100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #76

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How many have sent your ex a really long email telling them how you feel about your (now ended) relationship.

she is whack-a -doodle...............


My husband's ex gf did that to him when he started dating me. She was JUST LIKE JA. She and I ended up living a few rooms down from each other in college. I locked the door all the time...
If ever I had any doubt about conviction on first degree!
I'm now convinced she will be and sent to death row
Youtube video played on Hln of travis dancing possibly arias there snappin the video?
lol she was shocked her parents let her go to Costa Rica...they probably were hoping she wouldn't come back.

I'm not shocked at all that Jodi's parents got the money together to send her butt out of the country!:great:
Thirteen years ago I had a life threatening experience. To this day I can't think about it without getting a knot in my stomach. If I try to talk about it I start to tear up, as I'm typing this my palms are sweating. I have no control over these reactions.
How can she be so unemotional when talking about the day she killed Travis, in what she claims was self defense? It's mind boggling!

Sorry to hear about your experience.
I would so be laughing inside sitting on that jury! The law of attraction?! Sometimes, you really can't baffle 'em with bullchit! Don't think Nurmi will be getting kudo awards per his sloppy defense. Wonder if the jurors notice her herpes sore is more INFLAMED today?
"Did Mr. Martinez cause you to shake during this trial?"

Where is that question going? What was the purpose of that question?

I think they are trying to trap her in her own words. Because the jury never saw her 'shake.' And so if she is going to claim that Juan caused her to shake with fear, the jury is going to know she is lying. She stood up to him , toe to toe. with no shaking at all.
Nurmi needs to get her off the stand as quickly as possible. Those jury questions clearly show they are SICK of her.

But I am sure he doesn't see it that way and we will have drone, drone, drone and then Jodi blah, blah, blah all afternoon.

every time he starts with 'tell us again.....' i want to poke my eye out with a dull butter knife. he shouldn't be able to do that. we've heard all this ad nauseum and so has the jury.

nurmi doesn't seem to have his finger on the pulse of this jury. they are so over ms. arias. part of wilmott's job is to watch the jury and keep him up on how they're reacting. he can't rehabilitate her----this jury has heard it all, they get it, and he can't make them see NOW that she's on the level about any of this.
I'm thrilled by the jurors questions!

I can't wait for rebuttal and closings!

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These questions...are good ones however she is a slick talker.
As I have heard a saying it goes:
"She could sell ICE to an Eskimo"
no offense to any Eskimo people but hey, she is one slick and fast with her replies.
She does not remember stabbing and slitting an innocent defenseless showering man's throat?:furious:

Not so sure about that.

In order to be successful with multi-level marketing you do actually have to be able to sell.

Someone said she made a whopping $1,700 the year she was doin' the PPL thang.

Good thing Gus Searcy was her mentor...
Look at her! She LOVES talking about herself. She loves talking about how a male feels about her or what their relationship was. She smiles and is absolutely giddy when she gets to talk about anything positive a man said or did for her. She makes me sick.

She sounds just like a jr high girl! :floorlaugh:
So Arias says NOW that after she put the gas in the cans, she put the nozzle back on the pump and the transaction ended. I hope JM asks her "Why didn't you just put your credit card back into the pump and start over for the car or WERE YOU TRYING TO COVER YOUR TRACKS BY PAYING CASH ????
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