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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

    I think the subject of a life insurance policy on Kyron likely being a part of the divorce agreement KH and DY have has been discussed here... so assume both KH and DY have policies on Kyrons. Upon Kyron's death the Hormans would come into soe money... and then if KH suffers an unfortunate...
  2. M

    2010.07.03 Sheriff confirms Kyron last seen *inside* school

    I have wondered all along if it isn't possible he is somewhere in the school... or somewhere very close to the school. I still believe he was led away from the school, on foot, by an adult or older student. Although I am not convinced that after all this time, if he is deceased, that he is...
  3. M

    2010.07.01-Family/ LE Presume Kyron Is Alive~ Need SM To Cooperate UPDATED 2010.07.03

    Perhaps DY and KH are appealing to TH to cooperate and reveal info about what may have led to Kyron's abduction- maybe she spurned a lover? was involved in drugs? It is possible she was secretly involved with something/someone and that led to someone else taking Kyron and only details TH knows...
  4. M

    2010.07.03 Sheriff confirms Kyron last seen *inside* school

    Gosh, every time I begin to lean one way, I am hurled in the other direction!
  5. M

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    So, it just occurred to me.... What if the RO and filing for divorce is all fake? Not that KH didn't do those things... but what if TH and KH together are responsible for Kyron's disappearance and Kaine filing for divorce, taking off with the baby and getting a RO is all part of the act? Had...
  6. M

    2010.07.01 - Source: Terri Horman lied to investigators

    Wait-- TH called the school? During the day of his disappearance??
  7. M

    2010.06.29 -- LE says TH not POI nor suspect

    This is how I feel too, but I can't explain this scenario with him having been delivered to school. The accidental "snapping from rage" doesn't fit with him having been seen at school. So, I am stumped. :banghead::banghead:
  8. M

    2010.06.29 -- LE says TH not POI nor suspect

    bbm Hmmmm... makes me wonder if they lied about or embellished the results to TH and KH, promting KH to begin divorce proceedings and removing their baby?
  9. M

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    BBM Even if charges are never brought against her (or anyone else) she will be sort of like Patsy Ramsey, forever tried by the media and assumed guilty by much if not most of the country. Short of evidence absolutely clearing her or someone else confessing or being convicted, she will remain...
  10. M

    2010.06.29 -- LE says TH not POI nor suspect

    I posted a question in another thread last night but wanted to re-ask it here, in this more appropriate thread- Would the police fib/bluff that TH failed the 2nd polygraph even if she had passed to put pressure on her to give up info they think she may be hiding? If they told her...
  11. M

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    Do you think LE might have told TH she failed the polygraph even if she passed to try to get her to crack? To put the heat on her, they could have told KH the same thing and believing it to be true, he split? Maybe I just watch too much Law and Order MOO
  12. M

    Alternative Theory..Child on Child crime?

    this has been my theory all along. We have some 15 yr old 8th graders at our k-8, and they are often buddied up with younger kids for reading help and special projects and parties. My DD had the same 8th grade buddy all year. I am assuming they are looking at what older kids were tardy/absent...
  13. M

    Did a Serial Killer/Pedophile Hit 32 Years Later?

    BBM- or he was incarcerated for other crimes and was released. Wasn't the creep who kidnapped the Groenes connected to kidnapping/murder in California? I think it is entirely possible/likely that the person responsible for Kyron"s disappearance has done this before.
  14. M

    Could Kyron Horman’s disappearance yet have a happy ending?

    me too. Although I was pretty sure Elizabeth Smart was dead too...
  15. M

    Stranger abduction theory

    i know a couple of boys who just graduated from 8th grade at 15... these are big kids!
  16. M

    Stranger abduction theory

    With regard to SAR dogs... could the rain between the time he is believed to have vanished from school and the time that dogs were brought in to track his scent affect what the dogs pick up?
  17. M

    Stranger abduction theory

    I do not think he was taken by stranger, nor by a parent (bio or step). I think the perp is someone he knew, likely a teenager at his school and parents of the perp are covering for their child. I think Kyron left school on foot with this person(s) and is hidden (deceased) very close to the...
  18. M

    Unanswered questions about Kyron's case ***LIST ONLY-NO DISCUSSION***

    bbm This and has Kyron has any older friends, particularly middle schoolers who may have mentored him at school, "buddy" programs or just any older students who took an (unusual) interest in him? Who lives near the school? I am really, really feeling like this is the likely scenario...
  19. M

    SM as a potential focus of the investigation

    If I were TH and knew I was innocent, I think I would be freaking out, knowing I was the last known person to see Kyron and insinuations by the press that I was suspected of being resposible. "What if Terri did it?" surely is running through the minds of her friends and family, even if just...

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