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  1. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6 An interesting article just posted in the NY Times...... Out of all these suspected cases, the priest in Spain could be a worry. Have just read Denmark now has a case as well...
  2. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Am just catching up again, and have heard on the news about the guy from Yale university, and our news is reporting such headlines as " US losing control of containing Ebola crisis." The US and Spain seem to be the two countries outside Africa most affected. Spain seems to be under control...
  3. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Hi guys.....just to tell what our government has said today............Australia will not be sending any medical staff to help, the prime minister has contacted countries closer to Africa to try to ome to some sought of agreement where if any citizens of Australia become sick/may have...
  4. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Re the protocols not being enforced: that was what I was saying in my post..............they need to be enforced!
  5. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    Now she rang a couple of times...........this is not at all the nurses fault............CDC must be absolutely in damage control now!!!
  6. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    One thing the CDC need to realize and realize it fast:..........their protocols need to be as strict as possible and enforced. Sorry that may upset a few people, but I do not trust this faith that the CDC have that people are always going to do the right thing.................and please I am...
  7. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #6

    This news about the nurse flying on the plane has just broken here in Australia...... and now I see the above posts where the CDC have told her it was okay to fly with a fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in Australia and I am absolutely furious, so can just imagine how you US posters must be...
  8. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #4

    I don't have a question, yet, but just want to take my hat off to you.......:hero:
  9. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #4

    AAAAAaaaaahhh if you read my comment I said I hope they are not blaming the nurse!!!!......I am responding to previous posts from an MSN article that was posted where an authority said that re the nurse being sick in Texas they were looking at "a breach in protocol"...........therefore it looked...
  10. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #4

    I really hope they are not going to blame the nurse affected here....... Maybe they should lay the blame at authorities, who weeks ago did not take seriously this threat of ebola travelling into other countries, and therefore a man from an outbreak area in West Africa was able to enter the US...
  11. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #4

    I haven't finished catching up yet, but just had to applaud this
  12. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #4

    Yes I just saw that breaking news......terribly sad for the health worker, especially if they contracted it when Duncan first went in there.....that seems very unfair and makes me angry at the irresponsibility..... They haven't said how this person got it...........if not from the first visit...
  13. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #4

    Yes re the training of the people who have survived it: excellent idea........ if it's proven they are immune, which I gather it must be. I have not seen any fundraising at all for West Africa here. I remember with both tsunami's, it was in papers and tv and telethons etc to donate and there...
  14. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #4

    I'm with you GardenLady......... I actually still can't believe how slow the richer countries of the world are in trying to contain this!!! It must be contained in West Africa which is going to cost lots of money, and yes money that needs to be spent really, really soon! It is great they are...
  15. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

    I for one definitely do not think this is a conspiracy at all.........I think it is very real....Like I mentioned on here before, I saw a little article must have been six months or a little bit longer in a newspaper about an outbreak, and I think there was about 10 people......I watched for the...
  16. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

    I don't know how I feel about you guys (US) sending in 4000 troops as well. While I know that borders etc are going to need to be watched and it seems like they are going to be doing more of a policing job, it just doesn't sit right with me to take the risk with that amount of people from...
  17. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

    AAAAhhhhh you mentioned that dreaded word that I have been hoping would not come up: mosquitoes!!!! Last night on one of the forums a scientist of some sort was speaking about it mutating to be spread by mosquitoes and he was even questioning if it wasn't already possible, as the other...
  18. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

    And my stomach just churned even more!!!
  19. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

    Here is an excellent article about what is happening in Africa... If Bill Gates has donated $50 million and other countries would be chipping in, then how in the heck are bodies being dumped in the streets because the people are not being paid?????? And if that is a pic of one of the...
  20. revampz

    Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

    Re the dogs and the antibodies, that is what I thought as well....and I am sure someone is on to that.... Have just caught up with this thread and I am feeling my stomach churn......last night I stayed up reading various forums from all over the world and everyone is feeling the same way...

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