100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

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Looks like a herpes simplex sore to me.

Yes, oosl, it's what used to be called a fever blister -- good ol' Herpes Simplex. My mother had horrible migraines, and she would get one, very much in the same area as JA's, within a few days of the headache. My next door neighbor's daugher, when she was in high school, would get them at exam time.

In the cases above, the Herpes Simplex (fever blister) would emerge due to a stressful event. Every time -- totally predictable with both of them.

I think JA has one for the same reason. Her mask is slipping a bit, and she has had a weak moment & thinks she may not win this thing.

JA may have a tuff weekend knowing she will face The Man as soon as she is seated in that courtroom next week. We may see a few more "fever blisters," ooslawyer!
Did she fly out for Travis' memorial service?
Originally Posted by StephanieHartPI
yes, Nurmi said "did travis tell you the gun was a secret and nobody is to know he has it?"

she said "yes"

OMG bologna...

Regarding that "secret gun"....if someone in AZ was to buy a gun of this caliber legally, don't you have to get the background check?
He hasn't proven that she had three gas cans,not yet anyway. Yes, I do want him to prove it and I want it to be true, but I'm going to wait and see what evidence he has without making all these assumptions. I also think she'll be convicted and get the death penalty whether or not Juan produces anything else to prove she had three gas cans.

If you'll recall, many people thought she was lying about having sex with Travis. She provided evidence that they did have a pretty robust sexual relationship. People thought he wanted her out of his life completely when she moved to California, but he was having phone sex with her and making plans to visit her. People thought she was lying about suicide thoughts, but she wrote letters about it and wrote in her journal about it. People thought she was lying about cutting her right finger at work, and she produced a time stamped picture of a cut finger pre-dating the murder. People thought she was lying about not wanting to write anything negative in her journal because of Travis -- but she produced a journal entry from several years ago showing that she was writing about keeping certain negative comments out of her journal because of a promise she made to Travis. People thought she was lying about all the trips she took with Travis, but she has produced photos and other witnesses who corroborated the trips.

She's very clearly lying about some very important things, but she is not lying about EVERYTHING.

You don't think? I have believed she had 3 cans since the day Darryl testified that he gave her 2. The purchase of the 3rd WM gas can was proven to me via the receipts entered into evidence on one of the first days (we sleuthed it here). Maybe this was not clear to the jurors until JA answered Martinez's Q on defense cross.

IMO, the verification that Walmart has no record of such return is just gravy.

You always get a receipt with a return, always, including the original marked up one. Plus, no receipt, no cash back.

Ergo, she had 3 gas cans. Why she filled them up in SLC is beyond me though.
Dr. Bethany Marshall (I think?) that was on Nancy Grace said the jurors can't stand JA and were trying to 'stick it to' her because of how she treats everyone, that they haven't bonded with her. Nancy said, (paraphrased) "Bethany, bonded with her! That would be like trying to cozy up to a rattlesnake!". :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
He hasn't proven that she had three gas cans, not yet anyway. Yes, I do want him to prove it and I want it to be true, but I'm going to wait and see what evidence he has without making all these assumptions. I also think she'll be convicted and get the death penalty whether or not Juan produces anything else to prove she had three gas cans.

If you'll recall, many people thought she was lying about having sex with Travis. She provided evidence that they did have a pretty robust sexual relationship. People thought he wanted her out of his life completely when she moved to California, but he was having phone sex with her and making plans to visit her. People thought she was lying about suicide thoughts, but she wrote letters about it and wrote in her journal about it. People thought she was lying about cutting her right finger at work, and she produced a time stamped picture of a cut finger pre-dating the murder. People thought she was lying about not wanting to write anything negative in her journal because of Travis -- but she produced a journal entry from several years ago showing that she was writing about keeping certain negative comments out of her journal because of a promise she made to Travis. People thought she was lying about all the trips she took with Travis, but she has produced photos and other witnesses who corroborated the trips.

She's very clearly lying about some very important things, but she is not lying about EVERYTHING.

Respectfully disagree, she lies about everything!! MO!!
I believe Juan is just giving us a taste of what his rebuttal is going to be like with these questions. The down side of the long break is she will have all that time to figure out fake purchases she made inside the Tesoro store that totals $19.??
I really don't think it will help her though, she's done. We know Juan still has the secret magazine messages and the TA shirt with the words on the back along with who knows what else.
I truly believe he's saving the best for the last and after hearing the juror questions I don't think he needs much.
She could of at least started fake shaking with Juan but no Jodi acts like a defiant lil snot. I think she's begging for the DP in her own special Jodi way.

The TA shirt with the words on the back?? Please share.
If she had done so, she would have said so. She didn't buy food.

Just wait. Come Wednesday of next week the fog will have lifted and she'll remember buying 5.09 gallons of Mountain Dew and a twinkie. She'll pull out her journal and show some idiotic entry about loving Travis soooo much which will be code for having bought snacks on the road. She's got days to remember that tidbit.
JA knew she was nailed today. That (that's point of sale aka software system that even the smallest of retail businesses have today except ma & pa store (nah) can track exactly what she purchased for $19.98. Food, gas, non taxable item to the tee. Go Juan! Gas can returns also...it's a history of purchases & returns, it's a history especially for gas as it's hazordous, the movement of gas is pretty well controlled. Inventory would show returns and purchases so I don't think from Jodi's expression I witnessed today that she bought pop rocks or tootsie pops. Love it! Go JM! Nail it down. He's given hints all along as to what is in his back pocket. He doesn't seem to bluff much to me as this isn't his first rodeo. jmo
Not that we didn't already know this but I just got back from a relatively quick trip to WalMart. I bought my daughter cleats last week & she didn't like them :)banghead:) so I returned them today. I had a receipt, they circled the item on my receipt, the cashier initialed it, they gave me cash in return & I had to fill out a little slip with my name, address, etc. They wouldn't have you do that stuff if they didn't keep it.

As always, Jodi is a liar, liar!!!! :jail:

ETA: Not that it's relevant, but the WalMart is in Lakewood, WA.

Go Lakewood from tacoma here!
Like this? :)


Yep, that's the one. But it never seems to work for me. Okay, I'll try it again :thud:. Watch NOW when someone called me on it, it'll work.

ETA: And I'll be danged if it didn't. Thanks :blushing:.
Originally Posted by smeck
Regarding the transaction on the bank statement for Tire Store---didn't she say something about not making it to the funeral because of tire trouble? Does anyone else remember this?
Oh, she did. You're right.

It's my understanding that Jodi did attend the funeral, wrote in the guest book, smiled at the family and asked a friend to drive her past Travis' house after the funeral.

That was the memorial service in Arizona I believe. It's my understanding there was later a funeral service in California.
He hasn't proven that she had three gas cans, not yet anyway. Yes, I do want him to prove it and I want it to be true, but I'm going to wait and see what evidence he has without making all these assumptions. I also think she'll be convicted and get the death penalty whether or not Juan produces anything else to prove she had three gas cans.

If you'll recall, many people thought she was lying about having sex with Travis. She provided evidence that they did have a pretty robust sexual relationship. People thought he wanted her out of his life completely when she moved to California, but he was having phone sex with her and making plans to visit her. People thought she was lying about suicide thoughts, but she wrote letters about it and wrote in her journal about it. People thought she was lying about cutting her right finger at work, and she produced a time stamped picture of a cut finger pre-dating the murder. People thought she was lying about not wanting to write anything negative in her journal because of Travis -- but she produced a journal entry from several years ago showing that she was writing about keeping certain negative comments out of her journal because of a promise she made to Travis. People thought she was lying about all the trips she took with Travis, but she has produced photos and other witnesses who corroborated the trips.

She's very clearly lying about some very important things, but she is not lying about EVERYTHING.

I would argue this:

1. He has proven that she had that third can by reason. I am not sure what it would take for you to be convinced. What conclusive evidence are you looking for?

2. Not everyone was skeptical about her sex life with Travis, so I don't see how that is any sort of argument in favour of her veracity. And what evidence did she provide, really, other than a sex tape and some photos? Not to mention, the abused go over the top, like in the sex tape, to placate the abuser. In this case, JA the psychopathic stalker.

3. People thought he wanted her out of his life completely when she moved to California, but he was having phone sex with her and making plans to visit her.

You have her word for it. A proven pathological liar. And I would ask, how authentic was the phone sex in that tape, on his part? Do you believe she is the only one who would fake it?

4.People thought she was lying about suicide thoughts, but she wrote letters about it and wrote in her journal about it.

As a lawyer, do you simply accept that those letters and the journalling are on the up and up without question? What evidence have we seen that they have been verified as authentic for the given time periods?

5.People thought she was lying about cutting her right finger at work, and she produced a time stamped picture of a cut finger pre-dating the murder.

Cutting her right finger at work? Geez. She has given so many stories. It means what? The fact that she actually cut a finger is a big deal? I think the big deal is that the right finger wasn't the real deal, just a distraction.

6. People thought she was lying about not wanting to write anything negative in her journal because of Travis -- but she produced a journal entry from several years ago showing that she was writing about keeping certain negative comments out of her journal because of a promise she made to Travis

And you believe this entry is valid and that's all there is to it?

7. People thought she was lying about all the trips she took with Travis, but she has produced photos and other witnesses who corroborated the trips.

I don't know about this one. But I do know that a lying psychopath doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. Because if you think about it, how does the blip of some veracity change things? Unless it is to suck people in. And that veracity? So she gave off a kernel of fact? How does that mean we should forget the overwhelming mendacity in the face of such horror for the bone she throws out there to throw us off?
He hasn't proven that she had three gas cans, not yet anyway. Yes, I do want him to prove it and I want it to be true, but I'm going to wait and see what evidence he has without making all these assumptions. I also think she'll be convicted and get the death penalty whether or not Juan produces anything else to prove she had three gas cans.

If you'll recall, many people thought she was lying about having sex with Travis. She provided evidence that they did have a pretty robust sexual relationship. People thought he wanted her out of his life completely when she moved to California, but he was having phone sex with her and making plans to visit her. People thought she was lying about suicide thoughts, but she wrote letters about it and wrote in her journal about it. People thought she was lying about cutting her right finger at work, and she produced a time stamped picture of a cut finger pre-dating the murder. People thought she was lying about not wanting to write anything negative in her journal because of Travis -- but she produced a journal entry from several years ago showing that she was writing about keeping certain negative comments out of her journal because of a promise she made to Travis. People thought she was lying about all the trips she took with Travis, but she has produced photos and other witnesses who corroborated the trips.

She's very clearly lying about some very important things, but she is not lying about EVERYTHING.

I think she has a knack of using bits of truth in with her lies. Like describing Travis screaming "at her" after he was shot. I do think he was screaming but not at her. He was just screaming in pain.

Some of what you indicated I disagree with and maybe missed something.

Like the letters which if I am not mistaken werent they the forged letters that her mom sold to the National Enquirer or something like that.

And the journal entries. Couldnt she have written those after the fact and just back dated them.

After listening to her lies during direct testimony which are pretty obvious because she would look down when lying. She had certain habits during the lies that were easy to spot. She would also throw in outrageous tangent lies on a whim when talking about something else to use as a shock factor. It was fascinating to watch.

After all that for me, she has to come up with much more proof than just her words before I buy anything from her. I would need corroborating evidence from someone other than herself. Anything she produces I am real sceptical of. And rightfully so I believe after seeing her in action.
Originally Posted by smeck
Regarding the transaction on the bank statement for Tire Store---didn't she say something about not making it to the funeral because of tire trouble? Does anyone else remember this?
Oh, she did. You're right.

It's my understanding that Jodi did attend the funeral, wrote in the guest book, smiled at the family and asked a friend to drive her past Travis' house after the funeral.

IIRC she couldn't make the funeral but did go to his memorial service.
OMG!!! I just saw it on Dr. Drew. They had Travis talking about the robbery and the gun, in that awful experience he had. Then they showed Jodi in the 48hr. interview stating the same words in her explanation about the ninja story and the guy holding the gun to her head. Same words! I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it myself. Ok, that's it! If there was even a trace of sympathy or belief, that I would not have even realize I had, gone! More than that. After hearing it you just plain get pizzed off, your mind just doesn't grab it. Wooow!
Scary. Plain scary. Now, friends are talking about Travis telling them that he would come home from a date and find her hiding in the closet!! Do you guys know about this????? Think I've just gone into a fog.
Pasa and I at happy hour w dr drew's jurors- I have 9 double sides
Pages of notes- Pasa more- omg you guys...today was THE game changer- Juan was on fire!!! Give us 90 min or so then were posting

Omg katie I thought you meant you had 9 double shots of whiskey! With double sides oh no notes tonight! I had to retread! Gotcha:floorlaugh:
Regarding that "secret gun"....if someone in AZ was to buy a gun of this caliber legally, don't you have to get the background check?

Yes, unless it's bought from a private seller or at a gun show. At least that's the way it works in Texas.

Travis didn't have a gun ....
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