10/28/11 Private Investigator Returns, Baby Lisas Family Leaves

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Leaving that house was probably at least one piece of good advice the parents have gotten.. I think it was creating a dangerous situation for all involved (regardless of their guilt or innocence) Their boys shouldn't be subjected to that nor the extended family or the neighborhood...Let's just hope they informed LE about their plans...

Before the national media became involved, the family gave public comments from public places...the command center and then the, IIRC, hotel/motel conference room and private interviews that did not disclose their location. At first, it was reported that the boys were staying with neighbors and then with family...again no location disclosed. Even the two family spokespeople, AI and ML, would give statements in public. But then, BS enters the picture and they gave that series of bizarre sideshow comments from the lawn of the home where they were staying. Then the same when JT entered the picture.

My first thought on the whole ML ("thank the academy"-type) speech and posters taped to the family tree was, "What, why are they exposing the home to the cameras?" I know that they wanted the community to see that even after two weeks that they were trying to find Lisa. Still, I thought, now that is a bad move to let media know where they and especially the boys are residing.

No one had to be privy (although, I'm sure the locals would have leaked their location at some point) to where they were staying if these two outsiders hadn't come to town.

Hopefully, the boys can be shielded from further exposure. Advice to the "TEAM," please do not disclose their current or next residence.
I am sorry,but this is rude to say to people who have had their children kidnapped and murdered who want to help find a missing baby.The family could have been a little more kinder about it.Their is an 11 month old child missing here and I would think anyone-and I mean anyone would move mountains to try find them-IMO-This family has not even moved an ant hole to find Lisa!!!This is JMO

Rude? First those were my words not the family's, it was how I felt when I wrote the post and I'm honest enough to admit it I would probably couch it in more diplomatic terms now were I speaking to Ms Porter herself, even if the sentiment would be the same. My - now calmer - point being go through the correct channels ie the family's representatives and if your offer is declined or not responded to then graciously if regretfully accept that your help is not wanted at this time and try again later.

The fact remains that no matter how well-intentioned she was, she was IMO also out of line first in turning up unannounced and, if we're to talk of rude - although inflammatory I think would be a better word -, how rude was it of her after being turned away once to try again and then upon receiving a second rebuff run yelling to the media camped there "roll the cameras, roll the cameras"?
tODAY AT 10:34AM ON ws, cowtowner said the following:

We all need to compartmentalize the parent's potential for culpability separately from finding this girl. Frankly, I've read some people around the internet who are caught up in a sort of lynch mob mentality that isn't helping find out what's happened to this girl.

COMPARTMENTALIZE is the word I had been searching for. There are two goals, 1. Find baby Lisa and 2. Prosecute whoever did this, parents or other.

But, finding baby Lisa is so much more important than bad mouthing the parents.
Yeah and not to get off topic but that money way never put into the reward money fund like it was supposed to.. How much money did they make.. One will never know.

Respectfully, how do you know that? Link?

Please know these are my opinions. I couldn't quote more, because I'm still learning the multi-quote tool......

I have to say, I am on the fence.

I will also say that I am really tired of the rumors flying here. I thought everything on these boards that was stated as "fact" was supposed to be backed up by links.

One in particular.... How do we know that money for tshirts wasn't put in reward fund? Link please?

Another few... How do we know WHAT DB and JI told LE? Has LE released a statement? How do we know she didn't tell LE she was drinking? How do we know they didn't test her for alcohol?

If LE has the evidence or gets the evidence, I'm sure they will arrest her. Until then, I will remain on the fence.

I can't imagine how this couple is feeling right now. It doesn't matter what they say or do, they are maligned. I think they are terrrified....I would be. I don't blame them for having an attorney. I don't blame them for not talking to the media. I don't blame them for not talking to Tina Porter or anyone else for that matter. How do WE know what condition they are in? I can't imagine that if my child were missing I would be anything but shell-shocked. I don't know if I could get myself out of the bed. I would like to think I could, but I just don't know.

I find it funny that many here jump on the "black-out drunk" bandwagon because that is so easy to believe when in the next breath they don't believe a word DB says. I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now. I think she is young and probably doesn't know what to do or not do. I'm sure most here can say that they are different people and probably at least a little more mature than at 25. I know I personally did alot of "growing up" between the ages of 23 and 30; perspectives and priorities changed alot.

Respectfully, we don't know what happened that night. We don't know if DB did something to her baby. We don't know if someone did take Lisa. We don't know if DB and JI are protecting their boys. We don't know if threats have been made. The point is.... WE DON'T KNOW.

I became a member on this case, but had lurked on others. I thought this was a sleuthing community. I didn't know it was a rumor-mill, bash anyone who doesn't agree with me site. I personally am tired of it.:banghead:
They don`t -- what`s going to happen, if the pressure continues, they`re going to beat up so bad, someone is going to commit suicide.

At that from Mr. Abeyta, NG turned off his mic. Nancy G does not want to hear any defense from anybody, you are supposed to only agree with her.

Respectfully snipped for space. JMO but it's probably not that. She heard suicide and thought Melinda Duckett and didn't want to go there.

Anyway IMO he shouldn't have been there on national TV predicting that anybody will kill themselves. He may be right, or he may be wrong, I don't know if he's a psychiatric professional or not.

But if you're worried about someone being on the brink of suicide you talk to that person or their family and their doctor, or, in this case, possibly their attorney, you don't talk to Nancy Grace's audience about it. IMO. What if the boys heard on Nancy Grace that their parents are going to kill themselves?
Rude? First those were my words not the family's, it was how I felt when I wrote the post and I'm honest enough to admit it I would probably couch it in more diplomatic terms now were I speaking to Ms Porter herself, even if the sentiment would be the same. My - now calmer - point being go through the correct channels ie the family's representatives and if your offer is declined or not responded to then graciously if regretfully accept that your help is not wanted at this time and try again later.

The fact remains that no matter how well-intentioned she was, she was IMO also out of line first in turning up unannounced and, if we're to talk of rude - although inflammatory I think would be a better word -, how rude was it of her after being turned away once to try again and then upon receiving a second rebuff run yelling to the media camped there "roll the cameras, roll the cameras"?

I know they were your words and that was what I was posting about.I do not agree saying something like that about people who have been through some horrible times in their lives..I just disagreed with the statement!I will go back and make my post more clear-Thank you
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... ng.01.html
-------Nancy Grace--Oct.27/2011---

GRACE: Gil, you have been in a similar spot, as baby Lisa`s parents, and you travel. We`re showing a shot of your son when he went missing, at an age-progression right now to 23. You traveled all the way to help the parents. What happened when you got to baby Lisa`s home?

ABEYTA: Let me -- first of all, I`m not hearing you real well, but let me respond to you and what I wanted to say to make sure that I say it. The advantage I have, over all of you coming up with possibilities, and mother and father and all this kind of stuff, I`m a victim.

I went through exactly what they went through for a long time. I`m not guilty, I`m still here talking to you. And I came purposely to talk to the victims, to see exactly what kind of condition they`re in, so that we can help them. Not to hurt them.

And what I saw, and I only met with them for about a half hour, was I saw that they were in very, very bad condition. Incapable, I say incapable of being able to respond intelligently to what`s going on.

Also the fact that they were -- that they brought in people that just forced themselves into a private eye, an attorney, and they told them not to talk, not to do anything. They are scared, like scared rabbits in a cage. They don`t know what to do. They don`t -- what`s going to happen, if the pressure continues, they`re going to beat up so bad, someone is going to commit suicide.

At that from Mr. Abeyta, NG turned off his mic. Nancy G does not want to hear any defense from anybody, you are supposed to only agree with her.

Oh you betcha I believe they are scared and in bad condition. You would be, too, if you knew you had done wrong and that LE is gathering up evidence. Tick tock waiting for the knock on the door to arrest you. Yeah, I bet they are in bad shape.
tODAY AT 10:34AM ON ws, cowtowner said the following:

We all need to compartmentalize the parent's potential for culpability separately from finding this girl. Frankly, I've read some people around the internet who are caught up in a sort of lynch mob mentality that isn't helping find out what's happened to this girl.

COMPARTMENTALIZE is the word I had been searching for. There are two goals, 1. Find baby Lisa and 2. Prosecute whoever did this, parents or other.

But, finding baby Lisa is so much more important than bad mouthing the parents.

They go hand in hand. It's very difficult for LE to find Lisa if the parents won't cooperate and answer everything that they need answered. It's very difficult for LE to "just go out and find Lisa", as I've seen posted many times, when the mom gives multiple versions of what happened.

And now that some high profile attorneys have inserted themselves, there seems to be even less about finding Lisa and more about starting a defense for the parents.

Oh you betcha I believe they are scared and in bad condition. You would be, too, if you knew you had done wrong and that LE is gathering up evidence. Tick tock waiting for the knock on the door to arrest you. Yeah, I bet they are in bad shape.

Respectfully, they could also be in bad shape because their baby is missing.
This couple went so quickly into defensive mode and not please bring my baby home mode. IMO they have acted like grieving parents who have known from the beginning there is no live baby. I am concerned for the boys. Getting them out of the media glare is a good thing. But I still think they need to talk to a professional about what happened that night for their mental health and for the truth to be revealed.
Travelling in convoy doesn't scream 'celebrity' to me at all. It just means they needed more than one car.

May just be me, but this seems to have been done under the cover of darkness and with drama.

It is my own personal opinion that the exodus was planned by a flamboyant P.I. and maybe JT.

My opinion and I am sticking to it.
May just be me, but this seems to have been done under the cover of darkness and with drama.

It is my own personal opinion that the exodus was planned by a flamboyant P.I. and maybe JT.

My opinion and I am sticking to it.

If their leaving had nothing to do with BS and JT I don't understand why BS was there. They don't need a PI to relocate for the weekend as a family.
......[snipped by me] The pictures were blurred. Here's one....oh look, there's DB, preoccupied with something in her hand, not paying attention to where the boys are at all. They could have walked beside them, with the boys in between. All about Deborah though....she can't be bothered.

This is exactly the kind of post that makes me sympathize strongly with the family. Are you seriously picking apart how DB behaved as the boys walked in home having come home from school? Seriously? You're making a judgement on her, saying she can't be bothered, saying she doesn't pay attention to her boys, based on that one screenshot. That's unbelievable.

I must be a crap mom because my 7yo walks a few feet ahead of me on a regular basis. She's not always clung to my side.
I'm sure in the midst of all this silliness that LE are well aware of where they are, in all probability they joined their PI/NBC employee at an undisclosed location for their next media event and payday..

As for the boys they should be removed entirely from this situation, dragging them all over the place dramatically exposing them fleeing hither and thither must be terrifying for them.
All this high drama and angst is caused by the spinmeisters at NBC, et al, inserting themselves into the situation and cranking up the histrionics by adding mediocre but media savvy Lawyers. I suspect they had best lawyer but she was so disgusted she declined to further represent them.

GPS Trackers on the vehicles. Even if they have switched vehicles LE will have them on the next vehicles asap. No doubt they have been advised by JT that this is something to expect.
If their leaving had nothing to do with BS and JT I don't understand why BS was there. They don't need a PI to relocate for the weekend as a family.

This chauffeuring Bill Stanton is doing just proves to me he was not hired to find Lisa. I can not wait till it comes out who hired him and the job description.
BBM As to the above DB has admitted to being black out drunk while being the sole provider of care for three children, one a sick infant. IMO that is neglect and I am pretty sure the law backs me up. If something happened to the child while DB was incoherent, child endangerment. Sorry, but these children deserve better than a black out drunk Mom and a dad who makes excuses for her. I do not know when this country went down the pipes to thinking that parental rights includes putting your children at risk for your "me" time.:furious:


Agreed. And what do you know? Something did happen to her while DB was -(allegedly) incoherent. I don't understand why people are making excuses for her. What if she had crawled out into the street and got hit by a car while mom was drunk? What if she fell down the basement stairs while mom was drunk? What if she got into drugs that were left out while mom was drunk? I just don't think there is any excuse at all to be drunk when you are responsible for caring for small children. None! And I don't care if "everybody is doing it!" Sorry to get all school marm on y'all. But that is the way I see it.
This is exactly the kind of post that makes me sympathize strongly with the family. Are you seriously picking apart how DB behaved as the boys walked in home having come home from school? Seriously? You're making a judgement on her, saying she can't be bothered, saying she doesn't pay attention to her boys, based on that one screenshot. That's unbelievable.

I must be a crap mom because my 7yo walks a few feet ahead of me on a regular basis. She's not always clung to my side.

My little boy loves to be dropped off a few houses before ours and "beat" me home. I guess I'm a bad mommy too.

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