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DNA Solves
  1. S

    Revenge or justice? Does anyone feel guilty of their behavior

    i don't feel particularly vengeful toward casey. i feel more like i want to understand how terrible crimes like this happen, what drives women to kill their own children--and what we could do as a society to prevent these crimes. ultimately, yes, casey is responsible for her actions...but...
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    LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #6

    i wanted to bump this because i didn't see an answer. i assume that probably the means the docs ahven't been released yet :doh: any idea if we'll see these texts eventually? i'd assume so, right? i'd really like to see what lee and casey were saying to each other that night that cindy sent...
  3. S

    Bunch of Caylee videos

    i don't hear that at all. i hear her saying something like "alright," as in "alright, i need a break from roughhousing." why would she say "i hate her" on videotape while right in front of cindy and george? :confused:
  4. S

    Casey and TonE Chat Logs

    i thought she wrote that to tony on the 10th...which would make the date she's talking about the 13th.
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    Baez to Depose Deputy who Responded to RK's Report in August

    cajun, i am LMAO at your signature!:thumb:
  6. S

    Media sensationalizing every little thing...

    seriously! hasn't "the state not seeking the death penalty" been a bombshell for months now? lol.
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    2009.03.05 Nancy Grace

    wait--so where is his statement about pathetic fake crying?
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    2009.03.05 Nancy Grace

    did anyone else notice that, in the actual interview in which TL discusses this incident, he never says there are no tears? he says she is crying, period. he wakes up and she is watching the video and crying at the foot of his bed. either NG and her guests are sensationalizing things (which...
  9. S

    LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #6

    are there links to the texts between casey and lee during the period where he was looking for her (july 3rd, i believe?) thanks!
  10. S

    Knowing what she knows now, do you think CA would still have called LE?

    but she did say, on the same phone call, "my daughter's car smells like there's been a dead body in it" :waitasec: so it seems like on some level she was suggesting caylee could be dead. that's the way i always heard that comment. that's why i never understood their insistence caylee was...
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    Former Defense Attorney,Todd Macaluso *Merged*

    not if it matches the duct tape at the anthony home. and water wouldn't wind it so tightly around her head that it had to be cut out of her hair. the duct tape is compelling. but i do think it could be argued it was placed there AFTER death. i don't see any way of proving it was placed...
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    The Anthonys think we're the crazy ones

    well, i mean, strictly speaking--he's right. proceeding from the premise that zanny has your kid, yes, you do what zanny says. problem is, there IS no zanny :crazy::crazy::crazy: so it's not at all "obvious" why casey would do what she says...anymore than she would do what bigfoot says.
  13. S

    A Pre Meditated Murder? or Accidental?

    jjgram and pattymarie are, i think, saying that it's not feasible to think someone would put duct tape on someone else's mouth unless they intended serious bodily harm and/or death. personally, i'm not sure what i think about that assertion. yes, a rational person thinking rationally would...
  14. S

    A Pre Meditated Murder? or Accidental?

    this is the thing i have never bought about the chloroform theory. chloroform has to be made, not bought, correct? do you really see casey manufacturing chloroform??? a woman who can't even come up with a plausible cover up theory or stick to a story has the patience and persistence to do...
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    *REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

    :woohoo::blowkiss: you dared to say it!!! you rock!! :D
  16. S

    *REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

    blackwatch, this is not the first time i've found myself thinking one of your posts is very smart :blushing: i think a lot of the "she had such a precious baby, why couldn't she appreciate her, my child is the light of my life" rhetoric, i dunno, it even makes ME feel bad--like a bad mom, i...
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    2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

    don't forget, told her to put caylee's corpse in the trunk of her car and then go watch movies with tony!!!
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    Casey's Photobucket

    i just found the pic in question via the other thread, and i don't think that's her. if it is her, her nose has been photoshopped out the wazoo. isnt it possible she had *advertiser censored* pictures somewhere in her photobucket, but that they weren't actually of herself?
  19. S

    Cadaver dogs have hit on dumpster near home

    cadaver dogs aren't the same as scent dogs (bloodhounds). they are trained to only hit on decomp. with 3 different dogs alerting to that dumpster, i would be willing to bet money that there was decomp there. maybe not haleigh's (hopefully not!).
  20. S

    2009.02.26 On the Record:w/Greta Van Susteren

    GVS asked a good follow-up question (IMO) about whether the dogs hitting on the dumpster indicates there used to be a body in the dumpster. i think that makes sense. 3 different dogs hit on it. so it doesn't seem like a fluke. GVS also proposed it could be that the body was with some...

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