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DNA Solves
  1. Zak

    Jury ends deliberations for the day.

    I watched ICA sitting at the DT table waiting for everyone to come in to the courtroom. It seems to me that she has completely changed her demeanor since this morning when she sat there stone faced. Now she was chatting it up with JB and smiled several times. I bet ICA and the DT are starting to...
  2. Zak

    We the jury find the defendant Casey Anthony...

    Exactly!! There is no innocent explanation for the duct tape being stuck to Caylee's hair. It had to be on her face and hair when she was dumped in the woody area. Had it been wrapped around the plastic garbage bags then it would still be there or plastic residue from the bags as they became...
  3. Zak

    2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

    I think that when the jury's instructions are finished that they will go to lunch and then to deliberate. I really believe that there will be a verdict today around 5pm. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying for justice for Caylee!
  4. Zak

    2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

    You are correct! ICA has no soul! My hubby (who did not follow the case as closely as I did) commented on the way she just sits there with her stone face. He wonders why after all these weeks of people tesitfying against her or saying awful things about her that she hasn't snapped. I think that...
  5. Zak

    2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

    How very sad that even the grandparents are getting rich over the death of Caylee. After seeing CA taking notes through the entire trial I figured she was writing a book that I, for one, will not buy.
  6. Zak

    2011.07.03 Defense (CM) Closing Arguments #2

    Bad move letting CM speak. His voice alone is boring as heck. I'm sure the jury is getting pretty restless at this point. I've followed the case and trial since day 1. Nothing has changed my mind. ICA is guilty of premeditated murder. For all of those that the DT's closing arguments have...
  7. Zak

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    JB is all over the board, he's lost me and probably all of the jurors. OMG he has blamed everyone but his client. No one but the DT has done anything correctly. Totally unbelievable. IMO he just put the last nail in ICA's coffin. Everyone in the world is to blame except his client. By this time...
  8. Zak

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    CA is too busy taking notes, writing down her feelings for her upcoming book. So sad, the $ made from the death of your beloved grandaughter!
  9. Zak

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    Bravo:aktion: Wonderful post. Thank you!
  10. Zak

    What did we learn today 7-01-2011

    Today I learned without a doubt that this was a premeditated murder. I had held out hope that this was an accidental death that ICA attempted to conceal with an imaginary kidnapping that failed miserably. (I just hate the thought that any mother could intentionally murder their child even though...
  11. Zak

    No intruder?

    My bold. The same can be said for IDI. IDI can not prove that any of the items didn't belong to the R's.
  12. Zak

    What small foreign faction?

    I must admit that I have never heard anyone make a threat to behead a 6 year old child, but I'm sure that there are many threats made that I have never heard of. I do know of one 6 year old child that was beheaded, maybe you remember him, Adam Walsh.
  13. Zak

    Cords, Knots, and Strangulation Devices

    Thanks Cynic. That is what I thought. If I follow the logic of some IDI's, then how do I know what is contained in this report? How do I know it even exists? Why should I not consider it hearsay? If this report does exist then why not make it public? Afterall, ML said there is a report, but she...
  14. Zak

    Cords, Knots, and Strangulation Devices

    I have a question about the DNA. Has the report from Bode ever been made public? I can't remember ever seeing it.
  15. Zak

    Prior Vaginal Trauma

    And yet this "perp" only asks for $118,000.00? The ledger was there, listing all of the R's assets and even an idiot would have seen that they were worth millions. So why the paltry sum? Even JAR said he could have paid that amount. Sorry, not buying it. There is no way that a "perp", intruder...
  16. Zak

    Ransom note analysis

    Not sure if this has ever been discussed before, but I just went back and read the Ramsey Christmas letters. In the 1996 letter I noticed the PR spelled the word traveling incorrectly. This is what PR wrote: "John is always on the go travelling hither and yon." It appears to me that she...
  17. Zak

    Ask Super Part 3

    I found it and you guys were correct. JR's dad married his ex-wife Lucinda's mom.
  18. Zak

    Ask Super Part 3

    Somebody please correct me if I am wrong, but I thought it was JR's mom that married his ex-wife's dad. (I thought JR's dad had passed away.) In the meantime I will search DOI to find out for sure.
  19. Zak

    What small foreign faction?

    I agree with you that he isn't from the south but doesn't change the fact that he still thinks he is southern with Atlanta being his home. I suppose after living there for so long that he just adopted the south as did PR and we already know that she considered herself as southern.
  20. Zak

    What small foreign faction?

    Thanks for the link....very interesting. My dad was born in WVA and many of his family were from Parkersburg. None that I can remember referred to themselves as southern though. That is why I said that I don't consider PR to be southern.

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