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  1. B

    The case for murder

    I think that they have every right to question the le considering how much evidence they have found themselves records, additional footprints, head trauma, all of which the le did not come forward with. I don't think that they have bashed any law enforcement agencies. And would love...
  2. B

    The case for murder

    So people don't have a right to question an investigation when they strongly disagree with the end results of the investigation? I thought it is our "right" as citizens of this country to fight for injustice when we see fact that is one of the things that helped found this country. If...
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    According to this article the witness was blown off by le.
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    It does not state it in the ar or sw. Just states his initial suspicions.
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    Le absolutely can follow up on anything reported. If they did not do this we wouldn't be constantly hearing about cases that become resolved weeks, months or even years later. Jmo.
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    I have been in a situation where I have had to call cps on a few instances because I do work with small children. Once a report is made they are like a dog hunting a bone, they don't just let things be. With there being other children in this household, it would not surprise me at all if they...
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    Living in a resort area near the beach I would imagine that people might think that the yell came from there.....maybe a few college kids partying on the beach. Also, with the reports of the loud music and neighbors thinking a party was going on, I don't find it strange at all. After the fact...
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    I wonder if cps might still be has a fatal accident and then rz is very likely murdered in the same week. There are still children involved in this household, wonder if they see this as a cause for concern. Jmo.
  9. B

    Zahau family asks for new investigation, pic of new shoe print also

    The problem I have is that there should be no le footprints in any crime scene picture because all the pictures should be taken before the scene is touched or walked on. So if they do Try to say that, they will look like even bigger idiots after the whole mess with the original one foot issue...
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    Here is the link When you go on the article, scroll down to comments and keep scrolling till you get to writeaboutit comment. Very very interesting.
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    The case for murder New interview with rz sister.
  12. B

    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    Great find! Reading that post gave me the chills....
  13. B

    What happened to Rebecca Zahau?

    Here is a link of an article on hinky about the house floor plan and what could've happened that night. Also, the discussion forum for this article is very interesting as well.
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    I can not speak for anyone else on this matter, but for me personally, I find that my isssue is more about reading statements that seem to be completely made up scenarios with no links or evidence that backs these statements up. Some statements are made out to be like they are facts when they...
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    As a child I along with my siblings would jump from the banister of my childhood home all the time. I would also climb on the other side of the banister and walk along the railing. I would climb trees and use my backyard fence as a balance beam as well. Not the smartest thing to do, I realize...
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    Series of bizarre incidents? Do you have links to these? And, IMO, there is a huge difference between a babysitter and a soon to be fiancé.
  17. B

    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    I agree. Try packing a suitcase to 50 pounds, and then try throwing it. Also, rz was only 5'3".... That makes it even hard. Imo
  18. B

    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    The type of scooter that I believe was found at the scene was a razor. These scooters are extremely lightweight and are great for doing tricks, like skateboard tricks. A person can ride railings and curbs and do jumps just as a skateboarder would do, and the fact that it is a scooter instead...
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    Max's Search Warrants Released!!!! Discuss Max's Death here #2

    Could it be possible that the reason officer erhard was not administering CPR is that Rebecca already was? I could imagine that an officer would not just sit by twiddling his thumbs and let this boy lay there with no help. Jmho
  20. B

    Search Warrants Unsealed Shacknai Zahau

    Homicide Lt. Larry Nesbit tells the San Diego Union-Tribune ( Wednesday that Rebecca Zahau's (zah-HOWZ') cell phone had been searched manually, but will now be examined with a new Windows-based operating system that was not previously available...

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