Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

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I am troubled by this thread. I do not understand why our members are not giving Boyle and Coleman the same respect that WS usually demands be given to victims. At this point, neither Boyle nor Coleman have been named as suspects of a crime. So, how is it that we are allowed to attack them? Why aren't we giving them the same compassion that we give to other victims?

Perhaps we should wait until more official information is released. It seems unkind to disparage this couple without having true knowledge of their motivations for their actions. Until LE informs us of any wrongdoing, I think we should restrain from attacking this couple.

Am I alone in this thinking? I just think we should wait until we actually learn more.

You are absolutely not alone! This has happened on a couple of threads I follow, so much hate comes out that I just need to click the "unfollow" button and move on. Sometimes I report a post and it will get removed/edited but when it's the majority of posters, I just have to stop reading...
I am troubled by this thread. I do not understand why our members are not giving Boyle and Coleman the same respect that WS usually demands be given to victims. At this point, neither Boyle nor Coleman have been named as suspects of a crime. So, how is it that we are allowed to attack them? Why aren't we giving them the same compassion that we give to other victims?

I don't know. I have seen the same thing on other forums regarding Kayla Mueller.

People seemed far more interested in dissecting her actions that led to her capture and making assumptions, condemnations and negative proclamations about her socio-political beliefs (progressive) than they were about her story as a victim.
Joshua Boyle blames Caitlan’s pregnancy for the cause of their abduction and imprisonment. :gaah: :silenced:

Boyle believes they were abducted because “it was well-known by the eventual-kidnappers that Caitlan was heavily pregnant,” he explained in an email to the Canadian Press. “[The captors] spoke often immediately following the kidnapping that ‘America will pay for you very quickly, America will not want to risk the baby is born here in prison.’”
Joshua Boyle blames Caitlan’s pregnancy for the cause of their abduction and imprisonment. :gaah: :silenced:

Boyle believes they were abducted because “it was well-known by the eventual-kidnappers that Caitlan was heavily pregnant,” he explained in an email to the Canadian Press. “[The captors] spoke often immediately following the kidnapping that ‘America will pay for you very quickly, America will not want to risk the baby is born here in prison.’”

So captors think that they are going to be the very first ones paid a ransom by the U.S. just because they kidnap a pregnant woman?! Not likely, but even if it’s true, anyone with common sense and as much knowledge of terrorism as JB claims to have could have predicted that kind of reasoning by kidnappers and refrained from taking his “heavily pregnant” wife to such a place. If women refrain from drinking (and hopefully smoking) during pregnancy to protect their baby, why would any husband suggest going to Afghanistan with his pregnant wife? Every time he opens his mouth he shoots himself in the foot...mixing metaphors I know.
“We ask the media, until Joshua and his family have begun intensive therapy, to please understand that these are not the words of a man who is well right now.”


Joshua became a spokesman for terrorist Omar Khadr. Omar was a murderer who once lived with Osama bin Laden. That's how close Omar's ties were to international terrorism. In 2009 "healthy" Joshua married Omar&#8217;s sister Zaynab Khadr. Zaynab Khadr publicly announced that the Sept 11th terrorist attacks were justified. One of Zainab's marriage ceremonies was attended by Osama bin Laden. The US government has stated that Omar's and Zaynab's father was an [/COLOR]associate and financier for the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. The Khadr family is known as Canada's First Family of Terrorism and "healthy" Joshua chose to be a family member.
Boyle is constantly emailing media, sending photos. I am outraged that he immediately violated her privacy as soon as they landed in Canada and continues to do so. Was hoping she had time to recuperate in hospital away from him and kids now that they have become familiar with grandparents. He won't even allow her space to address her health issues now. Manipulative, narcissist, publicity-seeking jackass.

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Unbelievable that he would send this photo to the media. And for what? What is his motivation?

I've never seen a husband behaving so bizarre.
&#8220;We ask the media, until Joshua and his family have begun intensive therapy, to please understand that these are not the words of a man who is well right now.&#8221;


Joshua became a spokesman for terrorist Omar Khadr. Omar was a murderer who once lived with Osama bin Laden. That's how close Omar's ties were to international terrorism. In 2009 "healthy" Joshua married Omar&#8217;s sister Zaynab Khadr. Zaynab Khadr publicly announced that the Sept 11th terrorist attacks were justified. One of Zainab's marriage ceremonies was attended by Osama bin Laden. The US government has stated that Omar's and Zaynab's father was an [/COLOR]associate and financier for the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. The Khadr family is known as Canada's First Family of Terrorism and "healthy" Joshua chose to be a family member.

I do not see JB getting any help. IMO he seems to know it all. I hope CB, being away from him a bit, is strong enough to take off the head scarf, get her children, and get away from JB, so they become healthy physically and continue to improve mentally, but PTSD will always be with her. MOO
Every time he opens his mouth he shoots himself in the foot...mixing metaphors I know.

Not much to add right now that is at all productive so I will just say that I love your mixed metaphor, Lilibet!

ETA: I know it's not technically a metaphor. More like an idiom. Nonetheless, I still like it. =)
The elder Boyle's statement is the most hopeful thing I have heard so far. It shows me that at least someone on the scene is seeing the alarm bells, and might be able to be a responsible advocate for CC and the children in a way JB is not. I wonder if they are the ones who recognized that she needed immediate medical care.

News organizations are in a tough spot, but I do think that hospital picture was crossing the line, and should not have been printed.
The elder Boyle's statement is the most hopeful thing I have heard so far. It shows me that at least someone on the scene is seeing the alarm bells, and might be able to be a responsible advocate for CC and the children in a way JB is not. I wonder if they are the ones who recognized that she needed immediate medical care.

News organizations are in a tough spot, but I do think that hospital picture was crossing the line, and should not have been printed.

I hope so but idk. It’s also possible they are reading what people are saying all over the internet, or that extended family is like wtf is he saying. They apparently supported his marriage to Omar’s sister (her name is escaping me). I would think a well respected judge would not be thrilled with his son being associated with people who closely knew osama bin laden, let alone married to one. The sisters articles posted a few pages back when JB and CC were still captive also seemed like they don’t think JB could do anything wrong. Painted a perhaps not so accurate picture of him IMO.
It'd be nice if his wife is able to make her own choices. She is NOT his property... no wives should be.
Kind of insensitive of that photo to be released... but at the same time-- her expression is so somber--- unlike the older photo where she is smiling. :(
After what she's been through-- I wouldn't blame her if she wanted to leave him.
There are other ways to be intimate that will not result in pregnancy.

JB said himself that they had a lot of time on their hands so they decided to start a family (paraphrasing). So I don't think they would have requested BC. I truly don't think they were forced as a couple by the Taliban to have sex. I think if anything, it's more likely the decision to have sex and start a family while living in a dirt hole was that of JB.

Actually, he said that his wife's "clock was ticking" and they want twelve children, so they decided to get started even though it was dangerous for her to be pregnant four times in five years and absolutely terrible to bring three children into that environment.
Actually, he said that his wife's "clock was ticking" and they want twelve children, so they decided to get started even though it was dangerous for her to be pregnant four times in five years and absolutely terrible to bring three children into that environment.

Boyle wanted 12 kids with his wife?!

Exactly how would he support 12 kids, does he even have a job?
Not much to add right now that is at all productive so I will just say that I love your mixed metaphor, Lilibet!

ETA: I know it's not technically a metaphor. More like an idiom. Nonetheless, I still like it. =)

Ha! Thanks! Yes you&#8217;re right. Somehow saying &#8220;mixed idioms&#8221; didn&#8217;t roll off the tongue the same way as &#8220;mixed metaphors.&#8221; I plead poetic license. But I must get mine renewed. :D
Actually, he said that his wife's "clock was ticking" and they want twelve children, so they decided to get started even though it was dangerous for her to be pregnant four times in five years and absolutely terrible to bring three children into that environment.

Yes he said both her clock was ticking and they had a lot of time on their hands

“We're sitting as hostages with a lot of time on our hands," Boyle told The Associated Press in an email Monday. "We always wanted as many as possible, and we didn't want to waste time. Cait's in her 30s, the clock is ticking."
The thing is, I might agree with the parents that this was an instance of someone mentally unwell after a trauma, except for the fact that JB was raising some red flags and making questionable decisions before this capture. Plenty of people protested treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo; marrying a woman with known terrorist ties is quite another matter. As is deciding, without telling any friends or family, to go into a particularly dangerous area of Afghanistan with your heavily pregnant wife, supposedly because you think you can help people that no one else can reach. So, this isn't a total aberration, even if whatever inclinations he had before this were exacerbated by captivity.
With all the things JB has said and e-mailed to media in the past week, I can safely say he is the last person I would what to be stuck in a cell with for 5 years. One of his sisters said JB boasted in a letter he wrote during captivity that he kept them the family entertained by telling the history of WWII for 18 hours.

His sister also said that Joshua told them in a letter that the oldest child loved to play International Space Station with a blanket. Sounds cute, building forts with blankets. Now he says the child had never seen the sun.So how would a 4-year-old in a cell have any concept of earth or space if he'd never experienced anything beyond the cell. I think he has been disassociated from reality for a long time.

it's actually quite possible ... no one said the captors are swift

So captors think that they are going to be the very first ones paid a ransom by the U.S. just because they kidnap a pregnant woman?! Not likely, but even if it’s true, anyone with common sense and as much knowledge of terrorism as JB claims to have could have predicted that kind of reasoning by kidnappers and refrained from taking his “heavily pregnant” wife to such a place. If women refrain from drinking (and hopefully smoking) during pregnancy to protect their baby, why would any husband suggest going to Afghanistan with his pregnant wife? Every time he opens his mouth he shoots himself in the foot...mixing metaphors I know.
Yes he said both her clock was ticking and they had a lot of time on their hands

&#8220;We're sitting as hostages with a lot of time on our hands," Boyle told The Associated Press in an email Monday. "We always wanted as many as possible, and we didn't want to waste time. Cait's in her 30s, the clock is ticking."

That's true, except what woman in her twenties is worried about a ticking clock? He's lying. Her clock was not ticking. His child was not murdered. I highly doubt his wife was raped. He's too fat to be a hostage of five years. He's currently exploiting his wife by publishing hospital photos of her.

We accepted that he was a victim, but everything that comes out of his mouth makes me doubt that. Why is he embellishing if he really was a victim?
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