100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #76

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Nobody has told Jodi that this isn't a gathering to get her past relationships recorded correctly. She's clueless that she slaughtered a man she says she loved.

Jodi Arias testified that Travis yelled at her that he was going to kill her and she ran into a walk in closet retrieved the hand gun from a fairly high up shelf.
She grabbed the gun came back out to the bathroom hallway and shot Travis in the head as he was in a tackle position.
All this just after he body slammed her onto a tile floor.
She said she could hear Travis’s footsteps behind her as she was running toward the walk in closet.
Now when it comes to the gun it would have had to have been retrieved from the high up shelf and it would have had to have had a live round in the chamber and the safety in the off position in order to fire.
Most handgun owners do not store their guns with a live shell in the chamber and if they do they sure as hell wouldn’t leave it with the safety in the off position where it could easily fire if they picked it up wrong.
In order to load a semi automatic handgun the slider on the top of the barrel must be pulled all the way back so a shell can be chambered (this means a shell loads into the barrel part).
These guns are so small that it would be difficult to load in a hurry even if you know what you are doing.


Jodi Arias testified that Travis yelled at her that he was going to kill her and she ran into a walk in closet retrieved the hand gun from a fairly high up shelf.
She grabbed the gun came back out to the bathroom hallway and shot Travis in the head as he was in a tackle position.
All this just after he body slammed her onto a tile floor.
She said she could hear Travis’s footsteps behind her as she was running toward the walk in closet.
Now when it comes to the gun it would have had to have been retrieved from the high up shelf and it would have had to have had a live round in the chamber and the safety in the off position in order to fire.
Most handgun owners do not store their guns with a live shell in the chamber and if they do they sure as hell wouldn’t leave it with the safety in the off position where it could easily fire if they picked it up wrong.
In order to load a semi automatic handgun the slider on the top of the barrel must be pulled all the way back so a shell can be chambered (this means a shell loads into the barrel part).
These guns are so small that it would be difficult to load in a hurry even if you know what you are doing.

This is a picture of the actual size of a 25 cal semi automatic hand gun (much smaller than most people think. Easily hidden in a pocket.
Now how could Jodi have ran into the closet grabbed this handgun possibly loaded it put the safety in the firing position and do all this faster than it would have taken Travis to catch up to her.
Remember she testified that she knew absolutely nothing about guns of any kind.
How would she know if it was loaded and ready to fire or where the safety is on the gun all in within a second or two?
The hallway including the walk-in closet was only 20 feet away from the shower so how long do you think it would take Travis to run that far and by her saying she could hear his footsteps behind her so that means he was already out of the shower.
I believe the time frame for all this to happen is impossible.
If you don’t know anything about these types of guns how would you even know where the safety is on it.
The prosecution should bring a gun expert into court and show the jurors one of these guns and how it’s loaded and about the safety on the gun etc. and that it would have been impossible for her to have shot Travis the way she said she did.
I believe this would blow her whole story right out of the water.

Foot note—if you look at the crime scene photos the one where he has the surprised look on his face—the next one he is sitting on the shower floor, He is not posing as people think but he has already been stabbed in the stomach or deep stab to the heart are
I have taken thousands of showers and never once sat on a shower floor.
When a person is stabbed it takes a few seconds before blood comes out of the wound it’s self. The pain would be instant and could cause a person to collapse. Like I said he is not sitting in the shower posing for a picture.
By the autopsy pictures he was stabbed by a knife with quite a wide blade so if that was thrust into his chest deeply it would likely cause you to collapse (either a stomach stab or stab near the heart) He couldn’t have been shot first because the bullet entered the right eyebrow and traveled on a downward angle and lodged in his right cheek.
If Travis was standing she couldn’t have shot him first because of this bullet angle.
Travis was stabbed first and shot later.
I think when the camera was dropped is when Travis was coming out of the shower and she dropped the camera so she could continue stabbing him.
In yesterdays testimony by Jodi she said she could use either hand to do things so that explains how she could have taken pictures using her right hand.
I believe the gun is the whole key to premeditated murder and it doesn’t matter how many lies she has told as the gun will be the proof.

This is a picture of the actual size of a 25 cal semi automatic hand gun (much smaller than most people think. Easily hidden in a pocket.
Now how could Jodi have ran into the closet grabbed this handgun possibly loaded it put the safety in the firing position and do all this faster than it would have taken Travis to catch up to her.
Remember she testified that she knew absolutely nothing about guns of any kind.
How would she know if it was loaded and ready to fire or where the safety is on the gun all in within a second or two?
The hallway including the walk-in closet was only 20 feet away from the shower so how long do you think it would take Travis to run that far and by her saying she could hear his footsteps behind her so that means he was already out of the shower.
I believe the time frame for all this to happen is impossible.
If you don’t know anything about these types of guns how would you even know where the safety is on it.
The prosecution should bring a gun expert into court and show the jurors one of these guns and how it’s loaded and about the safety on the gun etc. and that it would have been impossible for her to have shot Travis the way she said she did.
I believe this would blow her whole story right out of the water.

Foot note—if you look at the crime scene photos the one where he has the surprised look on his face—the next one he is sitting on the shower floor, He is not posing as people think but he has already been stabbed in the stomach or deep stab to the heart are
I have taken thousands of showers and never once sat on a shower floor.
When a person is stabbed it takes a few seconds before blood comes out of the wound it’s self. The pain would be instant and could cause a person to collapse. Like I said he is not sitting in the shower posing for a picture.
By the autopsy pictures he was stabbed by a knife with quite a wide blade so if that was thrust into his chest deeply it would likely cause you to collapse (either a stomach stab or stab near the heart) He couldn’t have been shot first because the bullet entered the right eyebrow and traveled on a downward angle and lodged in his right cheek.
If Travis was standing she couldn’t have shot him first because of this bullet angle.
Travis was stabbed first and shot later.
I think when the camera was dropped is when Travis was coming out of the shower and she dropped the camera so she could continue stabbing him.
In yesterdays testimony by Jodi she said she could use either hand to do things so that explains how she could have taken pictures using her right hand.
I believe the gun is the whole key to premeditated murder and it doesn’t matter how many lies she has told as the gun will be the proof.
and lest we forget, these men she now describes such friendly parting of ways with are the very same mean bad boyfriends who done her wrong :( But they hugged and kissed upon parting and there were no hard feelings on either side.

I'm back in the JA/Nurmi stupor - brain cells popping, can barely remember my name!

Oh no Jodi gave you the "Fog Virus" Help someone "Someone call 911" I will call 911 this serious stuff this Jodirus.
All Nurmi knows is sex... so he keeps trying to bring it around to sex... and the jury ain't buying that excuse.
The Law of Attraction says Jodi will get what she gives out (basically). Like live streaming karma--at least that's how I think of it. I like the Law of Attraction, but it is not about what you say, but how you really think. Arias has it fundamentally wrong--the way she's explaining it, you would think all you had to do was pass out candy to get candy.

It's about creating a reality that matches the inner person. In this case it mandates the death penalty for Arias, no joke. She is completely disconnected from other people.

The juror who asked about her parents is trying to estimate the severity of her disconnect. Even those who have suffered breaches with parents have emotions about the disconnect. JA demonstrated none. She might as well have been talking about her feelings regarding the lack of use of the Dewey Decimal System.

Regarding her aunt--golly it's so hard for a sociopath to be a really good actress. "COME ON DOWN, Auntie.....it's my murder trial and you're on camera!" Her attorney didn't coach her on this one -- or maybe she is going off script on her answers because no big fat guy is going to tell her what to say when can use words like "delineated" and "ideation".

Pseudo-intellectual Arias does not realize that the only place "ideation" is used is in the medical world describing a mental state of suicide. NOBODY other than medical professionals use "ideation." It shows that she's been googling the proper state of mind to describe for her phony testimony.
hey lil buddy...

couldn't we just put her in the super colliding thingie just for a few minutes to see if the theories about it's effect on living things really pans out?

pleeeeeeeaaaasssseeeee????? :please:
Somehow I don't think she will sustain this bright perky countenance when Juan Martinez has a shot with these questions...right between the eyes.

Ok off to shower for the afternoon.

Please Nurmi do NOT take up every second of it with your arm swooping inanity.

Just let go. Ok?

You've gone too far as it is. WAY too far.

Unfortunately, I think we're going to be in the JA/Nurmi stupor all afternoon!

Can't imagine that Nurmi will allow Juan to have a crack again at JA before this very long upcoming break in testibaloney. JMO [I hope I'm wrong!]
Do you guys think that JM and now the Jury are asking about what TA said after he was shot because being shot through the brain at that location would render speech impossible?
lol she was shocked her parents let her go to Costa Rica...they probably were hoping she wouldn't come back.
and not to mention that they even 'gave her some money' - ....
the so called upon ' dysfunctional relationship and abusers' (parents)
I think Nurmi is the sexual deviant..jmo lol

Im watching hln, and I know ya'll are ahead of me, but all he does his harp on sex?:furious::banghead:

:waitasec: and gotta ask why?
I know sex sells , but does it swayan almost all male jury?:blushing:
Could Nurmi be sanctioned for blatantly ineffective counsel? If anything he's making the jury loathe her more. Someone should check his pockets for syringes. :jail:
instead of being focused on desserts. This jury has been subjected to something so horrid, her days & days of testimony, and yet they are hanging in there. Their questions do tend to show me that the jig is up as far as her tales of woe go.

I can't imagine Nurmi is feeling good about all those days of direct. But I suspect JA may have dictated that. He should have warned her. Honestly, it almost is incompetent counsel to allow her to get up on that stand for days on end reciting her pathetic life and boyfriend stories to a jury in a gruesome murder trial. Worst. Defense. Ever.

The most logical question EVER: "If you lied so much already why should we believe you now?" This is one smart jury. Whereas the P12 did not have 3 brain cells to split amongst them, this jury box is full of good old fashioned COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!
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