100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

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I am sure most people have endured the Walmart return/exchange trip to the service counter in last 10 years. (policies are worldwide)
In my experience you Need a receipt for Proof of a Cash transaction Prior to handing back Cash (best to have the receipt in hand but IF same day purchase the actual register can be be revisited on occasion) also Must be documented regardless in their computer systems whether you kept the receipt and/or a new receipt is generated cash or credit under $25..

even if you do not have a receipt. there has to be a transaction created. ja says she received cash, the clerk had to record the return otherwise his/her drawer would be short at the end of the shift. then there is a record of the shortage. also return item back to stock on hand. lol :moo:
my mom asked me if anyone thought it was strange jodi said the desert was so hot, yet she carried gas cans in a hot car that could explode. since i live in fl i had to admit we have had gas cans in our van in case of emergency and its very hot at times. same as i leave a gas can outside by lawn mower in heat.. yes i guess i never considered it being too hot, mom watched trial and cnn and nancy grace and shes out state from me. shes an expert on the cases . i like talking of the cases to her on phone, i call and say can you believe what she just said? then we talk about cases - mom has no computer or she would be here too-lol.

When I lived in Arizona, I recall a cigarette lighter exploding on the dashboard of a car.
A friend of Travis' on Dr Drew just said Travis would come home from dates and find Jodi in his closet.

If true, wouldn't the PA call the friend to testify, showing JA was stalking TA? I don't have TV so I have not seen the interview. I have no idea if TA's friends are telling the truth or not. (except for Mimi Hall and Lisa) TA is not here to speak for himself so if they are lying, who will call them out on their lies? Did the friend say if he advised Travis to call the cops, get a restraining order against JA? I don't trust anything any TA's friends say anymore than I believe what Bryan Carr said about his Mormon blood atonement theory. :moo:
something just hit me......maybe that juror that mentions maybe TA picked the camera up and went down the hallway with it....just maybe he is on to something here.....maybe JA surprised him with the flash pic of the face, then he picks up the camera thinking "wtf", she goes to the closet, he comes down the hall looking for her, she steps out of the closet with the knife, straight to the chest?? The struggle begins with the knife (his defensive wounds), he then goes back to the bathroom as she is stabbing him in the back, he then crawls back down the hall to get away from her and this is when she slits his throat.....I really thought that was a pretty smart thing for that juror to say about why the camera ended up taking the pic from the bedroom.....

I about fell out of my seat when Nurmi solicited the answer from JA that included her saying the Travis had told her he was getting signs from God that Mimi Hall was supposed to be his wife. There, IMO, is the motive! Not just that he was taking Mimi to Cancun, but that he was going to finally, truly move on...
My question is, did that seem to be a big moment in the courtroom? Was it just me?

Thank you, as always, for your observations!

Oh, and PASA, if you got in, please feel free to answer as well. Thank you both!
(Posted by My3Sons)

This was on the court observers thread. I didn't hear the part about Travis saying he was called by God to marry Mimi. Anyone know what exactly was said?

OH lord I did not hear that! I was probably running to the kitchen for my 6th Rice Krispy square!
(by the way I don't advise ever eating 6 of those in a day I feel sick)

That is BIG and that would put Jodi over the edge.. wow
Has this thought occurred to anyone else - a part of me thinks JA's mother may secretly wish JA gets locked up for the rest of her life. What a huge burden raising her must have been.

As for the laughing and seeming "inappropriate" a lot - I am somewhat of a social butterfly but I am ALSO a bit socially awkward. There are times I feel so UNEASY and not sure how to act. If I knew cameras and millions of people were watching me, and I had never been the relative of a cold, calculating murderer, I wouldn't be sure what is appropriate perhaps. Do I try and seem relaxed, like I believe in my daughter?? Do I weep constantly because I feel so awful for the victim and his family, and horrified that this monster at the defense table came from ME, but that makes it look bad for my daughter?

I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud here.
BAAAAAAAAAHAHHAA!!! Has she been watching reruns of Different Strokes in the clink? When she said, "Say What?" I started cracking up and half-expected her to follow it up with "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?!?!?" (clip at 23:12)


I wish I could do a Beach thud right now (Beach, can't you give us that one LoL)? ROFLMAO, this is one of my best giggles of the day. I couldn't believe she said that. That innocent little facade went right out the window with that one didn't it? :floorlaugh:
Dear Mormon Attorney, I'm really new at this too, and I don't seem to be able to find your original post, but I was in tears when I read it. I thought I saw the same thing too, but then again, I have felt this way another day as well. Thank you for all of the unconditional love you give, the understanding you have and the difference you have to make. You sound like an amazing person.
She said she had told Matt about Travis' alledged pedophilia and Juan asked her if she was aware of the statement Matt had given in January. It sounded like Matt had turned on her but he didn't say anything else about it.

I believe Nurmi objected when he brouth up Matt's statement...so JM let it go..for now. I think he snuck it in there to prepare the jury and JA for a bombshell in his rebuttal which Matt will probably get on the stand and say that JA never said this to him OR she asked him to say she did
Thank you so much for posting this. You are really a very special person. This is really touching, and also interesting. Please answer this, if you can: does something happen to these kids to make them this way, or are the born this way, with this flaw?

Because I have seen kids (VERY few), who have such great parents, who love them to death, but are just mean and violent kids. I don't understand.

Thanks in advance if you can answer.

As someone else points out, there is likely more than one cause (or combination of causes) that can create this situation. For the families I work with, it comes from what we call "complex trauma" - a mix of attachment disorder, often mental illness, possible fetal alcohol, environment, etc. So few kids have just one event going on. I personally refer to it as the trauma tornado. And, I agree with you, there are some children who seem to be more aggressive even though we can't point to anything that happened. Sometimes they have problems with impulse control, empathy, emotional regulation, etc. There is no doubt that two kids can experience the same events and it impacts one different than another. So, there are alot of factors.

One of the things that is hard for the families I work with is that the significant damage was often done early on, before they were involved. These early trauma experiences can literally alter or stunt brain development. So, we are not just trying to change emotions, but turn around brain chemistry. It is like learning to walk. We don't remember doing it but it would be very difficult for us to "forget." With my kids and families, we are trying to get the child to unwalk, or unlearn these early survival traits they learned that are now counterproductive.

I think a big issue that is often unseen on the outside is fetal alcohol. Bruce Perry spoke at a conference I attended and talked about a 4th grade boy who murdered his teacher. When they did a brain scan, they found that, due to fetal alcohol, the area of his brain which controlled impulsive thoughts was significantly damaged, if not, nonexistent. So, we all occasionally have thoughts like, "I am so mad, I could kill so and so." Of course, our impulse control center stops us from acting on these random thoughts. In this kid, fetal alcohol had wiped out his center for impulse control. With that knowledge, it is a wonder he made it to 4th grade.

Not at all saying that's what JA has. Just saying you are right to note that there can be many, many factors which contribute to the trauma tornado that leaves a person without conscience and without empathy and these people, if left untreated, can be very, very dangerous.
I'm a little confused. Why would she fill up the gas cans in Salt Lake City -- after she murdered Travis.

I speculated that she ditched the gas cans somewhere in the desert because they were never returned to DB. Her car was full of gas - so what was the need for more gas if she was going home and there was no need to cover her arss at that point?



I'd also like to know how many times she stopped for gas on the way home and how much she bought. Did she show up in CA with the three full gas cans? How many miles did she drive before returning the car to the rental place and were there receipts for gas that covered all those miles? Or did she use the gas in the cans on that return trip? Someone must have been able to do the calculation for that. How much gas did she purchase between SLC and returning the car? And did she return it with a full tank.
It does seem incredible that with all the forensics and digital evidence -- including 8,000 emails and 15,000 text messages and Lord knows how many photographs -- we have seen next to nothing from their computers and storage devices.

So true! In the CA trial the computer forensics were front and center. There's been very little of that in this case other than the camera evidence. Too bad...if there was more of that maybe JWG would have joined in. He and AZLawyer make a great pair :rocker:.
If true, wouldn't the PA call the friend to testify, showing JA was stalking TA? I don't have TV so I have not seen the interview. I have no idea if TA's friends are telling the truth or not. (except for Mimi Hall and Lisa) TA is not here to speak for himself so if they are lying, who will call them out on their lies? Did the friend say if he advised Travis to call the cops, get a restraining order against JA? I don't trust anything any TA's friends say anymore than I believe what Bryan Carr said about his Mormon blood atonement theory. :moo:

I remember I think Mimi Hall (maybe it was Lisa) - I read this in the interviews with the people who were friends of Travis, it was on Wild About Trials I think - and she said that the 2nd night his tires got slashed they DID call the police, and waited over 30 minutes or an hour and then decided to just leave. Maybe if the police had shown up a bit more quickly, he would have filled out a restraining order

The thought of someone being in my CLOSET after I got home from a date is beyond horrifying and I would be getting a restraining order, changing my locks and activating ADT Home Security System immediately. And changing all my numbers and passwords PRONTO.

And I agree about a LOT of the people on the TV now. They all I think are kind of digging this moment of fame. I really don't watch the THs, I just listen to the trial and come here and to CallsForJustice.
Welp I think the only way to end a day like this would be to toss up the stare Jodi went into when she got busted about those gas cans. I'm not sure I've seen Nurmi move as fast as he did today, shooting out of his seat, wailing "approach!". She could do nothing but this...


Justice sure is sweet.


It's not their first time to blindsided by Jodi.
Nurmi and Willmont were rattled when Juan pulled out the two magazines. I think they had them, but didn't realize their significance.They looked through the pages and then Nurni said approach. It was a classic moment.
who has already caught on and JM is driving it home. He's telling them they're right-you can't believe any of the voluminous self serving lies this woman tells without a second thought.

t was great because she had to make up new stuff on the fly too. The boss who now she just asked for a band aid. The Walmart people who are mistaken. The gas cans. The convenient pedophilia. All of it is the same drivel. It doesn't matter what the topic-she is lying. That means they will have to disregard everything she has said as she will have zero credibility left by the time of deliberations.

Exposing her prior to the domestic violence efforts is perfect. This jury question system really works to the advantage of justice here. This jury will have no patience with anyone blathering about poor Jodi being battered and mistreated.

I love the "secret" gun too! At least JM won that and KN was not able to let her lie about the gun story-all she could say was it was a secret which sounds so incredibly stupid I can't believe they went ahead without being able to tell the story, however stupid.
Hi I must have missed this part. What was the secret gun? Do you mean his gun was supposed to be a secret between them? Thx
Why is it that listening to the jurors questions seems like only 15 mins passes by...
Listening to Nurmi's questions 8 hours passes by... :pullhair:
Juan's questions 10 mins passes by..
As I have pointed out previously, the mysterious 3rd charge to Tosoro in SLC for $20 does NOT mean she purchased gasoline. Tosoro is like a 7-11 - where snacks, drinks, and convenient articles can also be purchased.
I assume JA will claim she bought food at Tosoro for around $20.

This is possible, but she's also got to weigh that against the real concern that Martinez might be able to get a duplicate receipt from Tesoro. Then she'd be caught in another lie.
I wish I could do a Beach thud right now (Beach, can't you give us that one LoL)? ROFLMAO, this is one of my best giggles of the day. I couldn't believe she said that. That innocent little facade went right out the window with that one didn't it? :floorlaugh:

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