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  1. N

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I don't see any big network paying her 1.5 mil for more lies. I wish she would just fall off the face of the earth never to be heard from again. Parents should take the 250k. That's prob the best offer they will get. JB seems stuck with ICA. I know he wants the money from the deal but it...
  2. N

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    I don't think Lippman is providing such great counsel and commentary either. Why even tell us about their trip? If asked just say they needed some time and space. Period.
  3. N

    Cheney Mason said he was surprised by verdict

    The DT was more shocked than anyone by this verdict. They thought at the least she would get 34 years and at more DP. They knew thought she would be acquitted. CM/JB seem to give contrary stories these days. Either it's being done on puprose or they don't have their stories straight. They too...
  4. N

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    I have never for a moment thought that GA, CA or LA had a thing to do with Caylee's death. I still don't. I 100% believe ICA acted alone when killing Caylee and used her father as a c/u and accusations against GA and LA to garner sympathy. I still believe that as well. I do find CA to be...
  5. N

    2010.07.22 Casey reported seen in Palm Springs

    I would think that she would be in a private residence not a hotel. If she was in a hotel someone would have outted her by now.
  6. N

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    I think the foundation is being set up for them to filter money into and get some tax breaks. They can put money into it and then take it out as salary. It's a loophole. They'd better however have a great CPA and lawyer because IRS will be on them like white on rice.
  7. N

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    I won't read a book by any of them. I also don't think they are meeting up with ICA. JB isn't going to let that happen. I'd bet money if CA/GA do IV before ICA they say the molestation accusations came from JB not ICA. Their lawyer already said this on Greta and even though she called him out...
  8. N

    Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

    Oprah won't do it because Oprah won't pay for IV. I thought maybe ABC would get IV as they have invested some money into this case already. Truth is who knows if any of these networks are even involved. JB could be putting it out there to try and make them compete. I hope they all pass.
  9. N

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    Lippman could have just shut his mouth and said nothing. He def wants to keep earning a check here so he just keeps going on and on about them. If however A's wanted him to stop they have the ability to make that happen. They must like it enough to keep him on their payroll. Reeks of CA.
  10. N

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    I think they will be somewhere private. I don't believe they will be in a public hotel.
  11. N

    2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

    Not surprised. Clearly they're opportunists. Between the new wheels and this trip they have come into some money. Lippman just doesn't want to admit that right now. Might not be good for the "foundation." And I hope anyone thinking of contributing the the "foundation" now sees where they...
  12. N

    2011.07.21 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I hope someone that watches keeps a list of advertisers so I can never give them a dime either. Good point about getting sponsers. I'd think they'd be afraid as well. Just not worth it.
  13. N

    Lippman says Cindy & George may sue John Bradley re 84 searches

    It sounds like Bradley directly. He is "discussing" it with them at present. Nothing filed as of yet. Gross.
  14. N

    Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

    Who even offer one mil with no other big offers on the table. lol What's really interesting is nothing from ABC, etc. I would think one of the big networks would want her but maybe they don't want to pay for lies and I can't see them giing her a mil either. I also think they are worried about...
  15. N

    Lippman says Cindy & George may sue John Bradley re 84 searches

    I really thought CA would wait and not talk until after ICA did. I thought she would follow her lead but who knows. CA won't be quiet much longer so if ICA doesn't land IV soon I'm sure CA will. And while this thread isn't about the foundation I don't think a lawsuit like this or even the...
  16. N

    2011.07.21 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    FOX won't be paying no million dollars that's for sure. And I don't think JB had FOX in mind for her big IV either. I would think they'd want ABC, etc. but maybe they just aren't biting and if none of the big networks get her they won't worry about the other getting the ratings as none will...
  17. N

    Lippman says Cindy & George may sue John Bradley re 84 searches

    I don't know if legally they even could sue for this. Where exactly are the damages? CA and GA never stood trial for anything and while ICA did stand trial she was acquitted. The maddening part is while Bradley did have erros in his testimony they were innocent. He reported them as soon as...
  18. N

    What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

    I hope no one sends a penny to the Anthony foundation. Ick. And Lippman wants to sue Bradley who made a mistake on the stand and corrected it as soon as he could? CA PERJURED herself and she has the audacity to want to go after someone who testified falsely but innocently? DESPICABLE.
  19. N

    2011.07.21 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Now I wish they had pressed charges against CA. WTF is wrong with these people? Their lawyer is a too. The man made a mistake and stated as such as soon as he knew it. GMAB.
  20. N

    Who will make the most money? Includes various book discussion

    According to Lippman the A's attorney he is discussing a lawsuit with them against Bradley who testified to the 84 searches. The man clearly made a mistake but it appears to be an innocent one which he corrected as soon as he could. CA of course perjures herself and she wants to go after someone...

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