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  1. L

    2010.5.5 New Tommy Lyndsy Jailhouse Tape-discussing pills

    I also remember seeing a doc about the drug bust with ToC and I recall that he went into bushes behind a business or something (please don't ask me to find it, I wouldn't know where to start) my point being the PO-lice might be with holding that tape for other reasons. Isn't the story that RC...
  2. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    The other thing I always have to remind myslef of all the time is....RC and MC had only been together for what..5 months!!!! Haleigh was only in MC's life for mere months before this nightmare happened. This group wasn't really this intertwined for years like it seems, just a few months...
  3. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    Almost seems like she didn't have much of a lawyer, some of us are wondering what in fact her lawyer did do for her. Yikes. There is a whole ongoing thread from earlier today about Hope's sentence under the main Haleigh section.
  4. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    Just showed tape of RC saying to undercover "haha I like to get high, that's why I'm asking you" (asking what drugs uc is on cause RC hears him sniffing)
  5. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    If Tommy really does know what happened, like his lawyer just said, he is obviously the weak link that is going to talk, by the sounds of it already did, so the rat in the mailbox by Ron was a foreshadow to who he was worried would be the rat. Rate Gate = Tommy Knows. His lawyer just...
  6. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    If Tommy really does know what happened, like his lawyer just said, he is obviously the weak link that is going to talk, by the sounds of it already did, so the rat in the mailbox by Ron was a foreshadow to who he was worried would be the rat. Rate Gate = Tommy Knows. IMO
  7. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    Shrink says Hope is a sociopath. not sure I agree, i think she is full of bravado for sure..but is a TEENAGER for the love of god.
  8. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    Whoops, sorry it is TOMMY'S lawyer that is on. He said tommy is looking at minimum 3 years
  9. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    Just showed the tape where Ron is offering up Roxies to the undercover. I remember reading that getting caught with Roxies was a bigger offense. (not sure why) Wow that was about a 2 minute segment and we are back in commercial again.
  10. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    nancy said rons lawyer is on after the break. OT- why would Misty talk now?? She knows she is screwed and going to jail for a long time after what has happened to Hope. She will clam up for sure now I think. Better to do hard time as a druggie than a child killer. IMO
  11. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    I think Hope is right on her phoner when she says Misty had the pills cause she copped two pills and tried to blame the guy she bought them from. Yep, true true. Silly Hope should of fought this charge!
  12. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    Sorry mods, I think I started a thread when I meant to post a response. so Sorry. Hope gets over a DECADE in prison. Nancy says the judge brought down the hammer! Message to MC. When hope says on the call..You think I'm bad now wait till I get out. She's right. You don't meet the...
  13. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    ...the only thing that still bothers me about Hopes no contest plea, is the fact that if Hope did understand her plea would lead to a minimum 15 year prison sentence, WHY WOULD SHE PLEA NO CONTEST? Who would do that? She clearly doesn't feel she deserves the trafficking charge in the first...
  14. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    This sentence is a toughie. After watching the uc video again and listening to her phone call to Mom again, I think Hope got some bad legal advice pleading no contest. I wonder if she can appeal? From the video I can't really tell if Misty handed her the pills or if Hope had them. Either...
  15. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    I was looking for the jailhouse call from Hope to her Mom that they played in court today, but coudn't find it. Here is the undercover drug bust vid with Hope in the back seat for review:
  16. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    yep festering wound on hand = microphone in foreground. lol
  17. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    But look at the photo previous, same hand with the id bracelette and no festering sore on his hand at all there..
  18. L

    Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

    Haven't read the thread yet, but WOW, 250 thousand and 15 years. Her life is ruined, she will spend what were to be the best years of her life in prison. If this doesn't get the others shaking in their boots, I don't know what will! K going to read the thread now...
  19. L

    2010.04.23 Drug Involvement from the Beginning

    I remember Misty stating to her father in a jail house tape that their family wasn't so innocent (meaning cummings family), she said every last one of em was into dope. I understaood that to mean TN and RC and whoever else was in TNs world. So dope was part of life for multi generations of...
  20. L

    2010-04-17 Is Tommy the weak link, or a good liar?

    Good point, but for ToC to admit at this point in having ANY culpability would land him in big big trouble. You can't help someone dispose of a body and not get in big trouble.

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