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DNA Solves
  1. nainebug

    2011.03.30- LE is waiting on evidence in crime lab before going to Grand Jury.

    "Authorities went to Billie Dunn's house in Colorado City to serve a warrant out of Howard County to search what Shawn Adkins had on him" That is from my local news .
  2. nainebug

    2011.03.30- LE is waiting on evidence in crime lab before going to Grand Jury.

    I think it is once a month (not absolutly sure) in Big Spring ( Howard County) .....What I found interesting was the warrant for DNA and fingerprints of SA was served through Howard County and the Texas Rangers.... That is the warrant from a few weeks ago when BD was arrested during the attempt...
  3. nainebug

    Is this investigation still in the hands of local LE

    As far as I know the DPS ( state troopers) are involved in nearly everything around here... the Rangers are the elite form of the troopers.... the website I referenced tells a little about what they do.... I am not real sure about protocol for when they jump in though.
  4. nainebug

    Is this investigation still in the hands of local LE

    :twocents: anyone who hesitates to call local LE with tips does have an option to go directly to the Rangers ..
  5. nainebug

    Reward money

    :twocents:anyone who would like to talk to someone outside of Colorado City LE for this case should be aware there are direct options for talking to the Rangers directly..
  6. nainebug

    Is this investigation still in the hands of local LE

    :great: The hats are part of their uniform arent they ? :crazy: When I was a kid I thought they wore the tan pants, white shirts , boots , and hats .... even to bed at night.... LOL I had dreams about an army of Texas Rangers who never got out of uniform.
  7. nainebug

    Is this investigation still in the hands of local LE

    I read an article that said Texas Rangers were the ones attempting to serve the warrant on SA for DNA & fingerprints..... I will see if I can find the link. [URL=""[/URL]
  8. nainebug

    People in and out of the home

    Has anyone had the thought that maybe Hailey got into some drugs or was given some drugs? I have seen plenty of reports where kids take something they know their parents take.... then they experiment.... things like pills , coke, or meth can kill you.:dunno:
  9. nainebug

    Reward money

    I thought maybe he meant if one of the drug connections heard or knew something they could come forward and not be prosecuted for their own connection (drugs) to the person or persons responsible for Hailey's disappearance.
  10. nainebug

    2011.03.30 Officials Believe Hailey Dunn Is Dead; Reward Now For Her Whereabouts

    I know that to release a statement so definative they have to have some clues or evidence aside from the fact that Hailey has not been found. I just wonder if it has anything to do with what they had to present to get a warrant for DNA & FINGERPRINTS from the main suspect.
  11. nainebug

    Announcement to Searchers from Law Enforcement

    KBST was also the only media source for the text message BD is rumored to have sent to CD..... Hmmmm local station.... I have never known them to be big on investigative reports before.... So I wonder what their sources are?
  12. nainebug

    2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

    The warmer the weather gets the more these lakes will get packed with people.... even the most remote spots seem to fill in whenever the weather gets hot..... And with the water levels so low....more remote spots will be searched out for camping and fishing IMO.
  13. nainebug

    Q & A about the case, ** no discussion **

    Howard county grand jury..... unless they indict I do not think we will hear something now.... This county has a way of keeping secrets until all their eggs are in a basket.
  14. nainebug

    Shawn Adkins Attorney makes written statement

    you managed to say what I was thinking.. TY!
  15. nainebug

    Bring them home-Hailey's Uncle Speaks out-2011, March 23rd

    yep.... at first I thought all the lies were from guilt about the drugs....
  16. nainebug

    Bring them home-Hailey's Uncle Speaks out-2011, March 23rd

    I am still reading the early stuff... it took me a while to find my way here... in the beginning I thought this was going to be a simple case and she would either show up after deciding that maybe life completely alone wasnt as good as she thought it might be.... or that she would be found in...
  17. nainebug

    Bring them home-Hailey's Uncle Speaks out-2011, March 23rd

    I am wondering if BD was so involved in drugs, SA, and just making it from day to day to notice much about anyone or anything. Hailey seems to be like a lot of kids these days in that she was left on her own to take care of herself all the time.We see it all the time.... kids who come home after...
  18. nainebug

    Theory Thread #2 Hailey Dunn

    ok... I am gonna toss this out there because it is still a possibility.... we know HD's homelife was not the greatest. We know there was drug use and uncomfortable feelings within the family.We know HD was at one of the most difficult parts of being a teen. What are the possibilities that she...
  19. nainebug

    Shawn Adkins Attorney makes written statement

    JMO.... they aint saying squat till the grand jury makes a decision.

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