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  1. J

    Enter new thread ideas here! (All new threads must be approved)

    I would like to see a thread with poll about "What should happen if/when Casey has another child." I work for the state of Florida in child welfare and know a lot about the standards for removing children from homes as well as terminating parental rights. They are in civil court, so if a...
  2. J

    Burying Pets Concocted Story for Defense?

    But I don't think Lee lied, did he? I have a hard time believing that he did. What I wish in regards to this testimony (and have wished it since the trial) was that in their rebuttal, the prosecution had called Kiomarie and said how she and casey used to bury things in that area...again...
  3. J

    What did we learn today 7-04-2011

    A thousand lies cannot substitute for one horrible truth.
  4. J

    Who won in court today? 5/31/2011

    Hearsay involves 1) an out of court statement 2)given for the truth of the matter asserted. There are all sorts of exceptions. And if it is not given for the truth of the statement, it isn't hearsay. So for instance, "she said her mother was crazy" would not be hearsay unless it was given...
  5. J

    Padilla NOT revoking Casey's bond - Increasing Security

    Here's one little thought that just occured to me: With a holiday weekend coming up, Casey can't escape from her house to her attorney's office. She has to sit there...with her parents going crazy. With the circus getting crazier outside. With protests increasing. If Casey doesn't...
  6. J

    Gathering for Caylee - NOT IN THEIR FRONT YARD

    I hate to be a naysayer but PLEASE DON'T RELEASE A BUNCH OF BALLOONS INTO THE AIR! It really causes pollution and damage to animals...we don't want a bunch of dead birds and sealife to result from this. Surely there is a more appropriate memorial than polluting with dangerous objects????
  7. J

    Bring a tissue and watch this video.

    What a beautiful girl. I agree that, as sad as it is, the pictures of Casey are sadly appropriate. All those pictures of Casey and Caylee--who took them, probably Cindy is my guess. It's obvious she loved them both very much. It's really sad and tragic that Casey couldn't see that. I...
  8. J

    What charges do you think Casey Anthony will face?

    I think murder 1. Because no matter how difficult it might be to prove premeditation, I think any jury when faced with all of this craziness would want to do the right thing, and sometimes a jury will "connect the dots" so to speak. I hope she gets life in prison with no chance of parole...
  9. J

    Deputy Tony Rusciano, Fired For Lying About Sex,

    And...regarding the lying of this new Tony... All of her other friends who were part of the affidavit...EVERY SINGLE ONE...was shocked and appalled and came forward very willingly. Perhaps because they all had connections with Caylee, so it was personal that there was a sweet little girl...
  10. J

    Deputy Tony Rusciano, Fired For Lying About Sex,

    Sorry...I'm catching up with this thread so know this is from page two, but had to comment! I think there might be something here. When did Cindy and George start changing their tunes? They were very suspicious of Casey before they "found" her (when they were contacting all her friends) and...
  11. J

    Official Documents To Be Released Today

    Did anyone else me the most telling detail...when the cops were interviewing Casey after they revealed all her lies, and asking about the "phone" conversation with Caylee, how Casey said Caylee was not missing her, but would have missed Cindy, that she always missed Cindy? The...
  12. J

    Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now.

    Hi Tony, Thanks for coming on here. My question (and I hope it hasn't been answered already, if so, I apologize!) is what about Casey's story of a purported kidnapping seems reasonable/reliable to you and your uncle? The police report detailed so many elaborate lies, so little grief on...
  13. J

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #112

    oops, guess my court question was answered as I posted!
  14. J

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #112

    So, I thought Casey actually had an arraignment this morning at 8:45? Did that get cancelled because she submitted a written plea? (Sorry if that has been covered, I've had family in town a few days and not been online so much). Also...I'm not sure why it matters whether Casey talks to...
  15. J

    Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08

    Oh, I also agree with you about "get off the table" being in response to an animal, for a few reasons. First, just judging by their house and Caylee's age, I doubt she would be climbing on a table in the first place. And second, it is precisely the language someone uses when addressing an...
  16. J

    Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08

    I think you've got some really good points. By "break through the concrete" do you mean remove the pavers? If they did...what do you think they'd find? Not a body, but maybe evidence of one? More hair or a scrap of clothes or something? And if this is the case...if the body had been...
  17. J

    If You Were George and Cindy

    I agree with appointing a's kind of weird here that they didn't, and the only reasons I can think of are 1) Cindy likes talking to the media (I do agree that even in her first conversation with Casey when she said, "Which news program? I've been on four" she was enjoying it in...
  18. J

    If You Were George and Cindy

    Oh, and it's also a pet peeve of mine when parents spoil their children and never admit the children's faults and place the blame on anyone else around. So I really dislike that about Cindy. I feel sorry for Lee. He seemed like the only normal one in the bunch, and I'm sure his world has...
  19. J

    If You Were George and Cindy

    I don't understand Cindy. Or George. I know I have a tendancy to cry more than normal, but frankly, I'm shocked at how unexpressive they are. Just like Casey, in some ways, because heck, at least she knows WTH is going on!?! If I were them, I would be in agony. I would be begging...
  20. J

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #64

    Here's my theory on the ZG connection. I think by then poor Caylee had already passed and Casey had buried her in the backyard OR still had her in the trunk. Casey had decided she wanted to "get out on her own" but didn't have much money, and knew of Sawgrass as a cheap/questionable/no...

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