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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.19.16 - Day 37

    I think maybe the white paint was to touch-up the inside of the trailer. The Ram pick up is long and wide, I wouldn't be surprised if the trailer got gouged up or scratched when TB's truck was winched in. Since the pick-up was going to be painted anyway, they could buff out and coverup the...
  2. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.19.16 - Day 37

    Doesn't even look like a gun to me. Looks kinda like a "superspike", you use them to build low fences. We used them once. They are metal (painted black or green I think) and you put 4" X 4" lumber into them, then sledge hammer them into the ground.These pictures look like the superspike is...
  3. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.19.16 - Day 37

    Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 5s6 seconds ago May 25, 2012: Millard to Mi Negro: I'm a mission right now in Woodbridge, staking out a place, hopefully catch what car this kid drives... Was wondering about this from April 18th, was DM surveilling his ex-fiance? He had a condo in...
  4. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.19.16 - Day 37

    I thought of this too, however, I doubt that all of the different vehicles in DM's "car collection" would have had insurance or annual license plate stickers, just to be driven a few times per year. I just can't see DM being meticulous about these things. MOO the TB truck was headed to Mexico...
  5. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.19.16 - Day 37

    Maybe MB bounces too much in her turns when she is skiing. Might happen.
  6. S

    Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #10

    I agree, and it is also almost impossible to turn cash into a mortgage payment, as it was mentioned there was a mortgage on the hanger. JMPO
  7. S

    Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #9

    I agree. DM could have buried the toolbox and knapsack easily, he had three Bobcats and an excavator to do it without cracking a sweat. So he is using his minions to get the evidence to MS, and get a phone call made to CrimeStoppers. JMO
  8. S

    Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #9

    I was thinking about the blue backpack that smelled like weed. What would be the value of the drugs in it? Anyone hazard a guess ? I don't know the street value of marijuana, but if the backpack was stuffed full of it, like 10 pounds of the stuff, wouldn't that point to DM being a dealer? Way...
  9. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.07.16 - Day 32

    Made soup during their lunch break ! lol
  10. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.06.16 - Day 31

    Wondering about a witness(es) getting immunity, and testimony blocked out, in exchange for testimony. To preserve their safety/privacy. Ex-finance of DM keeps coming to mind. JMO
  11. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.06.16 - Day 31

    Only reason I can come up with is that the gun(s) were very expensive to buy, and DM and MS still did not believe they would ever be caught. I truly believe they both thought everything was just going to blow over, and they would go pick up the gun(s), and continue on with life. JMO
  12. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.06.16 - Day 31

    I wonder if MS was just physically sick. If he witnessed a bloody murder, and had to help clean up a very messy crime scene, he may have been too traumatized to help at that point. Not enough of a psychopath to get over it quickly.
  13. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.05.16 - Day 30

    Is it possible TB threw his own phone out the window of the truck, if he realized something really bad was about to happen ? This way his cell phone could not be destroyed, and it would preserve text(s) from the prospective buyers whom he may have feared at this point. I guess it would depend on...
  14. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 04.05.16 - Day 30

    Wondering if the plan was to car jack TB's truck at gun point. Leave TB by the side of the road, and squeal off in his truck. Since gun safety doesn't seem like a priority to either of these two, maybe MS pulled the trigger by accident. Still doesn't explain the incinerator.
  15. S

    Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #8

    I really wonder if the commercial bank account(s) for Millardair were in overdraught nearly to their limit, and the bank wouldn't increase it, or transfer the debit to a line of credit. DM did withdraw the $3,000 just before his arrest, and maybe thats all he could get out of the bank. Also the...
  16. S

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.31.16 - Day 28

    I am fairly new here, but I can answer this question. We had work done on our property with an excavator for several weeks. The "ether" is used to start the engine of the excavator, in my case it was a diesel excavator, don't know if only diesel needs ether. They would start the machine in the...

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