100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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one of the worst answers of the day was WHO were you going camping with.

(5) people
2 dishwashers from the purple plum
then other friends who have no names
then oh 1 dishwasher. no , maybe they are customers?

I can't remember.. thats all i can say


Right. Because there WAS no camping trip planned, and none of these scary and skeezy guys actually exist. Yet, you expect the jury to believe:

-- You're going camping with a bunch of dangerous guys, so dangerous that you need to buy a gun for the special occasion?

-- You don't know anybody's last name. In fact, you can't recall but two of their FIRST names?

-- This is the fun place you're going -- tralalala-style -- when you KNOW you're about to be arrested for murder?

Okay. NOW the jury should know without doubt: Jodi bought the gun to shoot somebody else. Whether it was the cops while she was on the run, or one of Travis' women whom she deplored.

Clearly, she was never going to harm Her Royal Highness (self).
I have a little personal confession to make about this case.

I'm extremely attached to this case, much like I was to the Caylee Anthony case because I can relate to them both due to my own personal circumstances.

I grew up and was raised in Riverside County. Not in the city of Riverside, but the same county. I lived in that county for most of my life before I moved in with my husband. We now live in Orange County.

I was also born to two drug addicted parents. There I said it (so many years later it's still hard to say). I was also raised by my grandparents due to my parents struggles. I was shuffled back and forth twice, once because the state had removed me from my mother and step-fathers home back to my grandparents where I remained for the duration of my childhood. Normally when people ask about my background I simply say that my parents had responsibility issues. And due to their drug use that was certainly true but not the full story.

I saw and dealt with things as a child that children should not. It is for that reason I believe that like me, Travis was far more mature than he appeared. In our situation you have to deal with very adult situations and circumstances at a very young age. For a child growing up its hard to understand how drugs can be more important than your own children. Travis was only immature in dealing with romantic relationships due to his inexperience. But I fully believe he had an abundance of maturity due to his upbringing.

Since Travis had a past much like my own I'm enraged that Jodi took from him what children who come from pasts such as our own work so hard to accomplish. We do everything in our power to change the cycle. To be better than what we came from.

Travis could have been something. And Jodi took from him the chance to work towards the goal that I'm sure he was always working to attain, as I myself do on a daily basis. To rise above the beginnings we were given. God hands cards and circumstances that, at times, are completely out of your control. You can either fold or play the hand you are dealt with dignity and resolve to play the game no matter what.

I hope that wherever Travis is that he knows he played the hand well and with great dignity regardless of some of his failings. I hope he knows he attained his ultimate goal.

I am so proud to be a part of a group with excellent people like yourself. What you just wrote gives me so much hope and peace!
I guess I've missed this somewhere along the line. So Travis' roommates were in and out of the house during the 5 days his body was in the bathroom? Wouldn't they have been doing laundry during that time and discovered the camera, etc.? And wasn't the other bedroom upstairs next to Travis'? I thought there was blood all over in the hall :( I'm confused.

The hall in the master suite, not the common hall. The door to TA's master suite was locked.

One roommate had been housesitting with his gf for her parents; the other obviously didn't do any laundry during that time.
IIRC it was the 'Do you think your boyfriends cheated on you because you were too controlling?' question. :giggle:

My jaw dropped too. Abuse is all about control after all. ;)

Snooping is controlling. Confronting a woman your ex BF is dating is controlling. Peeping into windows is controlling....why not just ring the door bell, hello. No she was spying on him because she knew he had company. Backspacing on the computer is controlling. Having someone's password you are dating casually is controlling. She sure answered that one wrong. Not even "I don't believe I'm controlling." Just, no. They asked the question because they believe she is very controlling. jmo
The moment I broke away, after I shot him, is when he started yelling profanities at me and said he was going to kill me! well well well Jody he never threatened your life until you shot him in the head!

I thought I saw that today, and just saw the rerun on Nancy Grace. It was in that order! Did we miss that before or is she saying something different today. I thought the I kill you was said before the gunshot the last time she stated that.

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He was probably going nuts, I know my dogs would have. BUT he would have had blood on him no?

I'm not saying he was up there at the time. But why is jodi saying her ankles were bleeding? I'd never heard that before.

Probably another lie. I know one thing. My dog would bite someone's foot off if anyone messed with me.
Please notice her hands when watching her answers again.

Her hands were so telling. She does this unscrewing the lid off a jar movement when she's trying to maybe change a story.

She under-entwines her fingers quickly and often, then opens her hands in that open palms up all movement like this is all I can offer you, then a micro shrug.

Normally, the face would have more tells, but with Jodi it's her HANDS, IMO.

Watch her, it's a trip.

Thanks, MeeBee! Fixed that for ya. Sort of. :)
Originally posted by paperwing >
Great point and makes sense. If JA dropped his camera, maybe he did get mad. That's not abnormal - most people would. It makes sense that his first action would be to see if his camera is okay.

Perhaps JA dropped the camera intentionally to get Travis annoyed and distracted - so he was even more vulnerable to a surprise attack. This actually seems quite plausible as to what really happened.

When he's (perhaps saying something unkind to JA) and going for his camera - JA slams the knife into him - or shoots him (maybe... I'm still on the gun last team). Then he goes to the sink - coughs blood... asks her to get help, she keeps stabbing him. He tries to protect himself (defensive wounds on the palms of his hands because he's facing her).

So he tries to GET AWAY and OUT down the hallway. She's stabbing him in the back of the head, back, (defensive wounds on the backs of his hands) then - from blood loss he collapses and commando-sliding at the very end, so the bottoms of his feet get slashed. He's weakening, and finally falls just inside his bedroom. Throat slashed, more stabs in the back,

The COPIOUS amount of blood from the neck wound shocks JA (not because he's hurt or she's squeamish, but because she doesn't know how out of control it might get - so she drags him into the shower..

This makes total sense to me - and perhaps it does to the juror, too, and that's why they asked the question... jmv'

I couldn't figure out how to quote from another thread, but I definitely think there is a ring of truth to the camera ending up over by the tub. But not because she was kneeling and it dropped and rolled over there (hello physics! Jury definitely caught this too) but because she threw it or something. He goes all "hey what you doin'" that's when he grabs the knife and plunges it into his chest...

Thanks for bringing my post over! I am lousy at figuring out when threads close - and I don't know how to bring posts over (so that they appear correctly) Looks like you don't either! :floorlaugh: Thanks just the same.

And I still think it makes sense. :)
One of the most telling lies that she told today was in response as to where the entry doors were to TA's master and the proximity of the stairs to the outside and why she didn't go out them. The most heinous lie she told today was that TA was interested in someone's son, my guess being Sky and Chris Hughes' son. JMO.
ctmom may be onto something. That photo of him being dragged could have been taken by Travis himself. This juror question asking if Travis may have moved the camera stumped her.

Um, what if he grabbed the camera after she had him down, he took this and the next one of the ceiling in the hall. Before he got too weak to do it.

He may have taken his last death photos, you are right, in an effort to be able to show someone he was being killed by her
My first thought when I heard the "Could Travis have moved the camera" question was, "Oh, please send this juror back to Pinellas County where he came from."

Now the WS discussion makes me wonder if this juror was actually contemplating whether or not TA could have taken the photos during the attack in an effort to leave evidence. :what:

Maybe that's why JA went out of her way to delete the pictures. . .she was aware of TA trying to snap them while she was killing him.
The unloaded gun story once again sunk JA. JA testifies that the TA gun was unloaded. She had a discussion with TA about “loading the gun” . That discussion apparently did not go anywhere since the common understanding was the 25 caliber gun was to remain unloaded.

So the question – why spend time reaching for an unloaded gun? ANSWER – Because if I pointed a gun at somebody they would cease and desist.
JA thinks she can avert TA advance by pointing a gun at him.

BUT TA knew the gun was unloaded. Why would JA who thinks the gun that is unloaded would stop a person who KNOWS that the gun is UNLOADED????

Especially an abuser. He really is not going to get super angry about that.
FAIL on the abuse story line once again.
Anyone notice that the producer on NG's show (Matt) has a voice that sounds like Ethel Merman screaming? Worst voice on TV ever!
The moment I broke away, after I shot him, is when he started yelling profanities at me and said he was going to kill me! well well well Jody he never threatened your life until you shot him in the head!

I thought I saw that today, and just saw the rerun on Nancy Grace. It was in that order! Did we miss that before or is she saying something different today. I thought the I kill you was said before the gunshot the last time she stated that.

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I thought he said it twice. Once when he lunged at her and again after she shot him.

About when the fog rolled in.
i am an artist, self-taught ... and i will say this about j.a's "art" - it is soulless. to me, there is a lack of creativity, vision, exploration... when i first saw her art, the word that popped into my head was "mediocre." and i wouldn't shy away from praising her art if i felt it deserved it.

she has some talent, she can draw. but there is no way it is worthy of hanging on a wall next to a Monet or a Van Gogh...

it is my opinion that j.a brought up this art gallery as a way to self promote (she knows her art is being sold on eBay, so that may have been a factor in mentioning it, too).. the jurors don't have any idea what her artwork looks like, so if they're told that her friend John Dickson thought it was good enough* to hang along side Monet and Van Gogh, then they might think she is really talented.. amazing, even... it's deceptive to me, especially since we all know better..

*sight-unseen presumably, since she said she mentioned that she painted and JD suggested they try to get her art into his friends gallery...

i hope this isn't coming across as me being 'catty' because i consider myself an artist as well.. i have had my art on gallery walls but i would never try to imply i was anywhere near the same level of talent as Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet.

.... aaaand, i am sure by the time i post this, the topic will have changed :blushing:

I have had my photography in exhibitions and sold it as well. People tell me my shots are good, I tell them "eh, it's okay". And in no solar system would I ever imply it was good enough to hang with ANY artist of that sort. When my work is hung with a National Geographic photographer, I think "wow, why?"
She feared for her life. You know, the one she keeps insisting she wants to end. Yeah, that one.

I read a post earlier about the sound of the gun blast. As I understand it, the majority of the deafening noise heard when a firearm is discharged is a sonic boom caused by the muzzle velocity of the projectile exceeding the sound barrier. A standard .25 caliber pistol cartridge only has a muzzle velocity of 400 to 600 feet per second. This is below the sound barrier and therefore makes very little noise. More of a pop than a large boom. By comparison a .357 magnum (police revolver) has a muzzle velocity of about 1,450 feet per second and makes a deafening noise when fired.

The lowest muzzle velocity for a .25 ACP I could find is about 760 fps, which is still transsonic. Just by way of comparison, a .45 is about 900 fps and the Carcano rounds that killed Kennedy were nearly 2,500 fps.

A gun makes a crack. Partly that is the muzzle velocity, partly the gas expansion of the gunpowder. I've always assumed the loudest component is the muzzle crack as air gets seriously out of the way of the bullet leaving the muzzle.

However, all firearms are really freaking loud. Even a silencer can only make a larger round sound like a smaller round like a .22, which itself has a surprisingly loud crack.

From watching movies people may think the sound of a gunshot is a lot more "throaty" than it really is. The sound is very difficult to reproduce because, at close range, you not only hear it, you can feel it. Even when you know it's coming, it can make you flinch.

One of my pet peeves is films like Terminator 2 where people are firing handguns and shotguns in a closed elevator and their total hearing loss for the rest of the movie is never addressed. They would be saying "Huh, what?" as the only dialogue for the duration.

You know how loud a .25 would be in a closed space like a bathroom without ear protection?

Shockingly loud.

I don't know about "the fog", but I can bet Jodi's ears were ringing well into her tossing the gun in the desert.

P.S. No guy would own a little .25 as a backup weapon, much less the first gun they ever bought. Useless for defense, no fun to shoot and I can't imagine a beefy kind of guy like Travis picking up a vest pocket pimp gun and saying "this just feels right in my hand".

It's JMO - there will not be one juror who finds her credible. It's just not possible-- to believe her and to take her word as truthful is to suspend one's sound judgement and common sense, and to ignore facts in evidence. There will likely be varying degrees of disgust towards her and some jurors more focused on certain lies and areas of the story than others, like there is here or in any group, but collectively when they finally get into deliberations and talk about it together, doubt will disappear. Other than this sentence I will not express concerns about this verdict based on botched verdicts from past trials. This is different, this is here and now.

Not to say there are no nerves, there will be nerves until a verdict and until all appeals are eventually exhausted, but I can't imagine 12 rational folks who Juan had a hand in selecting as jurors blowing this.

That's all.
While I'm not an artist, I can draw - only because I had to take courses in figure drawing for my fashion design degree. When I saw JA's art I thought it looked "flat". There is no dimension to it - no depth. She has some talent, but her art is nothing special. Her art is of the "dime a dozen" brand.
Please notice her hands when watching her answers again.

Her hands were so telling. She does this unscrewing the lid off a jar movement when she's trying to maybe change a story.

She under-entwines her fingers quickly and often, then opens her hands in that open palms up all movement like this is all I can offer you, then a micro shrug.

Normally, the face would have more tells, but with Jodi it's her HANDS, IMO.

Watch her, it's a trip.

Hmmm could it be like turning the sink on to wash the blood off her hands? We all know as she talks her head is flooded with mental images IMO...

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I've never been sequestered in a jury before. When they are together in the room, are they allowed to speak to each other about the trial BEFORE deliberation? I was wondering if they were able to tell each other the questions that they were submitting in advance. Thanks

Jurors are not to discuss the case until deliberation.
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