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  1. L

    Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

    I taught special ed and I've had the pleasure to have worked with many, many children of all backgrounds. One family stands out in my mind to this day. The dad died of Lou Gehrig's disease and the mom took it really hard and went "beserk" and got caught up in drugs. The 3 children (kindergarten...
  2. L

    2011.07.08 - Dateline NBC

    Me either. I'm so done. Disappointed and done. I don't care what happens now. Justice was NOT served. I feel so badly for Caylee. I guess the up side may be that he doesn't have to grow up in such a dysfunctional family, but still....
  3. L

    What Got/Keeps You Involved in Caylee's Case?

    For me personally, I have an ex sister in law who is exactly like ICA so I can see the similarities. I thought there was only one person on this earth like my ex SIL. I was wrong. That interests me. Also, the extremes that this case represents are fascinating to me. It's like a train wreck...
  4. L

    George and Krystal Holloway/River Cruz *MERGED*

    If GA told KH/RC it was an accident that snowballed out of control, he may have been confiding in someone he thought he could trust. IMO, GA & CA knew all along ICA wasn't working at Universal for 2 years and didn't have a nanny-they just went along with it to keep peace. Once Caylee went...
  5. L

    June 24 and 25 ICA Video loops saying something? (MERGED)

    Another DT bombshell?? :crazy: Maybe someone CA tried to call on her cell?
  6. L

    Trial Catch-Phrases /Bloopers,Baezisms and just plain funny MERGED

    Good for your son!!! hope he enjoyed it!! :great:
  7. L

    LKB hired as HLN, 'In Session' contributor Baden will be on for duration of trial

    I don't like her either. And I won't watch any show with her on it. The thing that is so annoying to me is when these defense attorneys can't stay within the realm of reality. She is so heck bent on defending, defending, defending that she (and Jayne Weintraub too) spew any garbage they can and...
  8. L

    Trial Catch-Phrases /Bloopers,Baezisms and just plain funny MERGED

    I've been following the trial... and today I turned the tv on and it was too loud so I turned it down quickly and Baez happened to be speaking when it was really loud, and my 9 year old daughter was in the room and she said, "Yeah, Mom I was gonna ask you to turn that down b/c that guy is soooo...
  9. L


    I'm not sure if this actually qualifies for something about the trial that frustrates me, but when I watch the testimony, I am sooo frustrated that -in retrospect- ICA spun her lies and let so many resources, time and dollars go to waste when she knew exactly where her child was. She let all...
  10. L

    From Whence to Casey's Tears Flow?

    Yep-no one has called her on it until now. Her family, I believe, has at some level, doubted her lies, but as I know all too painfully well, that it is much easier to let a sociopath/liar get away with their lies than call them on them. Until-there is such a HUGE issue you can't let them get...
  11. L

    Dr G Medical Examiner

    Thank you!! I hadn't thought of that or that aspect of it. My mom has a pool exactly like the Anthony's and when my kids were little (Caylee's age) I never let them in their yard w/out supervision b/c I feared they'd find some way to get in the pool even though my mom assured me they couldn't...
  12. L

    Linda Kenny Baden *MERGED*

    The thing is is that what the defense lawyers working for KC and the talking head defense lawyers say is not reasonable. They claim things that explain KC's behavior but it is not reasonable. I hope the jury doesn't buy their line of crud either. It is impossible to explain her actions in any...
  13. L

    What is ICA Doing At Defense Table?

    Exactly what I wanted to say only you said it better!! In her mind, this is a minor snag she has to overcome to live her "bella vita." She very well could be making lists of all the things she wants to do when she gets out.
  14. L

    Trial Analysis

    I don't think JB is a very good attorney at all. I think the State is doing a better job of presenting their case than the defense is doing by trying to show reasonable doubt.
  15. L

    Just one more day, mom...

    I don't think KC is all that smart. Just manipulative, deceitful and in-your-face when she doesn't get HER way. No one ever really challenged her in her life, for whatever reason. She had to believe LE would believe her bull and let her off the hook for this , just as her family had believed her...
  16. L

    2011.06.03 - Nancy Grace - Alleged "Zanny the Nanny" speaks out.

    I wonder if JB will visit KC after the trial is over and she's found guilty-as a friend? Not just an attorney-or if he'll move on.
  17. L

    2011.06.02 - The Nancy Grace Entertainment Show

    You could be right. She doesn't look good that's for sure. I hate to sound snarky, but she is looking very ugly right now. And at her best, she wasn't nearly as pretty as she thinks she is. During those hot body contest days, she looked attractive at best, but now she is downright homely...
  18. L

    2011.06.02 - The Nancy Grace Entertainment Show

    Thank you!! Your comment made me LOL!!!!:laugh:
  19. L

    A not so beautiful life.. either way you slice it

    There are very few of us but we are here!! LOL!! The thought of her getting off and going free sickens me. It would not be her bella vita, but good enough for someone who committed a heinous crime and gets away with it. I am having a hard time imagining her going back to her family but I...
  20. L

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

    It took me awhile to figure out the duct tape-but I think it had/has to do with the decomposition angle. Didn't she google something like human decomposition? She might have learned about a body leaking fluids. I didn't know that happened-let alone through the mouth and nose. She might've...

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