of any trust.

(Mods, I AM being kind here, so please don't slap me.)

Ditto from me Mountain_Kat.
I particularly didn't like the way he was cutting down the last witness. And Baez's voice changes when he gets all snooty. I hope the jurors pay attention to that too.
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