100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

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OMG!!! I just saw it on Dr. Drew. They had Travis talking about the robbery and the gun, in that awful experience he had. Then they showed Jodi in the 48hr. interview stating the same words in her explanation about the ninja story and the guy holding the gun to her head. Same words! I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it myself. Ok, that's it! If there was even a trace of sympathy or belief, that I would not have even realize I had, gone! More than that. After hearing it you just plain get pizzed off, your mind just doesn't grab it. Wooow!
Scary. Plain scary. Now, friends are talking about Travis telling them that he would come home from a date and find her hiding in the closet!! Do you guys know about this????? Think I've just gone into a fog.

Just makes you :furious: doesn't it?!?
Originally Posted by meanddblj
Tesoro - 1699 W North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 - Find Tesoro gas station locations in Salt Lake ... Hours are 6 am Monday through Saturday until 1 am.

Can only buy gas at 3am

Actually if you look this up, the hours are from a different gas station. The link is to a gas website but it shows various descriptions for different pages. The gas station in question does not have this info on the site. I don't even think this gas station is there anymore. Google Maps show a Shell Station and a Chevron Station on that corner.

I think she has a knack of using bits of truth in with her lies. Like describing Travis screaming "at her" after he was shot. I do think he was screaming but not at her. He was just screaming in pain.

Some of what you indicated I disagree with and maybe missed something.

Like the letters which if I am not mistaken werent they the forged letters that her mom sold to the National Enquirer or something like that.

And the journal entries. Couldnt she have written those after the fact and just back dated them.

After listening to her lies during direct testimony which are pretty obvious because she would look down when lying. She had certain habits during the lies that were easy to spot. She would also throw in outrageous tangent lies on a whim when talking about something else to use as a shock factor. It was fascinating to watch.

After all that for me, she has to come up with much more proof than just her words before I buy anything from her. I would need corroborating evidence from someone other than herself. Anything she produces I am real sceptical of. And rightfully so I believe after seeing her in action.

I agree that everything she says should be doubted unless there is corroborating evidence.

On the other hand, whatever the state alleges, I expect them to prove and not just make insinuations -- if she made three gas purchases in SLC, that is something the state can prove with receipts they could subpoena; if she did not return the third gas can to Walmart, that is something the state can prove with business records custodian from Walmart. If those things are true, I do expect the state to prove them because they are provable. If they do not bring forth any such evidence, I will assume that the evidence is not favorable to the state and that Jodi is telling the truth abou the third gas can.

The letters her mother tried to sell were the fake letters supposedly from Travis about being a pedophile and abusing Jodi -- or something like that. I was talking about the suicide letters today that she sent to her grandmother and her journal entries talking about suicide.

No, I do not think she went back and backdated 4 years' worth of journal entries - those are her actual journals and they are being treated as such by both the state and the defense.
For all the kids I work with, there is a high need for control, no empathy, no conscience. It is a sliding scale - some have serious issues, some are more mild. The nonsense lying is constant. It is a sign that they feel the need to control - like their life literally depends on it. For days, I have seen her have the flat affect and the blank eyes. Sometimes, when she says "I don't remember," I almost see her as dissociating. It is odd. You think about how many times she has said "I don't know" about her own reasons and her own feelings. Often, with my kids, that is the way it is. They literally cannot connect to their feelings enough to know why they did what they did. So much of it is truly reactive. That does not mean there is not planning. They are highly susceptible to tremendous rage and anger at the feeling of abandonment or loss of control - even perceived abandonment or loss of control. They have a very fake exterior. I call it the "china doll." It is the smiley, happy, totally in control face you see when she does all the interviews. It is so skilled it is uncanny. It is totally a survival mechanism that they have learned very early on. Out of all kids, these kids are the most socially adept and good at being believed. Even when flat out lying.

But, today has been different. I have to say it has hit me very hard personally. I got into this field because I adopted a child who has had extreme attachment issues. Due to years of helping my child, I have come to see first hand how hard it is to raise a child with these traits of no empathy and no conscience. Like someone posted the other day, you go round and round with the lies - the endless nonsense lies - even the control on little things like the mayonnaise and mustard. The blank eyes and china doll face. You always hope you can make a difference but daily you face issues like JM has on the stand. But, then there is a point. If you can hang in there and be lovingly therapeutic and outlast the chaos, there is a point that you can get to with these children that the total look of all their bottled up shame comes up. They let down their guard for a few moments and you can see the darkness, anger, rage, and pain they carry. Almost a look of defeat.

I saw that look in Jodi today and, for me as a mom, it was the weirdest feeling. I honestly felt love. I recognized that look as the point on the children I work with when they give up the baloney and know they cannot continue - that the act and fake stuff isn't working. At that point, I know as a mom I can help. Of course, in our home and many others, it is little things like mayonnaise or mustard or lying about who hurt the family dog, not murder. But, at the end of the day, all of my families are working to help our kids get conscience and empathy so that things like this don't happen.

With my child, I wait for that look of defeat, of resignation, to know that my child is willing to trust me to help. So many times, I have had to wait patiently, through lots of stuff, to get to that point. But, the moment my child gives up the act, I know I can help. Often, those are some of our most tender moments. It takes so much for a child who has been significantly hurt (such that he or she forms no attachments) to trust with true emotion. When they will trust you, you have a chance to teach them another way. It is incredibly hard because that has been their sole survival.

Today, when I saw the deflated look, I knew JA knew the jury wasn't buying it. She can tell her way hasn't worked. The shame - not of killing TA - but of how defective and different she is from everyone else has hit her. She knows she is different, fundamentally flawed, but, if she can keep up the act and others will believe the act, she feels on top of the world. When that starts to crack, it is a tremendous fall. For a younger child, it is a point of help. For JA, it is a point of realizing it has not worked.

Sharing alot here. But, I work with families all over the world who have adopted kids with the same issues. I go to court with them to get help. I hold their hands when their child beats them up. I help them deal with the no conscience or empathy. I help protect them when their children physically harm them. I love those families because they do the hardest job in the world. JA has highlighted why we do what we do.

When I saw her deflated look, I knew she knew it was over. Today, instead of dark eyes and the smile, I could see the dark eyes and fallen countenance. I saw the "child" that was stunted many many years ago. While she tries to come across as intelligent and is very sophisticated at the act, she seems to me to be emotionally stunted at a 12 year old level. Today, in her countenance, I could see "behind the curtain" of the wizard of Oz. The grand act came crashing down.

I am not saying she will not try to regain the image. And, I am definitely not saying she will not lie. She has to lie to feel any control at all. She almost can't help it, even on stupid things.

But, today, I could see and so recognized the look. I have seen it many times before. The moment she realized it was done. That the act hadn't worked and that people could see through the fake exterior. For her, that was crushing.

Please don't bash here. It took a lot to share this. Please know that, if you have read the posts, I am huge on accountability for JA. I feel very strongly that she must be held accountable for what she did. When I describe the love and empathy I felt, it surprised even me. It is not a reflection of what I think needs to happen, but a reflection of all the young children I love that show so many traits of JA - lacking conscience, no empathy, rage, violence, non sense lying, no close attachments. Daily, I work with families that fight the good fight, with such small progress, never knowing if their patience and therapeutic parenting will make any dent in the symptoms or not. JA represents the worst outcome for us. Each day, we hope that we can help turn that around for the kids we love so much. When you talk about the mom laughing in the court room, I bet I could speak volumes as to what she has lived with. I don't know her and won't speculate, but if she is anything like the parents I work with, her emotions seem odd because parenting JA was nothing like parenting a typical child. While totally inappropriate in some of her actions, her mother heart forces her to be there until the end, even as her child testifies she is an abuser and they are not close. I bet that mom would have loved the experience of knowing her child really loved her, even once. Just a guess, but sometimes people laugh so they don't cry.

Thanks for letting me share. I hope this is understood the way it was intended. If not, let me clear it up before you jump on me - grin!

Awesome post, thank you for sharing. You sound like a wonderful mom and person; those children are blessed to have you on their side!
Jeffssis and I are hoping someone knows where we can find the complete contents of Jodi's suicide notes to her grandma. Does anyone know? I googled, but found extremely little. tia

I don't think they were really gone over at all today. Nurmi just wanted to get them entered into evidence but he didn't really go over them in any great detail. I thought he spent more time on the journal entries than the suppopsed suicide letters. Makes me wonder about those because I still find it very suspect that she was able to get these notes to her grandmother in 2008. I'm a little "foggy" (pardon the pun) as to when she supposedly sent them to her.

If she was in jail at the time, I can't believe that they got out without being confiscated. The letters were not to be opened, according to JA, until after November 10, 2008? Is November 10th JA's birthday?
Good Golly these threads move lightening fast! I have watched the entire day (thanks to Croakerqueen and Tawnidilly), and I noticed something that I haven't seen discussed in here, although goodness knows there may be a whole thread on it and I missed it.

When Nurmi was doing Jodi (pun intended) he put a picture of the closet on projector and asked her now do you have any memory of when you cleaned the closet before you left...... so I guess that is what she is going to claim next.... she straightened the closet up so no-one would see the life/death struggle that went on in there.
I think she has a knack of using bits of truth in with her lies. Like describing Travis screaming "at her" after he was shot. I do think he was screaming but not at her. He was just screaming in pain.

Some of what you indicated I disagree with and maybe missed something.

Like the letters which if I am not mistaken werent they the forged letters that her mom sold to the National Enquirer or something like that.

And the journal entries. Couldnt she have written those after the fact and just back dated them.

After listening to her lies during direct testimony which are pretty obvious because she would look down when lying. She had certain habits during the lies that were easy to spot. She would also throw in outrageous tangent lies on a whim when talking about something else to use as a shock factor. It was fascinating to watch.

After all that for me, she has to come up with much more proof than just her words before I buy anything from her. I would need corroborating evidence from someone other than herself. Anything she produces I am real sceptical of. And rightfully so I believe after seeing her in action.

Are the dates of those trips available anywhere? I'm still confused about when they took place. They didn't meet in person after she moved from Mesa -- is that right? Thanks!
See what one alcoholic drink does to a baby's brain in utero! Everyone should watch this. It is only a few seconds in length.
Pregnant? Shocking alcohol test!! - YouTube

I applaud you, Gypsy!

I still feel like I should have done more. I felt so helpless. She was surrounded with what looked like a rough crowd and I wanted to say more - to get through to her, but I backed off. The thought of what that poor baby is going through bothers me to this day. I just hope he or she is okay.
The TA shirt with the words on the back?? Please share.

I'm not sure if this is what the poster was referring to, however I have heard it suggested here that the shirt that said "Travis Alexander's", may have had "being better blog" on the back. This was the full name of his blog. "Travis Alexander's Being Better Blog". Also, that in July after the murder she used the iron on lettering on the short shorts to give the impression that he viewed her as his property.
Just wait. Come Wednesday of next week the fog will have lifted and she'll remember buying 5.09 gallons of Mountain Dew and a twinkie. She'll pull out her journal and show some idiotic entry about loving Travis soooo much which will be code for having bought snacks on the road. She's got days to remember that tidbit.

Apparently this particular gas station only sells GAS from 1-6am. Like you I thought she would be trying to pull a Price is Right price check but that's not going to fly now!!
Now looking at your're username, I guess you are a big Penn State fan or a Penguins fan?
I'm a Penguins fan, but my oldest is a Penn State grad. My second son is graduating on May 4th from Penn State (God willing. Pleeeeeease be willing sez my checking account! lol).
Off Topic. I just checked the weather forecast for AZ on wednesday, and it calls for more fog!
When Nurmi was doing Jodi (pun intended) he put a picture of the closet on projector and asked her now do you have any memory of when you cleaned the closet before you left...... so I guess that is what she is going to claim next.... she straightened the closet up so no-one would see the life/death struggle that went on in there.

LOL you've got to be kidding me. I think she missed a spot in the hallway and bathroom if that was her 'goal'. She has already said she was in a fog. Although she did conveniently say that things have come back over time. Amazing how it is always to her benefit. Though she would probably say she sees it as neither beneficial or detrimental.
So from that it seems that she thought two gas cans would be enough, did the math, and realised she needed a third. This purchase is what ruins the whole story and shows premeditation, not just in an instant, but for days leading up to the crime.

This case is so interesting. We have now moved on from what happened on the day and how her story there is a lie, straight into premeditation. Next week JM will move the case on how she has lied about Travis during the actual trial (the pedophilia claim, the false battery claim, et al). It's almost a trial within a trial now. The whole thing has imploded on Jodi. She must know. I hope they've got her on suicide watch, I don't think she'd actually do it, but a dramatic attempt would be a nice delay tactic and she may believe it will help her cause.

Her story of how DB taught her to keep a case of water and extra gas in the car doesn't add up with the amount of gas she was hauling. I can understand keeping a can, or maybe even two until you can get to a gas station but she can't possibly think there are no stations in AZ. So having just enough to get her through the state without ever being seen on surveillance at a gas station certainly looks pretty suspicious to me.

Personally I think I'd rather join AAA and pay the yearly fee than be hauling highly flammable fuel in my trunk. Since she had to go on so many "business road trips" the fee would be a tax write-off. But then again, she did lose that darn phone charger under the seat for her entire time in AZ so she wouldn't have been able to call them. :rolleyes:

Now was that the same place her Aunt "found" her cell phone in the grandfathers car right about the time she decided to "tell the truth" about what happened? You'd think she'd spend more time looking under the seats of her vehicles when she loses stuff in them wouldn't you? :waitasec::floorlaugh:

When did she claim to lose that phone anyway? I wonder where she hid it all that time or with whom. Lost cell phone, damaged hard drive. She thought of everything didn't she? Didn't do her much good, she's still on trial for her life.

Awe wished you had a link
Believe it or not I'm suffering with a bad migraine
Today's been a very intense day! Jaunt did in five minutes what it took nurmi 5 longggggggg slow hours.

Hahaha Good catch StephanieHartPI!!!! Here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BaLE7MiXvI

He mentions the 2 accounts at 46:00 and then they zoom out to show the DT's reaction.
IMO because I'm not certified or degreed to say so

Jodi's displaying the same psychotic behavior in her testimony by not letting go of the obvious lies as she showed in her personal relationships by not letting go when it was OVER.
Where was Martinez going with his statements today to Jodi about "Are you sure you weren't betrayed?" Was this about Matt's testimony? Nurmi objected and the judge stopped these statements. tia
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