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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. ginert

    Found Deceased WA - Cheryl DeBoer, 54, Mountlake Terrace, 8 February 2016 #3

    I am leaning towards this being a suicide. In my opinion, she left her badge at home as an excuse for her carpool friend to leave without her. When the friend said she would wait, I think she just turned off her phone to not deal with it. My gut feeling is she was going to slit her wrists in...
  2. ginert

    SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #18 **ARREST**

    I am thinking maybe this was more to put pressure on her. Maybe she cannot travel now. If she can't go to Disney, she may get more and more stressed and everyone knows she has a propensity to say exactly what she is feeling on social media. I think LE probably is waiting for her to crack and...
  3. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

    I do agree that if DS killed Michelle, IMO he took her alive and killed her away from the condo. I believe if she was killed at the condo, some kind of evidence of death would have been left behind. I still am having a problem with the neighbor's camera. If the hummer was moved to the garage...
  4. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

    Thanks for stopping by to help. So in theory, if DS murdered Michelle in the back of his truck say in the garage and left there for an hour, the dog should alert in the truck but may not alert in the garage..I think tracking dogs can smell airborne, so I am assuming cadaver dogs need more of a...
  5. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

    I keep on reading that all the evidence leads to DS, but I am just wondering beyond their contentious relationship and DS being the last to see her alive, what evidence really is there that ties DS to the disappearance? Has there ever been a list put out of what evidence has actually been...
  6. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

    More and more as time goes by, I really hope that LE didn’t jump the gun by naming DS as a suspect. At first, I was over 90% sure he did it but now I have some doubt. Fate lined up perfectly for him to commit the perfect crime if he is her killer. He got lucky she pulled around the front...
  7. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #19

    Yes, they are not saying that she was taken at 2:30pm, but the fact that they use that time changes the timeline in this case I think. From how I interpreted articles and posts here, the consensus was that the timeline started at 3:18pm when she arrived at DS’s condo. By her family stating...
  8. ginert

    TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #13

    Very true and maybe they will say something I am not expecting. I just think that the family probably has been in touch with LE and have an idea about what they are going to say next week...I could be totally wrong. I just hope whatever is said will bring some sort of peace to all involved.
  9. ginert

    TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #13

    Personally, I can see MP not wanting AD or C there. They both have outspken personalities which can be a very good thing, but I think the venom amongst them might have boiled over with a confrontation and something being said in front of the children. They may have all played nice but I don't...
  10. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #15

    I guess I am getting confused on the dates of the pictures. I thought I read the overhead pictures were from 2009. If that orange car is in the exact same place as it is the night the neighbor's camera taped it, then it can't possibly be the same one in DS's driveway. He wouldn't be parking...
  11. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #15

    I am confused, wouldn't the burnt orange car be the neighbor's car since we can see it on the overhead shot? Or is that a different orange car?
  12. ginert

    ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 3

    I agree with you...she rubs me wrong way too. I just don't understand. She goes on a national news program and instead of begging for the return of her daughter, she basically whines about the father not talking to her. It is so strange to me. And then the last line of her interview even...
  13. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 7

    I wonder who was taking care of the 11-year old while she worked that night. By 6:50 I would have thought someone was concerned he was not dropped off yet, but maybe she brought him to the babysitter's right before she went in to work. However, with her dinner date plans, I would assume...
  14. ginert

    FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 6

    There is something that makes me keep going back to the new boyfriend as well. Wasn't there something quoted as him not even knowing she was going to be on the People's Court and having to find out from someone else. That coupled with him hearing about their actual dynamic on People's court...
  15. ginert

    TN TN - Karen Swift, 44, Dyersburg, 30 Oct 2011 - #2

    This case is so hard to sleuth because none of the stories match. This is totally opposite than what the son said stating the mom and one daughter came home, changed into their pajamas and laid down together. Sometime during the middle of the night the 9-year old was moved to her sister's bed...
  16. ginert

    TN TN - Karen Swift, 44, Dyersburg, 30 Oct 2011 - #2

    From the interview I heard which I can't find but am still looking for, the son said the 9-year old was taken to a therepist and told them at that point she remembered being moved in the middle of the night to her sister's bed. It sounded like it was a later recollection.
  17. ginert

    TN TN - Karen Swift, 44, Dyersburg, 30 Oct 2011 - #2

    This is the interview, or one of them, that I was referring to: It is under November 22, 2011 ********* VELEZ-MITCHELL: There are many, many questions about the night Karen went missing. Let`s look at the timeline. The night of the 29th...
  18. ginert

    TN TN - Karen Swift, 44, Dyersburg, 30 Oct 2011 - #2

    But didn't the eldest brother say his 9-year old sister went to a doctor and she remembered her mom walking her to the sister's bed at some point during the night? I think it is possible she never went to sleep. She laid down with her daughter until the daughter fell asleep and either a.) went...

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