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  1. G

    Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

    Not sure where to post this...sorry. Just watched the Larry King interview again...and I must say as much as I laugh at lizard guy she does it just as much!!! watch her she licks her lips sooooo much too. they act like they just want it to go away....i'm assuming that PR would make JR's life...
  2. G

    If your child were murdered…

    John and Patsy just let it go man....they forgive and forget. OMG. It's just annoying to me that they got such a 'pass'.
  3. G

    If your child were murdered…

    I'm just reading along here but had to log in and say 'BULLSHEET'!!! aRE YOU KIDDING ME?
  4. G

    Some Advice Please

    SD, use your real name. You haven't fought for the truth for X years just to hide right!? DO NOT let anyone bully you into anything. Stand Strong! for what you have done.
  5. G

    Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

    But they DID leave her to rot by the christmas tree!? I fully think John would have loaded them all up if he could and flown away to Atlanta.
  6. G

    JR's profile

    OMG Thank You so much for even questioning this. My problem right now is thinking about the dates that happened...Elizabeth was killed in 1992...Patsy was diagnosed in 1993. I just think that he lost his mind when his daughter died and then his wife was diagnosed with basically a death...
  7. G

    2011.05.20 On a Scale of 1 to 10 How do you Feel About this Jury?

    The one guy had an FBI for a brother? And he was a gym teacher? Hmm. Like gym teacher didn't tell fbi guy he was going to serve on the CA jury. I will stop right there. Like gym guy didn't tell fbi guy he was going to serve on this jury. This was the one chance for gym guy to shine...
  8. G

    ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

    Not sure why everyone here is being this way about this 'she probably thought she could lead him on and get things from him'. Talking about her 'playing games' with this guy. WTF?? Who cares if she did play games, or go on trips for 'profit' or cheat on her boyfriend. Who the...
  9. G

    Support Thread: Fellow WS'ers

    I understand Melanie! I cried so hard today when the verdict was read. I am a hippy at heart and don't understand hate...but I HATE KC so much and to hear she is not going to be held accountable AT ALL for murdering Caylee...well I just lost it. I am still in shock. I will never understand...
  10. G

    Watching the KC Anthony trial yesterday made me think of Patsy...

    Well folks, here you go. If Casey Anthony can't be convicted, good luck with JR, or BR, or the ghost of PR. This is EXACTLY what would happen if the Ramseys went to trial. I am still in shock about CA.
  11. G

    Let's Make A List....

    Mr. Ramsey, why do they call you Lizard Lips??
  12. G

    LIST Questions and Answers #9 LIST ONLY

    So computer forensics found out the internet searches on the family computer from a while far back did they go? In all the discovery I read and from court testimony it seems they only went back to March or so of 2008? Or I guess they only revealed the incriminating stuff? See I...
  13. G

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

    That is such a good point about the Anthony dogs...wouldn't they be running to Caylee if she were in the backyard on those nights? I used to think maybe KC did leave Caylee in the backyard for one or two nights but I forgot about the dogs! I have a question. If KC killed Caylee on the 16th...
  14. G

    Watching the KC Anthony trial yesterday made me think of Patsy...

    Well as soon as the cops got there to the house (owned by George and Cindy) they did seperate everyone as is PROTICAL. Of course Patsy and John weren't 'seperated' because hmmmm........why? Patsy got a pass because she was..... puking the mother of a kidnapped kid the rich wife of JR
  15. G

    Amy H - The Witness I'm Waiting to Hear From

    Holy cow GREAT post. Reading this just gives me the willies. Just how much did ICA HATE HATE HATE Amy? She strung her along for so long, knowing Amy would be basically homeless if they didn't find a place. KC gave her excuse after excuse and lied so much to her. Plus she stole all that...
  16. G

    Where do we go from here?

    Funny, I was thinking about this recently and wondering if my daughter (who is 1) would be reading about this case years from now and still theorizing. I got a loud NO! in the back of my head. This is NOT like the Zodiac,JTR etc. Those guys were serial killers, no? This case is completely...
  17. G

    BIG HOLES in the defense theory

    OMG thank you for mentioning this! I laughed when he said 'flower in the attic' because that was soo absurd. That book was about children hidden in the attic and the BROTHER gets his sister pregnant and they have a child...I can't remember much more but it has nothing to do with a...
  18. G

    Who do YOU believe killed JBR?

    I'm pretty sure 1 million pesos does not equal $118,000 (American dollars). What I am surprised about is that DS was older than BR? Was he like 12 or 13?
  19. G

    What makes the JBR case fascinating to you?

    Hi feddup! I think the point here is that they abandoned JB that day...they left their little girl alone under the christmas tree - violated and murdered to be taken care of by strangers. I don't know of anyone that could just leave like that. this was their 6 year old child!? It is sick and sad.
  20. G

    Things that are Plaguing Me

    This always bothers me. Why would they even question Patsy about this? Did they find some strange photos? 21 THOMAS HANEY: Did you take some 22 photographs of JonBenet in the basement laundry 23 room? 24 PATSY RAMSEY: No. 25 TRIP DeMUTH: You had presents in 0186 1 the...

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