100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

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I agree that everything she says should be doubted unless there is corroborating evidence.

On the other hand, whatever the state alleges, I expect them to prove and not just make insinuations -- if she made three gas purchases in SLC, that is something the state can prove with receipts they could subpoena; if she did not return the third gas can to Walmart, that is something the state can prove with business records custodian from Walmart. If those things are true, I do expect the state to prove them because they are provable. If they do not bring forth any such evidence, I will assume that the evidence is not favorable to the state and that Jodi is telling the truth abou the third gas can.

The letters her mother tried to sell were the fake letters supposedly from Travis about being a pedophile and abusing Jodi -- or something like that. I was talking about the suicide letters today that she sent to her grandmother and her journal entries talking about suicide.

No, I do not think she went back and backdated 4 years' worth of journal entries - those are her actual journals and they are being treated as such by both the state and the defense.

Okay, so you're not going to answer my questions in a lengthy response to your response?

So, above, are you saying the evidence you need is for JM to show the legit papers that verify that indeed, for example, that there never was a return on the gas can?

If so, do you think that JM is simply bluffing? And if so, why? If not, when do you expect him to proffer the concrete evidence?

I, of course, assume that it exists and that he will be proffering it at the appropriate moment.

ETA: I see your point about the fact that both attorneys treat her journal from 4 years ago as authentic. She's really good.
Where was Martinez going with his statements today to Jodi about "Are you sure you weren't betrayed?" Was this about Matt's testimony? Nurmi objected and the judge stopped these statements. tia

A good question! I think we're all wondering. It's a real mystery. I'm thinking there is more to come and really look forward to it!
:eek:fftobed: folks. Thanks for another great day, and lots of interesting comments. No trial until Wednesday :( but maybe we can all use a break from being Jodified and Nurminumbed.

Have a good night everyone.
Yes, unless it's bought from a private seller or at a gun show. At least that's the way it works in Texas.

Travis didn't have a gun ....

So people can just buy guns from craigslist or a trade show and they don't have to get a background check? But owning the gun, unregistered, would not be considered illegal? Sorry...just trying to understand this because I'm in Canada and...well you probably know how things are up here with regards to guns. :what:

Anyone else tired of the way Nurmi objects with a tone of voice as if he is annoyed at such a question even being asked?
Has anyone been able to check transcripts or recordings to see Jodi's original explanation for the "injury" to her right finger(s)? I thought her initial testimony was that she had cut herself on margarita glasses while working one night at Casa Ramos. However, when I mentioned this to a friend she thought that Jodi's original testimony was that she had cut herself on metal. I had posted on the previous thread that I thought Jodi's answer had changed from her original testimony to today's response to Juan Martinez. I really don't want to be passing around false information (unlike the defendant who doesn't seem to mind telling untruths).
Where was Martinez going with his statements today to Jodi about "Are you sure you weren't betrayed?" Was this about Matt's testimony? Nurmi objected and the judge stopped these statements. tia

He's brought this up before. I can only hope and trust he is planting seeds in the jury's mind and he is going some where with it.
Anyone else tired of the way Nurmi objects with a tone of voice as if he is annoyed at such a question even being asked?

he sounds bored and annoyed constantly.

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Anyone else tired of the way Nurmi objects with a tone of voice as if he is annoyed at such a question even being asked?

I think he's playing to the jury, that they should find the question annoying and irrelevant. I feel your pain :).
Anyone else tired of the way Nurmi objects with a tone of voice as if he is annoyed at such a question even being asked?

I was just watching one of the videos here but at the time was only vocal, no video of who was talking.

It sounded like a Chihuahua on crack, I thought it was possibly a female juror although the Judge reads those but I knew it was not her voice.

It was JUAN
A good question! I think we're all wondering. It's a real mystery. I'm thinking there is more to come and really look forward to it!

Did you get the feeling that Martinez was intentionally trying to surprise Jodi with those statements concerning Jodi being "so sure someone hadn't betrayed her? (Go Juan!)
Steely - I was just going off to bed, but I finally got up the nerve to "push your buttons". #3 is my favorite....that wascally wabbit :). Love him.
I was just watching one of the videos here but at the time was only vocal, no video of who was talking.

It sounded like a Chihuahua on crack, I thought it was possibly a female juror although the Judge reads those but I knew it was not her voice.

It was JUAN


Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
I was just watching one of the videos here but at the time was only vocal, no video of who was talking.

It sounded like a Chihuahua on crack, I thought it was possibly a female juror although the Judge reads those but I knew it was not her voice.

It was JUAN
Chihuahuas on crack can be LETHAL! Don't mess with them! lol
The thing is, Jodi had to know how travel was from Mesa, AZ and Yreka. She moved from Mesa to Yreka. She drove the same roads before when she moved. The call to Travis was at I think 8:14pm and she purchased more gas than needed for the rental at 8:46pm, so she would have enough gas at a "higher price" to go to Utah, via I-15 she says due to not knowing the area or having driven the desert she would be driving in...She already said she talked w/ Travis & she was going to see him. Didn't she say he begged her practically? oh my

She wasn't going to Utah at that time. She was going to Mesa, AZ to see Travis. Admits it & didn't need the more expensive CA gas to get there in the gas cans. Boy is she dumb.
Where was Martinez going with his statements today to Jodi about "Are you sure you weren't betrayed?" Was this about Matt's testimony? Nurmi objected and the judge stopped these statements. tia

Yes JM keeps taunting her with her relationship with Matt and whether she thought he would betray her because she said on the 48hrs interview that he was her ally and would never betray her.

Not sure if he's got anything from Matt or whether he can use Matt himself but she doesn't know whether Matt might have betrayed her so I guess it keeps her thinking when she's telling these lies that he could blow the lid off some of them.

Or not...who knows. Personally I think JA is totally ready to call JM's bluff if it is one. She's got nothing to lose really. So she'll continue the lies without fear of what Matt might say.

Apparently he's on the defence witness list so it could also be just JM's way of making sure the jury knows that Matt would be an unreliable witness if JA believes he would never betray her. He's already admitted he'd lie for her.

So people can just buy guns from craigslist or a trade show and they don't have to get a background check? But owning the gun, unregistered, would not be considered illegal? Sorry...just trying to understand this because I'm in Canada and...well you probably know how things are up here with regards to guns. :what:


Ive bought handguns from both the store and gun shows and my understanding is each state is different. Not sure about AZ laws though.

This is my understanding of the laws in my state which is NOT AZ laws but is an example of how one state does it. This is just my understanding based on my experience and I hope I have it right.
My state required me to fill out a form at the gun show but no background check that I know of. At the store, a background check definitely was done as well as a form. In my state personal purchases can be made between individuals without any form or background check.

Now the thing to realize is the law on carrying a handgun is different and separate from owning a hand gun. Just because I own one does not give me the permission to carry a concealed handgun. In my state, you have to file for a conceal carry permit and take a class. After receiving the conceal carry permit only then can you carry the conceal handgun on person and loaded.

Without a conceal carry permit, you can legally have the weapon in your house loaded and if you transport it in a vehicle it must be visibly seen totally unloaded with action open and the ammunition must be in a separate area of the vehicle and not within reach of the weapon. Like the ammo can be in the glovebox, but the gun must be in the backseat unloaded with action open.
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