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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Where's Andre

    Posting tables in BBcode

    I've got some data that I'd like to display in multi-collumn table form in the forum, but I'm having trouble finding a good way to do it. Lists don't quite work for what I'd like to do, and HTML is turned-off (not that I'm suggesting turning it on-- there's a host of security issues with that)...
  2. Where's Andre

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #2

    This is pretty typical for most states. Women just don't get the DP or executed that often. It's quite a merry chase to wade through all the appeals and find out what exactly happened to their cases and why. I did some cursory examinations, but I didn't spend too much time on it. I don't...
  3. Where's Andre

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #2

    Anything to keep from finishing my taxes, but actually, the God's honest truth is as GA, CA and KC would all say: "I have no idea". Seriously though, it's a good question, I don't know of any sites that have legal case plea stats, but I'm not a lawyer. You'd think that most lawyers and...
  4. Where's Andre

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

    The fillicide stats are interesting too. Most the raw US data comes from the CDC, and many of them they give stats on gender, and I think encarceration and psychicatric sentencing. Once you get too far from the raw data, people start trying to spin things various ways-- I see that lawyer from...
  5. Where's Andre

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

    It gets a bit like "Deal or no Deal?" as things go on, however. Casey will probably wait it out to the last briefcase and the banker won't settle for anything less than LWOP.
  6. Where's Andre

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

    I'm coming off of a weekend of doing word-count and condordance stats on the Anthony depositions. Sort of like the "Statement Analysis" stuff at but more on the statistics and psychology side of things. I wasn't sure if it was quite ready to be thread-worthy...
  7. Where's Andre

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

    Confusing raw counts with rates is a peeve of mine, so when I saw it mentioned that Florida is just below Texas-- I got a bit confused myself and posted before I thought. Thank you for that link, I didn't see the execution rate page-- I could have saved myself a little work. You see, I had...
  8. Where's Andre

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

    Consider population when comparing counts of DR inmates-- You really want to compare per capita when you compare DR inmates. It's hard to do accurately, because of the long time people stay on Death Row v.s. demographic shifts. California is considered a "liberal" sentencing state, but...
  9. Where's Andre

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

    Consider gender when speaking about the death penalty-- From the same site: 16 - Women Have Received The Death Penalty in Florida 2 -- Women Have Been Executed in Florida 1 -- Woman Currently on Death Row Disclaimer: I have no...
  10. Where's Andre

    Zanny's White Dog

    Pretty much everything, it's a mirror for what you are inside or are searching to become-- whether you know what that is or not. You are what you Google; Google ergo sum.
  11. Where's Andre

    Zanny's White Dog if it make you feel any better, I'll come out and say I saw something that looks a bit like a small black puppy on the far right of the second picture. A bit like a Lab puppy, but it also looked a little to me like a gas mask-- so what do I know. My belief is the Internet is...
  12. Where's Andre

    Trial w/o the A's testimony

    If so, why bring charges on them now-- why not give them more rope and reel them in after the trial? Were they charged, I'd think they'd have to be convicted for it to bear at all on Casey's trial. Ditto for the civil case. And I'd doubt they'd get around to a trial for them before Casey's...
  13. Where's Andre

    2009.04.10 Defense Motion for Additional Phone Records

    I've been confounded as to motives of the ex parte hearing request. But as I undertstand it, discovery runs both ways and there's only but so many possible defense theories anyway, if he's saying Casey didn't do it. The only thing he he could hide that way would be that he's fishing and...
  14. Where's Andre

    2009.04.10 Defense Motion for Additional Phone Records

    Tie that in with Zanny and you get the vast Nanny Conspiracy Psychic Cellular Friends and Family Network.
  15. Where's Andre

    2009.04.10 Defense Motion for Additional Phone Records

    Aside from that, it seems a bit like tit-for-tat and CYA for the bar complaints. And why isn't the psychic on there? Could it be he knows that she wasn't on the phone with DC at the time?
  16. Where's Andre

    Zanny's White Dog

    What about the "Zanny the Nanny" children's books? Could she have a white dog? I haven't seen the books. Children do a lot of repeating of what they hear in stories, and often their understanding of what's real and what's fantasy is quite blurred. I've heard somewhat off-the-wall dialog...
  17. Where's Andre

    2009.04.09 Nancy Grace

    Maybe so, or he just got tired of them spontaneously combusting.
  18. Where's Andre

    2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

    I've always thought it's more of a perjury trap setup for the criminal trial, rather than the civil one. If they testify in Casey's criminal trial, they'll have to tread very very carefully. They'll either have to admit that they lied under oath in the civil case which kills any credibility...
  19. Where's Andre

    2009.04.08 - Brad Conway under investigation by Bar Association

    Only 52 days to Hurricane Season! If you can't wait maybe you could just send them down the Gang Plank Falls or the Crush 'n' Gusher at Typhoon Lagoon.
  20. Where's Andre

    WFTV - STRICKLAND filed complaint against Baez!

    Holy Frijoles! Could this have anything to do with that muddled motion for an ex-parte hearing with Judge Strickland? I never could understand what that was all about. My paralegal ladyfriend's take on this is that it has to go to ineffective counsel. I dunno... I lean more toward the...

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