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DNA Solves
  1. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

    I took care to a parrot for a guy in the service while he was overseas. Tolly was a Amazon Blue Front. He would sit by the window and wolf whistle at anyone who went up the road...LOL. And he'd get on a rant of " You're F'd", you're F'd, you're F'd; where the F you going? Where the F you been...
  2. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #13- Arias/Alexander forum

    I just got an article from my vet about using pot for animal pain. PM me if you're interested. Prayers for kitty.
  3. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #13- Arias/Alexander forum

    They can teach you how to give fluids under the skin. It's really easy. The needle just slides under the extra skin on their back at the nap of the neck. I've had 2 cats I've had to do it for. Once you get the hang of it, it's a snap. Prayers for kitties. I thank the good Lord every day for a...
  4. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

    I agree with the Mods. That case will poison everyone. There are too many open wounds just waiting to have the scab ripped off. I'll be following the Andrea Schniederman (sp) instead. I also won't discuss it on Facebook, because it breaks up friendships faster than a cheating boyfriend...
  5. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

    I agree with Doctor G.. the medical Examiner... There is no good reason for duct tape to be near the body of a dead child.
  6. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

    What branch of the Catholic Church is that y/n? Beautiful vestments. God calls everyone in his own time, not ours. It takes a long time to discern where He wants us sometimes. For now, He's put me here taking care of Mom. And I know it's very difficult to find orders that will take us older...
  7. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

    You're more than welcome to join our hermitage. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: There's my mom who is 92, my sister who is 64 and me who is 58. We don't drink, don't do drugs. Smoking and food are my two only vices. Other than that, I'm boring as hell. I like my "sorry life" as your son calls it...
  8. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

    I know what you mean. I have dear friends in Washington. First, he got kidney cancer, so they took his kidney. Then they found it in his lung so he was on chemo. Then his wife (who smokes) got lung cancer. She's free after surgery, but she's still smoking. Then they found her husband's cancer...
  9. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

    A carton is 10 packs. If you go to some place like 7-11, they are over $6.00 a pack here. They're getting ready to raise the tax again on us though. I'm old enough to remember 50 cents a pack. My worse trigger is setting in front of the computer. My doc told me if I get to less than 6 a day...
  10. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

    :seeya: Hello fellow Oregonian. I've smoked for almost 40 years. I've tried the e cigs, but I draw so hard to get the vapor it makes my tongue hurt :floorlaugh: . The only time I've been able to quit was when I had pneumonia in 2004. Course I started right back up as soon as I could :banghead: I...
  11. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

    There's a brush out there called a Furminator... I used it on my Pixie Bob and it works really good at getting the hair out. I got a little carried away on his one side though though and it looks like he's had chemo :floorlaugh: Mine love to be vacuumed, so I use a rubber brush on them and...
  12. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

    My sister said that when her and my brother in law were transferred to Panama, that was the hardest thing. She said you could actually hear the huge cockroaches walking around at night. I sense my place would have bullet holes all over. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
  13. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

    Seriously, that would freak the he!! out of me. Oregon is lots of things, but it's not friendly to those things thank God. We don't tan here, we rust. So dry weather things don't do too well here unless they have web feet. :floorlaugh:
  14. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

    Get thy butt down to the local hardware or Home depot store...there are sprays and granuales you can use to prevent them from getting in the house or kill them if they're there. I'm pretty tolerate of spiders and such, but I'd have my handgun out for scorpions... :floorlaugh: It's my zodiac...
  15. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

    We have such a short season here that it's not worth breaking my back digging. I've found this really works well... Here's a site, and you can bing for many many more! :seeya:
  16. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

    Next time you try, look at using hay bales or straw to garden in. Just hollow out a spot in bale, put in some miracle grow soil and plant. You can move them if you have to. You tube has a bunch of ideas. I have my lettuce this year in a old wheel barrow. No slugs and I can move it.
  17. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    I don't know why Shelby, but you look beautiful to me. You have more grapes than I do.....I avoid cameras whenever possible. The last pic that was taken of me was at a friends house and we're both wearing paper bags over our heads...
  18. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    Translation? It's about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  19. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    Pony dance anyone?
  20. Whack A Mole

    SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

    It's like watching someone to try dance the Pony with the trots. :floorlaugh:

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