100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

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Just thought you'd all like to know
I took a picture today
I'm a budding professional photographer :skip:

Thank you Stephanie Hart PI!!

Jodi hand-picked her car from the rental lot - a Ford Focus.

The Focus has a 13.5 gallon tank and gets approximately 28 MPG (combined City and Highway to be fair) for a total of approximately 378 miles per tank. (3) 5 gallon tanks, or enough for an additional 13.5 gallons would therefore allow you to drive approx 756 miles total.

The approximate distance between Pasadena, Travis' home in Mesa and I-15 in Nevada is 740 miles

Juan is proving Jodi had the 3rd gas can, enabling her to get to Travis' and back on her "supposed" CA to UT route without getting sidetracked in AZ.

She NEVER stopped for gas in Desert Center, CA and Buckeye, AZ as she claims. As this would have deviated from her So. Cal to Utah route. Besides, she wouldn't NEED to stop to fill up (as she testified to) after only driving 150 miles between each station.

Juan will demonstrate that she lied about Desert Center, lied about Buckeye and lied about the third gas can. The numbers are too perfect of a match and will prove premeditation beyond a reasonable doubt.

I'm now 100% convinced now that Jodi will get the DP. It's over folks. This jury showed us yesterday - they aren't stupid.

As a follow up to my earlier post, I just saw the bank statement that was presented this afternoon. Wow! The transaction immediately prior to the gas purchase in SLC is a gas purchase in Mesquite, NV!

Just as I suspected, she drove back to I-15 and filled up north of Las Vegas to cover for the So Cal to Utah alibi.

Assuming she had 13.5 gallons of gas in the car tank and 15 gallons in the 3 tanks, that's a total of 28.5 gallons. With a conservative estimate of 28 MPG in the Ford Focus, she had a range of approximately 800 miles

The distance from Pasadena to E. Mesa to Mesquite, NV - approximately 800 miles

If Juan puts a Walmart rep on the stand that testifies the receipt was never returned and also possibly that she was never identified on surveillance the day in question, she is officially toast.

Also - I used to live in Phoenix and have made the drive to SLC numerous times. NEVER did I go through Vegas to get to the I-15 The most direct route is I-17 through Flagstaff, Page, AZ and Kanab, UT. Furthermore, at the time Jodi made the drive, the Hoover Dam bypass wasn't complete. There would be significant delays at the dam (post 9/11) for security purposes. Nobody went this way in 2008. She wouldn't have had enough fuel on her to go through Kanab. She had to get to the I-15 "alibi route" as quickly as possible.
If she had done so, she would have said so. She didn't buy food.

She didn't have to. Her lawyer was nice enough to suggest it for her in his objection. JM never asked her about it. He only asked her if it would surprise her to know that it adds up to just over five gallons. Her answer was no, it wouldn't surprise her. No opportunity there for her to explain the charge.
Maybe you don't know much about psychopaths. They tend to lie just for the sake of lying. It's a documented behaviour. People get caught up in their false veracity because they think a psychopath's actions and thinking are like ours. They're not. There is no logic or reason to what they do.

She got you there. You want Juan to prove something that he has already proven because she has the cojones to continue to lie in the face of facts. That's what psychopaths do.

He hasn't proven that she had three gas cans, not yet anyway. Yes, I do want him to prove it and I want it to be true, but I'm going to wait and see what evidence he has without making all these assumptions. I also think she'll be convicted and get the death penalty whether or not Juan produces anything else to prove she had three gas cans.

If you'll recall, many people thought she was lying about having sex with Travis. She provided evidence that they did have a pretty robust sexual relationship. People thought he wanted her out of his life completely when she moved to California, but he was having phone sex with her and making plans to visit her. People thought she was lying about suicide thoughts, but she wrote letters about it and wrote in her journal about it. People thought she was lying about cutting her right finger at work, and she produced a time stamped picture of a cut finger pre-dating the murder. People thought she was lying about not wanting to write anything negative in her journal because of Travis -- but she produced a journal entry from several years ago showing that she was writing about keeping certain negative comments out of her journal because of a promise she made to Travis. People thought she was lying about all the trips she took with Travis, but she has produced photos and other witnesses who corroborated the trips.

She's very clearly lying about some very important things, but she is not lying about EVERYTHING.
Tesoro - 1699 W North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 - Find Tesoro gas station locations in Salt Lake ... Hours are 6 am Monday through Saturday until 1 am.

Can only buy gas at 3am

Did JM point this out?
I wondered about the hours. Here in Calif. You can be over at the Jail til 10pm if you want talking to your client (investigator or attorney)

In AZ, i thought one of the newscasters said they can't really talk to her except weekends and maybe an hour before court, they said they can't talk to her afterwards.

I wonder if an AZ Attorney can verify?

My recollection is that Sheriff Joe at some point limited the hours for legal visits (but they were still longer hours than for non-legal visits). There was a challenge in the court system, which was unsuccessful. But there are still evening visitation hours, and also Fridays I believe are set aside exclusively for lawyer visits.
I don't think they need him either, unless he has knowledge of the actual murder or possibly the burglary at the grandparent's house.

This is just speculation on my part, but maybe the PA has met with Mr. McCartney and educated him on the consequences of perjuring himself in a capital murder case. The State could have been keeping this in their back pocket for just the right opportunity. Like when the lying defendant is stupid enough to get up on the stand and claim she told a certain someone about TA's predilection for children.

To me this seems to be a very sore spot with the prosecutor. It is one lie that I think he is determined to shred. Not only for the sake of the victim, but because it tears a huge hole in her entire abuse defense. She has pinned the majority of her defense around that one lie, and it's not going to float.

I would love to see Juan bring Mr. McCartney in to put the final nail in her coffin. If we thought the daggers and sparks were there when Ryan Burns testified, I can't imagine what it would be like if her BFF and soulmate came in and sold her down the river. I would pay to be there to see it.
Jeffssis and I are hoping someone knows where we can find the complete contents of Jodi's suicide notes to her grandma. Does anyone know? I googled, but found extremely little. tia
Thank you so much for this. It makes a lot of sense. I wish all kids could have a fun, innocent, HAPPY childhood, but sadly......that doesn't always happen.

People are required to have a license to own a PET, yet any old schlepp can have a baby. I remember a woman, back when I was 19 (and sneaking into a local bar with a fake ID), who was about 7 or 8mos pregnant, drinking her Budweisers at the bar, and I heard she would go outside and do "coke" with people too (I guess she was selling it). When her son was born I asked the father flat out, "Is he okay?" He said he was, but I thought to myself, "Yeah, come back to me when he's 5 and let me know."

He could have been that little boy you talked about. People are SO irresponsible!
O/T but I was at a Heart concert last Spring in New Orleans and I was waiting for the band to exit out the front door of the House of Blues and while my husband and I were standing there - there was a woman smoking cigarette after cigarette and was drinking a Hurricane out of a big Hurricane glass. She was obviously pregnant (and not appropriately dressed IMO) and none of her friends (both male or female) seemed to be concerned about her consuming alcohol or smoking - and obviously she wasn't either. I was afraid I was going to get beaten up and I am not a fighter at all (5 foot nothing and under 100 lbs), but I walked over to her and flat out asked her when her baby was due - and that I didn't think she should be smoking or drinking and that she was endangering her baby. She said "ah...it's okay...it's only a little" or something to that effect. It made me want to cry. I think one other guy in her group said something to her after I did, but she just kept right on smoking and drinking her Hurricane. It broke my heart and I have wondered about that baby for so many reasons since. If there had been a cop around I would have dragged him over even though I know a cop couldn't have done anything about it.
Originally Posted by smeck
Regarding the transaction on the bank statement for Tire Store---didn't she say something about not making it to the funeral because of tire trouble? Does anyone else remember this?
Oh, she did. You're right.

Oh, she did. You're right.
It's my understanding that Jodi did attend the funeral, wrote in the guest book, smiled at the family and asked a friend to drive her past Travis' house after the funeral.
especially as her story is shaky anyway as what modern pedophile with access to technology doesn't visit child *advertiser censored* sites. Would really be great is we get both Matt "betraying" her and her words to the counselor about the computer. That would sign, seal and deliver her fate. Can you imagine how angry this jury will be with her for what she has done to Travis beyond killing him?

Didn't she tell the shrink she saw Travis on the computer looking at kiddie *advertiser censored*?

I can't wait !!!

Matt, Matt.... Matt gave a damning statement to LE !

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O/T but I was at a Heart concert last Spring in New Orleans and I was waiting for the band to exit out the front door of the House of Blues and while my husband and I were standing there - there was a woman smoking cigarette after cigarette and was drinking a Hurricane out of a big Hurricane glass. She was obviously pregnant (and not appropriately dressed IMO) and none of her friends (both male or female) seemed to be concerned about her consuming alcohol or smoking - and obviously she wasn't either. I was afraid I was going to get beaten up and I am not a fighter at all (5 foot nothing and under 100 lbs), but I walked over to her and flat out asked her when her baby was due - and that I didn't think she should be smoking or drinking and that she was endangering her baby. She said "ah...it's okay...it's only a little" or something to that effect. It made me want to cry. I think one other guy in her group said something to her after I did, but she just kept right on smoking. It broke my heart and I have wondered about that baby for so many reason since. If there had been a cop around I would have dragged him over even though I know a cop couldn't have done anything about it.
See what one alcoholic drink does to a baby's brain in utero! Everyone should watch this. It is only a few seconds in length.
Pregnant? Shocking alcohol test!! - YouTube

I applaud you, Gypsy!
Regarding the transaction on the bank statement for Tire Store---didn't she say something about not making it to the funeral because of tire trouble? Does anyone else remember this?

So she still had the Infinity? Did they have built in GPS back then? She said she had it in her car but didn't want to pay the extra in the rental car. Was this an option back in 2008? It must have been very expensive if it was.
I want to take Travis' sister home and feed her a lot of fattening perogies. Anyone can visibly see her wasting away during the trial. She's losing more weight. Poor child. :(

Pens...are you Canadian? We loves us some perogies and bacon. :great:
As a follow up to my earlier post, I just saw the bank statement that was presented this afternoon. Wow! The transaction immediately prior to the gas purchase in SLC is a gas purchase in Mesquite, NV!

Just as I suspected, she drove back to I-15 and filled up north of Las Vegas to cover for the So Cal to Utah alibi.

Assuming she had 13.5 gallons of gas in the car tank and 15 gallons in the 3 tanks, that's a total of 28.5 gallons. With a conservative estimate of 28 MPG in the Ford Focus, she had a range of approximately 800 miles

The distance from Pasadena to E. Mesa to Mesquite, NV - approximately 800 miles

If Juan puts a Walmart rep on the stand that testifies the receipt was never returned and also possibly that she was never identified on surveillance the day in question, she is officially toast.

Also - I used to live in Phoenix and have made the drive to SLC numerous times. NEVER did I go through Vegas to get to the I-15 The most direct route is I-17 through Flagstaff, Page, AZ and Kanab, UT. Furthermore, at the time Jodi made the drive, the Hoover Dam bypass wasn't complete. There would be significant delays at the dam (post 9/11) for security purposes. Nobody went this way in 2008. She wouldn't have had enough fuel on her to go through Kanab. She had to get to the I-15 "alibi route" as quickly as possible.

So from that it seems that she thought two gas cans would be enough, did the math, and realised she needed a third. This purchase is what ruins the whole story and shows premeditation, not just in an instant, but for days leading up to the crime.

This case is so interesting. We have now moved on from what happened on the day and how her story there is a lie, straight into premeditation. Next week JM will move the case on how she has lied about Travis during the actual trial (the pedophilia claim, the false battery claim, et al). It's almost a trial within a trial now. The whole thing has imploded on Jodi. She must know. I hope they've got her on suicide watch, I don't think she'd actually do it, but a dramatic attempt would be a nice delay tactic and she may believe it will help her cause.
I wonder how long Jodi was in the house before Travis knew she was there. The dog was obviously aware of her presence, because he wasn't alarmed when she appeared.

What did the forensics say about the computer activity? I guess there's no way to tell if it was really Jodi on there instead of Travis. Unless, it shows Jodi accessing her own accounts at the same time.
I'm calling it a night, but I wanted to say that YOU ALL make me laugh SOOO hard every day with some of the hilarious comments on here. You brighten my day and I am really glad I have some others to share this with, because my husband just listens to me breathlessly say how MUCH the jury seems to HATE JA, and he doesn't understand the way you all do.

I appreciate all of your commentary keeping me up to date on anything I miss, and God willing, Travis' family will receive the justice they so deserve.

Sweet dreams fellows Sleuthers!
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