100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Forgive me if you already know about this but I just thought I'd put this out there, I though it was interesting. As far as whether he knew she was coming, I was watching the 7/16/2008 police interrorgation youtube video w/Det Flores. That was the Ninja story video. I think Jodi mixes lies with the truth. We all know the Ninja story is BS but I do think the call to Travis while she was en route is the truth. You should watch it because she was telling D. Flores that she said she called Matt about her phone charger and that her phone was getting ready to die. She said it was around 9 p.m. (CA Time?) (8 p.m. AZ?) and then she said she called Travis and said.... At the 12:42 mark on the video......
JA: Travis, guess what?
TA: What?
JA: I'm coming to AZ.
JA said there was just silence on the phone...Then TA said, "Really?......What changed your mind?"
She tells Det. Flores that she said something like that 'she missed him' or something like that.
And then says when she got to Travis home he was on the computer, she was tired and was going to go to bed, Travis said, 'That's fine'. She remarked that Travis was happy to see her (hmmm, I wonder about that!). I think when Travis said, Really? he was really saying, Oh Sh___! But she was already on her way, so at that point, what could he do, turn her away? Wished he had! The thing that I don't understand, he just sent her that nasty e-mail reading her the riot act the week before, and now he is going to permit her to come into his home? The fact is, when she said there was just 'silence' when she said she was coming, I don't think he was too happy about it. GMO

I don't believe she ever called him.

The thing is - she went to great lengths to make this trip totally incognito so that NO ONE knew she was going to AZ.
IF she were to call Travis and tell him there would be a risk he'd tell a friend or roomie!
When a person goes to the lengths she did to hide that trip by not just stock piling gas but using a rental car that 'wouldn't stand out' to the Highway patrol and has a stolen gun from her GF's (no way was that gun TA) there is no way he was expecting her. None. Remember, she walked into his house every single day even when they were not GF/BF. she'd fallen asleep waiting there for him to come home from a date! Her own words!

I remember her testimony about standing at the doorway watching him at his PC after letting herself in. Supposedly it was 3 or 4 am when they'd all be asleep. (they had jobs after all)
She said the dog didn't even notice her for about a minute! I call BS on that story! I've had 3pugs and have a shih zu & a cocker. There is NO WAY any one is sneaking in and standing there watching him while he's got his back to her and that dog isn't going to bark to let his master know their territory had been breached!

That doggie gate was put up in front of those stairs for good reason. Either put there after she attacked him and got bitten on the ankles and feet or before cuz she knew the dog would alert a sleeping roommate of her arrival. Even if the dog knows the person they're going to alert the owner the minute they hear a door crack open!

The jury asked her if the dog was sensitive to loud noises. She said he only barked when someone knocked or the doorbell rang.
On the stand before that she said the dog would run out of the room when TA got 'angry' and yelled. BS on that also. That dog is not going to leave any room where their master is in any confrontation with another person known to him or not. Even a small dog will stand by and fight for their master above all others.
I know this through experience and no doubt there are at least some dog owners on that jury.

Remember her newest injuries on the ankle and feet? I believe done by his pup and that she put him downstairs and gated him so he couldn't get back upstairs while she was slaughtering her prey. Another thing that was noticed the bannister recently smooth and clean. She ran that dog downstairs to keep him off of her.

And who wears long sleeves and pants in June in AZ? Someone who has injuries to hide from doing something very wrong. As she puts it.

Also the other newest injury from that day she eludes to be from a body slam that never happened. The shoulder! Whoa! I couldn't believe that one. Of course your shoulder isn't going to be the same after plunging a knife through a mans back, head and heart not to mention almost cutting his head off.
That was just so blatantly obvious my jaw dropped when she said it.

No. I do not believe she told Travis she was on her way or even going anywhere near Mesa. With her plan and all that she did to ensure she couldn't be placed even on a gas station video, putting rental plates upside down and on and on and on she would not chance him alerting another soul that she was coming.

She knew how to get into that house even if doors locked having gone through the doggy door on one occasion!
Question: Since you say you only remember pointing the gun at Travis and everything else is a 'fog', did you not wonder where all those stab wounds are slit throat came from when he was 'lunging' at you? Sarc/off
I haven't seen anyone mention the question about Napoleon--Would the dog bark if someone came in the door? Is the Juror thinking the same thing we did, that she was watching him through the window?

Next question--did the dog bark at loud noises? wondering if the dog barked when he heard the gunshot I think--I thought that was a curious question.

Maybe the Juror is wondering how Jodi could surprise Travis "masturbating to pictures of little boys". Wouldn't Napolean bark when she returned?
Although I really don't watch NG anymore, last night as I was flipping channels, I saw she had on their headline at the bottom of the screen "Jury takes a stab at Arias". Really disappointed in her and her show. :banghead: Such poor taste.

I also can not handle Grace anymore, she is really getting old with her fake smart a$$ attitude.
Does anyone know if Juan can request an X-ray of Jodi's finger? If it were previously broken and healed in a crooked position, wouldn't it show on an X-ray? A sliced tendon would not show? Right?
125: Can you give a few examples of what might be considered negative other than those already discussed?
A: Negative experiences?
J: It says negative information through journals.
A: Well, I don't know that that means specifically to me, but other than violating the chastity, violence, that kind of thing. Words that you speak, um there's doctrine in the church which says that every word that flows from our mouth we will be held accountable for those words one day, um, so that's an example of something negative. I know some Mormon's that drink, that's an example of something negative. I know gay Mormons and homosexuality is prohibited in the church, that's something the Church considers negative, it's not my philosophy. Um, there are things to that effect, plenty of things that are going on, so I mean I guess there would be an example as far as the homosexuality goes because Travis wanted to have a threesome with another woman and I wasn't, I mean I'm not gay, but it was something I was contemplating going along with, so that, obviously, in addition to the sexual sin depending on what interaction I may or may not have had with that woman could also be a violation of another law in that regard.

The only part that makes any sense in this convoluted answer is the part I bolded.

I think she might be getting a sense that her accounting is nigh!
good morning all -

catching up again, but can someone link the rest of the video of TA and JA from DrD they showed last night? I forgot to watch it!

I am looking forward to today! I am excited and I am starting to get my faith in the Justice system back. :)
Maybe the Juror is wondering how Jodi could surprise Travis "masturbating to pictures of little boys". Wouldn't Napolean bark when she returned?

I was thinking they were wondering about Napoleon's reaction when the gunshot happened.
Remember her newest injuries on the ankle and feet? I believe done by his pup and that she put him downstairs and gated him so he couldn't get back upstairs while she was slaughtering her prey. Another thing that was noticed the bannister recently smooth and clean. She ran that dog downstairs to keep him off of her.

BBM and snipped for space

I am wondering if the ankle injuries are from when she supposedly woke up in the desert. I mean when the fog lifted and she realized she had a lot of stuff to get rid of. Did she walk aways into the desert and start getting rid of stuff? Wondering if she took the socks off, does she only have shoes on, so the ankle scratches.

Lets face it, every question brings up new information to explain away old. Now she has a shoulder injury that NOT ONE time during testimony did she say anything about the shoulder. Not once. She had a chance TWICE when her attny led her through the day. And then, when JM asked her questions about her injuries, this supposed body slam knocking the wind out of her. We had a recreation of the supposed body slam, and not once did she say anything about the shoulder. And she said plenty during her attny's turn. She rambled on forever with each and every question.

Why now?

I've watched enough WWF to know what a body slam is. How does one 'roll' after a body slam??? After a body slam you'd just be lying flat on your back in pain!
Jodi said yesterday that she had used gas cans before when taking long trips and that she did that with Darryl. I wonder if that is true, and I wonder if Juan will recall Darryl to discuss this.
I remember her testimony about standing at the doorway watching him at his PC after letting herself in. Supposedly it was 3 or 4 am when they'd all be asleep. (they had jobs after all)

Respectfully snipped ...

Arias testified on direct that Travis came out and helped her with her bags when she arrived, a total contradiction to her letting herself in and watching him on the PC.
I've watched enough WWF to know what a body slam is. How does one 'roll' after a body slam??? After a body slam you'd just be lying flat on your back in pain!

IIRC, didn't she back-peddle on redirect and call it a tackle? Which is semi more plausible except that he would be lying on top of her thus no roll-and-run.

She's going to have to stick with body-slam I'm afraid. She's made her body-slam. Now she will have to lay in it.
BBM: Thanks wasn't enough. I've been saying since the trial began that JA is not done with Travis or anyone who feels sorry for Travis. She will never be done mutilating him in anyway she can. She had plans for Travis and her together and Travis dumped her. This was going to be the last time anyone was going to "cheat" on her, and she wanted to destroy him in any way possible. Pure evil is what we know as JA. :furious:

So true, and she will never give up the details of Travis' slaughter. That's her own 'dirty little secret' that she will take to her grave, hoping his family and friends will suffer nightmares for the rest of their lives.
She knew how to get into that house even if doors locked having gone through the doggy door on one occasion!
I may be plunging into my own jodi-induced fog, but I believe she testified that travis had a doggy door that was placed next to the doorframe, that the slider butted up to. so that slider was never locked. I don't think she went through the doggy door itself, although that might be more fitting...
My big question is if he was in fact dead at the time that photo was taken, why is his head off the floor?

I've been saying the same thing. I was able to get my DH on the floor and the only way his arm and head could be elevated that way is if he was still struggling. It is soooo sad and frightening. IMO
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