04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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Aww, but that's not the first thing Jodi says, was it? When her mom asked if she went to AZ, after it was learned Travis was murdered....Jodi replies, she has the gas (credit card) receipts to prove it! Her 2nd gas can fill in SLC, going back to Yreka. Jodi thought she was so clever, but does something stupid like keeping both the earlier cash receipts and the later SLC credit card receipts. Didn't she tell Juan the reason was to use on her taxes? He replied something snarky about her filing her taxes, I took it to mean Jodi might not have filed her taxes on previous years properly....besides the deduction for murder and alibi, she wanted for a credit.
Agree. She made other statements that made it clear to me that it was premeditated. Remember when she told Det F in one interview that the neighbors wouldn't have recognized her because her (now brown) hair used to be platinum blonde?
She's so obvious and not as smart as she thinks she is. Ughh.
Hello everyone. With yet another hearing, it makes me miss Belvin Perry. He had the attorneys come in early to handle motions so that the jury would not be inconvenienced and that their time would be respected. I wish this judge would be more concerned about the time of the jury. This motion could have been heard yesterday, this nit making the jury suit in the jury room waiting and wondering what the holdup is this time.


Judge Perry is an excellent judge who ran his courtroom with an iron hand and a soft voice. One thing I remember about the trail is he was always thoughtful of the jury. If the lawyers wanted to "play games" they had to work more hours to do it. :rocker:
She also bought two two packs of sunscreen. Jodi planned on changing Travis's mind and he'd take her. He didn't so she killed him.

I know this will probably sound cray cray as they say, but I think the sunscreen may have been for her while running around in the desert trying to dispose of stuff and rest up and take her water-bottle shower before she met with Ryan Burns, and for even after she left him. I think she hung out in the desert before and after. It took her way too long to get back to Yreka after her Utah stop. I don't think she bought the sunscreen with the hopes that if Travis would take her to Cancun she'd be all set. If he did agree to take her, then they could have gone out and bought their trip provisions in the few days till the trip.
Geeze I just looked at that photo of Travis. Hadn't seen that one before. How ghastly.
Yeah really....how many defenses is one entitled too?

245,568. :floorlaugh:

Seriously, this is good for Travis to get his justice.

A) The jury isn't stupid and won't like being treated as if they are

B) The more Jodi's legal whims are indulged now, the fewer chances she has during appeals.
Yes, now her is that she killed him in the heat of passion, provoked during an argument, etc...

This makes me happy because the stupider she treats the jury, the more certain i am justice will come for Travis and his family.

I agree that acting under the heat of passion and acting in self-defense seem contradictory.

However, right at the beginning of this trial, I read documents written by the defense team and submitted to the court, which specifically reference that they will be presenting evidence that speaks to "heat of passion." So, it's not really new--it's been a part of their case from the start. Sorry, can't remember where I found the document, so I can't provide a link ...
Now it this were allowed wouldn't she have to get back up on the stand and say she lied????

The way I understand it is it will get added to the list of options for when the jurors' deliberate. I don't think they will know when it was added, or if it was not always on the list of possible findings.

Apparently, that means she can testify to self-defence, yet the jurors can decide it was actually a killing committed because she was beside herself with rage during an argument.

I didn't think disregarding the testimony of a lying defendant meant the jury could make up their own motive, but what do I know.
So where is the rebuttal witness list and the new gunshot photo ?

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If it hasn't already been posted, this is the photo. WARNING GRAPHIC!

Oops, someone beat me to it. :)
OMG! I'm just sitting here in shock. :furious:

i know,poor Travis. im one of these oddballs that like gore but travis's photos and especially that one made be tear up.

jodi really deserves the DP for this:banghead::furious:
If for some reason there is a mistrial and we go through another trial how and the heck are they going to find a jury ? Expecially from Arizona ?
I do not think the judge is going to allow it, since Dr. DeMarte did not change her written opinion that the defense has had for a very long time now in her report. This was no gotcha by the state. It was all set out, according to the discovery rules. This is not JM's first rodeo. Even if the judge does allow it, just know that JM will mop the floor with the doctor they are proposing as a witness. He is hardly an unbiased witness, as he wrote the forward to ALV book. Epic fail. http://youtu.be/GbchoNyo40s
I really hope she doesn't allow it because JM used BPD to debunk the defense's claims of PTSD, DV/BWS and the memory BS, which is the point of the rebuttal case. I look forward to hearing JM's arguments against proposed new defense witness. I can stomach Judge Stephens allowing the sur rebuttal more than the manslaughter/heat of passion charge to go before the jury.
Don't think the jury will buy the "I was mad at you therefore I get to kill you" defense.
Personally, I don't have a problem with them putting any and all lesser offenses as options for this jury. Their questions have shown that they are smart, sensible folks and I have faith that they will render the proper verdict of 1st degree murder no matter WHAT smoke screen the defense throws their direction. :twocents:

It's almost always a poor choice to give the jury too many options. When 12 people have to reach one opinion, exhaustion often leads to compromises. If they understand that she will "go to jail" and that parole is discretionary, they could choose the lesser punishment just to get it over with.

You can't say it was murder one, but maybe murder two and also perhaps felony murder and then sprinkle a little voluntary manslaughter/heat of passion in...all of which have very specific legal definitions. Then add to that the battered woman defenses, self-defense, etc. and it's a mess.

Too confusing for the normal people that are deciding the verdict.
Agree. She made other statements that made it clear to me that it was premeditated. Remember when she told Det F in one interview that the neighbors wouldn't have recognized her because her (now brown) hair used to be platinum blonde?
She's so obvious and not as smart as she thinks she is. Ughh.

Yep. One other thing about the hair color.

Once you have bleached hair you cannot go darker without another process. Most women who bleach their hair and then go darker, go to a professional to have it done.

I am convinced Jodi had her hair colored on the road. I am surprised the Prosecutor didn't try and find the salon that did the hair, nails and the ummmm hair removal?? :blushing:
JM should make a deal; DT can include 'heat of passion' killing IF JA takes the stand admits there is no fog and remembers EVERYTHING and tells EXACTLY what happened that day.

yeah right, like that would happen, but a girl can dream

Judge Perry is an excellent judge who ran his courtroom with an iron hand and a soft voice. One thing I remember about the trail is he was always thoughtful of the jury. If the lawyers wanted to "play games" they had to work more hours to do it. :rocker:

Okay so the Judge has other cases early in the morning? Why not do the in chambers stuff etc. during lunch break? Have a quick lunch and do the extra stuff during that time? It drives me bonkers when the jury is kept waiting for hours on end.
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