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DNA Solves
  1. D

    Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

    I can say with 100 % certainty that if I had, G-d forbid, been in this kind of situation, my parents would have been waiting for me when the plane landed. No matter how much they hated my spouse, no matter what arguments we may or may not have had, they would have been there -- even if I was so...
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    Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

    I don't think they did either, but it would be highly coincidental if the one time that Caitlan and the children were outside just happened to be the time a CIA drone was passing. I have no doubt the family went through hell, but I also suspect that JB is not being honest. I've also considered...
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    Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

    In both the US and Canada, I suspect the normal laws simply aren't going to work in this situation. The kids are all eligible for citizenship of both countries, but there is no official record that they were born at all. I don't know how insurance works in Canada, but in the US, as far as I...
  4. D

    Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

    The thing is, I might agree with the parents that this was an instance of someone mentally unwell after a trauma, except for the fact that JB was raising some red flags and making questionable decisions before this capture. Plenty of people protested treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo...
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    Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

    The elder Boyle's statement is the most hopeful thing I have heard so far. It shows me that at least someone on the scene is seeing the alarm bells, and might be able to be a responsible advocate for CC and the children in a way JB is not. I wonder if they are the ones who recognized that she...
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    Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

    Whatever else he is, the guy's a raging narcissist.
  7. D

    Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

    Came to check if WS had a thread on this. Glad you didn't let me down! Add me to the skeptical chorus. What gets me isn't that Coleman is wearing a hijab, it is that she's been pictured wearing one since her release even though previous pictures suggest she didn't wear one just before the...
  8. D

    Oscar Pistorius - Sentencing - 7.6.2016

    You know, even after the first trial, I thought the notion that Masipa might have been paid off was far-fetched, because generally, I operate by Occam's Razor: if there is a simple explanation, that is probably the correct one. It was a terrible decision, but the most sensible way of...
  9. D

    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #69 *Appeal Verdict*

    I agree -- but my point is that, in technical terms, the DE conviction means that the identity of the deceased shouldn't matter. What matters is that the accused knowingly acted in an unlawful manner and failed to meet the standards of PPD. The part of Masipa's decision that accepted that it was...
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    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #69 *Appeal Verdict*

    Fascinating discussion. My quandary here is that I think Pistorius being convicted of murder is the just outcome, but I'm not sure that it is legally correct, so far as the SCA (as opposed to Masipa) is concerned. Or, at the very least, I think it is being selectively applied. IMO, Pistorius...
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    Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #69 *Appeal Verdict*

    To play devil's advocate for a moment, if, in fact, Oscar Pistorius had shot a burglar who had broken into his home one night while he lay sleeping, I would be fairly sympathetic to a self-defense claim EVEN IF his actions fell somewhat short of the threshold for a legally justifiable killing...
  12. D

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    But Junebug, there is something objective: Oscar admits to killing Reeva. This isn't a case in which we're not sure who the killer was and just picked on the significant other - we KNOW that OP shot her. There are other things we know as well. We know that Reeva had her cellphone with her in...
  13. D

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    This is going to sound odd, but after cynic's helpful recap above, I don't necessarily think that Masipa got it wrong on eventualis. I think the mistake was on directus. We've been focusing on Masipa's silly argument that OP didn't necessarily intend to kill whoever was behind the door, and...
  14. D

    Discussion between the verdict and sentencing

    I didn't pay as much attention to the details of the trial as a lot of you did, but one of the things that strikes me as so bizarre about Masipa's verdict is that it seems like she adopted a line of reasoning that even the defense wasn't arguing. From what I could tell, Roux's primary...
  15. D

    Trial Discussion Thread #53 - 14.12.9, Day 42 ~ final verdict~

    I still can't get past the idea that it is in any way plausible that your automatic assumption wouldn't be that the strange person in the bathroom would be, you know, THE PERSON WHO LIVES WITH YOU. No one suggested that OP had a history of sleepwalking or nighttime hallucinations. Masipa...
  16. D

    LeAnna (Mom) #1

    With respect, I think post 1830 is cherry-picking comments rather than doing a straight reading of the text. If we didn't have any other reason to be suspicious of LH, I don't think most of that segment of the speech would raise a red flag. She calls Cooper "perfect" three times. She says that...
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    LeAnna (Mom) #1

    I just posted on the "does anyone think RH is innocent?" thread explaining why I thought HE was guilty as sin. But I'm not seeing any kind of smoking gun for LH, and while I think it is possible she was in on it, I also think it is possible she really is innocent. A few points: 1. Maybe it is...
  18. D

    Is there anyone that believes Ross is innocent?

    I'm unimpressed by a lot of the little pieces of evidence against RH, and was even before the AJC article came out. Looking up child-free websites? That could just mean following a link off of another article he had been reading. The insurance policies? Lots of people have those. "There was no...
  19. D

    Family Sues School District for Indoctrinating Their Children Into a Cult

    This is so bizarre - I just don't get it. I read through the whole allegation of what happened; if true, the parents belief that the teachers (especially one of them) began by majorly overstepping boundaries and then convinced the daughters to engage in a series of weird behaviors that ended in...

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