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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. LadyBugz60

    Sightings/ Tips -Caylee Lookalikes

    Wondering if KC did have a plan, maybe it began around this time. Scroll down to Ronald F. Morgan. When I found this on 360 I put him in the white pages. Found him and the area he lives. Then through numerous criminal checks on ZG and possible construction site relation and found one. I will...
  2. LadyBugz60

    2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

    I looked up Chatt in the white pages and sure enough, Aquadilla. Could be JP's parents ya think? Wonder if Geraldo is still there?
  3. LadyBugz60

    Source Says Casey Said Caylee Was Sold To Someone In Puerto Rico

    Pretty sure Geraldo Rivera is in PR now. When he was leaving something happened at the airport and he spoke live about flights being delayed, anyone hear this. Think it was Monday morning. Might be something to this. Didn't JP Chat go on the trip to PR? His parents live there I think.
  4. LadyBugz60

    J Blanchard Park #1,0, Yes this poi was released but is it possible he is missing now? We have HG in our list of players. Is he married and if so to a Zenaida? Clemente F. Garcia, F for Fernandez? Was it all as simple as BSitter told KC she...
  5. LadyBugz60

    Sightings/ Tips -Caylee Lookalikes

    Thank you for your post, please keep us informed of the date. HMMMM interesting that YM and FBI are visiting LP in California. Maybe there is a good lead other than the military guy. Nice to know there is flyers all the way out there.
  6. LadyBugz60

    This thread is for the posters that believe Caylee is still alive # 2

    Does anyone have information on Clemente Garcia arrested in connection to Jennifer Kesse and Nicole Ganguzza? Don't think he was charged. Was Zenaida H Garcia in the leasing dept. for Sawgrass?
  7. LadyBugz60

    Thank You Tricia and the Mods....

    Good Mornin' I would like to second that Ginny and also thank the WS'ers that endlessly follow the leads. This is all very new to me and I'm amazed at all that has been found. Thanks a Bunch!
  8. LadyBugz60

    Possible sighting of Caylee-direct from Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch

    Oh My! wouldn't that be wonderful! If the family could realease some of the tips they have, think it would help people to be even more aware. Probably not the right way to go though. Please let this be true Dear Lord!
  9. LadyBugz60

    Sniff tests, hair decomp, really so conclusive? Fence sitters thread

    When the family grieves I will grieve, for now I still believe Caylee was alive on July 5th and still is. Feeling the urgency in CA's voice to 911 and the urgency in her voice when she called me about the tip, I cannot forget. For me, WS has been so helpful, Thank you all even though the ones...
  10. LadyBugz60

    George Meltdown

    So VERY sad! but it does keep Caylee in the news as it should be. Public Eyes are still searching. Thankfully!
  11. LadyBugz60

    Try to have some compassion

    Thank you Gram2, My heart breaks for the Anthonys, not having the perfect family myself with step children it is so hard. We tried everything to correct problems. It was and is a roller coaster of emotions. Too much Love, Tough Love, many counselors, protecting, not protecting, prayers, we did...
  12. LadyBugz60

    is it possible??

    Keep thinking who is feeling most comfortable in this case I think the kidnappers! I believe more people of interest are out there and just a matter of time and through it all Caylee will be found. Still have hope!
  13. LadyBugz60

    Words of Encouragement For Law Enforcement

    My Heroes, Our Hope! Thank you!!! God Bless all that you do to keep us safe. Listening to the police scanner through Fay, again affirms what heroes you all really are. Know in my heart this will all be solved. Pray Caylee is home soon!
  14. LadyBugz60

    Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

    Leonard, Tony and Crew, From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for doing all that you can for sweet Caylee. I feel in my heart their is a plan and ALL are working hard to bring Caylee home. God Bless you ALL. My hope is still alive, as the attorneys said a few nights ago on NG there is no...
  15. LadyBugz60

    Participate! National Pink Balloons 4 Caylee Tribute

    What a WONDERFUL idea. Count me in!!! Winter Park Fl. If I can get hubby to saw some wood for me. think I'll do a big pink wood balloon for the front yard. We keep a couple of signs out there for all to see, for our troops. One was stolen but I had a reserve!!! Thanks a bunch !!!
  16. LadyBugz60

    Cindy's New Theory??!!

    Denial your not alone, Anthony Family, prayer continues for you all. Caylee I pray angels are surrounding you and you will be home soon. Hold onto God's hand and he will bring you all through this! He is faithful to us all.
  17. LadyBugz60

    Sightings/ Tips -Caylee Lookalikes

    Only the Anthonys have contacted me the same day I called Tipline and them. What stood out on the encounter, the child waving and smiling, my first thought wonder if she thinks I'm a friend or relative. I almost stopped and went in the store to see her again. REASON in the late 1980's while...
  18. LadyBugz60

    Sightings/ Tips -Caylee Lookalikes

    Ross Store in Casselberry Commons, small mall on the corner of 436 and Howell Branch Rd. I had been shopping at Bealls Outlet Store. Big build woman, Hispanic can't say as I only seen side view of her and she was looking opposite at oncoming traffic. Hair a little below shoulder and straight...
  19. LadyBugz60

    Sightings/ Tips -Caylee Lookalikes

    I am a Newbie and have been Lurking for awhile, after watching Geraldo last night I am so thankful that they have given me more hope. I believe I seen Caylee on July 5th. I reported this to the police and the Anthonys. I have not heard from the Police but the Anthonys did call me. I waited to...

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