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DNA Solves
  1. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Hi Makara Please see the following link from the Bureau of Mete0rology. It shows the rainfall for each day of August 2007. I have copied the...
  2. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Hi Gemini Girl :seeya: (I know its the "see ya" emoticon but I couldn't find a "waves" one! :-)) My impression was that the Prosecution's own witness (former major crime squad officer Marc Fogg) did not think that LR was running around hiding evidence. He was walking around accompanied by an...
  3. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    I have included my comments in bold and underline within the snipped body of Dark horse's post.
  4. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Here is a link to the article mentioned by Dark horse regarding the spade and the star picket.
  5. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Here is a link to the article mentioned by Dark horse.
  6. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Hi YoureNicked Thanks for the vote of confidence! :tyou: I think, and I truly hope, that after working on this case for 5 years, the police have already generated and either supported or disproved this possibility about the place card.
  7. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Hi Dodo Yes, I know what he told the PA, but I think (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that he only told her that to try to explain how the card could have ended up in Kings Park. He also said that he was driving Corryn's car on the night of the Chamber's dinner. So yes, that story...
  8. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Interesting article. I wonder what they think they will be able to recover from the computer; 5 years after CR's death?
  9. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Totally agree. Maybe that is why he is appearing to be so smug. If he wins this case, in addition to getting away with murder (if he is in fact guilty) it will also prove what a great lawyer he is. :rolleyes:
  10. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    I still can't get my head around the place card. Okay, lets say that the place card found in Kings Park, found it's way there via LR. If so, why on earth would he take it home in the first place?????? I wonder why the police think he took the card from the restaurant? If he wanted to take...
  11. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Yes, its in this report from The West Australian, but it says that Corryn's card was found in the boot.
  12. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    What are your thoughts regarding the missing teeth on the zipper of Corryn's jeans? I read in one MSM report that the police had used a metal detector to search for the teeth at the Como property. In some ways that doesn't really fit in with the Prosecution's assumption that the zipper was...
  13. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    I don't think he will take the stand, but I would looooove to see it if he did! :) I have wondered how actively involved he has been in formulating the defense strategy.
  14. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Hi Thinking Benjamin Roberts committed suicide in Kings Park. He went missing on 22 April 2007 and his remains were found in the Kings Park in July 2007. Members of the Roberts family were in the park searching for his remains and came across the card on 11 August 2007. The location of the...
  15. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Place Card If someone was trying to frame LR and relying on the place card to be part of that plan, its a pretty flimsy method of doing so. Anything could have happened to that card after it was dropped. If there had been any decent rain between the time it was dropped and when it was...
  16. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    It is an unusual spelling, but the name of the victim in this case is Corryn. We can't do much for her now, but it might be nice to do her the honour of spelling her name correctly. JMHO.
  17. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    I can see how some people might like to keep a name card as a memento of a lovely evening out or for sentimental reasons. The problem is that the way that LR has been presented by the Prosecution, he does not seem to be that type of person. Hard to imagine that a man who is alleged to have...
  18. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    That's weird that they didn't make it clear. Doesn't make sense to just assume the judge knows why they are making a point without spelling it out. The problem with making an argument about LR using the vacant house as part of a murder plan is that the car was only left in Kershaw St...
  19. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    I have inserted my comments in bold and italics.
  20. Solaris

    Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

    Hi YoureNicked Do you have any thoughts, or was it made clear why the Prosecution was asking Mr Webb about his vacant house on Kershaw St and whether or not there was any access to the backyard? Please see 1pm entry on the following link for context...

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