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DNA Solves
  1. N

    What would Caylee want?

    I don't think Caylee would have an understanding of punishment. Think about what we know of her family. Does anyone believe SHE had ever been corrected for doing something wrong? And yes, toddlers do get into trouble! Perhaps she might understand a "time out" - which is what her mother...
  2. N

    Does Baez Actually Believe Casey is Innocent? - A Philosophical Discussion

    I think he's got a deal winked and nodded win or lose. I mean, either way, he's going to be the most talked about lawyer in the country for a while. By deal, I mean for himself for making money off all this, not a deal for his client.
  3. N

    Does Baez Actually Believe Casey is Innocent? - A Philosophical Discussion

    He knows, but he studied long and hard to protect and defend the truly innocent people and help us all hold onto our precious rights and freedom. He has to do his job.
  4. N

    Anthony's Computer Forensics

    This very conversation is why we MUST have defense attorneys like JB and CM. Because some day, some how, YOU might say get a cell phone number that has previous connections to a criminal case - and find yourself under investigation and even charged falsely. It DOES happen - and that's why...
  5. N

    Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

    I read here everyday, although I don't post often. This deserves a comment. I believe this was the very conclusion Mark F from Fox News came to in the first days after Caylee was reported missing. There is a video from the jail where CA tells KC that theory has been put out there and quotes...
  6. N

    2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

    My theory, and I don't believe I have ever posted a theory, has changed as a result of the search. I think Hayleigh died that night in the house. I think MC panicked and called Joe and Tommy to come get rid of her. Possibly to use the van. They carried her out the back, and propped the door...
  7. N

    GUILTY GA - Theresa Parker, 41, Lafayette, 21 March 2007 - #3

    48 Hours Mystery is going to air a show on this case on Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 10 PM
  8. N

    "Make him stop" - Casey to Baez

    I CRIED as I heard this - it would have been abnormal had she not teared up. I think it was planned though. I think they had coached her as to what would happen and what we would be said and how she should act. Now that I think of it, my tears were likely more genuine than hers and certainly...
  9. N

    Attorney Brad Conway To Release More Evidence In Anthony Case On 09/30/09

    How can you complain about 'leaks' and then hold all these interviews yourself? I think my biggest issue right now is that no one, other than law enforcement, will ever speak up for Caylee. How sad that is. That, if nothing else, proves to me this whole family is ultimately responsible for...
  10. N

    GUILTY GA - Theresa Parker, 41, Lafayette, 21 March 2007 - #3

    Parker guilty!!! Sentenced to life in prison!
  11. N

    GUILTY GA - Theresa Parker, 41, Lafayette, 21 March 2007 - #3

    The jury has this case now. They got it yesterday, on Monday, and so we wait. There is much talk around town about this. The consensus is that while everyone is sure Sam is guilty, no one is sure the evidence was shown to convict. Truly a sad case. Even if the vote to convict, he still has...
  12. N

    Jury Instructions and Reasonable Doubt

    In regards to the lying charges, they will be instructed to weigh the facts only. They will not hear from Casey herself, I don't think, so the state will have to present what she said and why it's not true. The jury will be read the law, and they told to only consider what the state can prove...
  13. N

    State files motion to proceed with check fraudUPDATE CASE TO BE SCHEDULED

    It's going to be hard to defend the forgery charges. She's on video, i.e., and 'eyewitness' to the crime. She's admitted it to her parents in the jail visits "I stole from Amy....", i.e. a confession, so that's going to be hard to say she didn't do it. Having said that, I don't believe there...
  14. N

    Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

    Did GA say as late as on LKL that he had not been by the sight on Suburban Drive? He alleged that it was too painful for him, and he always used the other entrance? I know he has said repeated he will never drive past that sight. Looks like they knew these folks had pictures that could prove...
  15. N

    Was Defendant Deprived of Her Right to Counsel?

    My knee jerk reaction, I'm sorry to admit, is I don't really care if her rights were violated. Sorry, I know that's not politically correct, but I just don't care. Her baby's bones were being dug out of the dirt, where she left them, after God only knows what happened. Why do we care about...
  16. N

    CA's Specific Contradictory Statements

    In the long, recorded message she for detectives, she said the picture of Caylee in the apartment with red curtains, was told to her to be ZFG's apartment. When she's talking to KC in jail, she tells KC the same picture, and she describes it as the one with the drums, she tells KC she knows...
  17. N

    All Things Jose Baez Questions, Comments, Actions , Discussion #3

    I could tell she was lying the first time I watched it! LOL At her very first court appearance, the one the day after she arrested for neglect, Jose is not with her. She had a rep from the public defender's office, a woman, I believe with her. Not sure who she was or how he got chosen -...
  18. N

    2009.5.04 Change of Venue and tainting the Jury Pool

    File on, big guy! I honestly think some people in Orlando may be so tired of hearing about the case it might actually benefit the defense. I hope they do move it somewhere that it's not as big in the news. I think if you could find 12 people that haven't heard about "31 days", that would seal...
  19. N

    Ramifications of a Not Guilty Verdict in Casey Anthony Case

    I predict a not guilty on the premeditated murder charge. I predict a guilty on the manslaughter, abuse, and lying to investigators. Remember, there are seven charges on this current indictment. Not sure they will do anything with the check charges, but I do think she will serve some time on...
  20. N

    BC...How much longer can he hold out

    There sure are a number of bit players trying to hunt with the big dogs, aren't there? Not saying anything bad about any of them, but form the PI's to JB and the other private attorney's for the family, they are certainly not the "high profile" types. I often wonder if JB wishes he had missed...

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