11/9/11 MSM reports "major change" to timeline (Oct. 4 phone call)

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I'm not saying MW isn't involved in any way,by association if anything,but I still can't overlook the changing stories of the mother or lack of interviews now. I think media is scratching for anything,but at least it's keeping Lisa's face and name out there.

This Waffle House thing is disturbing,though,shows she was out and it was her phone called and now we're not really sure of the time.If it was 2:30,that's a big Wow.If Nicole is Dane's gf,can we even believe that?
I'm wondering if either one are,wish LE would clear up some things to media,esp the cellphone and who all was at the house that night.

I see DB as a woman whose baby has been abducted; if you read the following comments from the missingkids.com site concerning 'rawness of emotion', it is not unusual for there to be confusion. DB, IMHO, has followed bad advice concerning representation.

THAT said, MW has proven herself, in the short time she has been associated with this case, to like the cameras focused on her and fabricating stories. Who had the phone? What time was the call? yada yada yada IMHO MW is not capable of helping in this investigation; remember she is a Juggalette who likes to set fires. DO NOT expect truth or rational thought from this one. IMHO One question I have is why is she waiting on her food stamps? Shouldn't she be working? Do something productive instead of living off of others and IMHO hindering this case. Stop the drama, get rid of the clown shoes, put on your big girl panties and get a job. Instead of hanging at the Waffle House she could be getting a paycheck from them.

"The actions of parents and of law enforcement in the first 48 hours are critical to the safe recovery of a missing child, but the rawness of emotion can seriously
hinder the ability of parents to make rational decisions at this crucial time."

"It is important to note that there is no right or wrong way to respond to the disappearance of a child, nor is there a right or wrong way to feel."

"Finally, as hard as it may seem, try to remain hopeful. Remember that hope is more than a wish, helping you to clear this hurdle. Hope is essential to your survival."

The only thing is,MW lived in a house with all those people,never brought a child home,from what we know. I'm sure LE has checked out her story of where she went that night since they've interviewed her four times and since then have turned DB's home upside down looking for evidence.I think if LE felt MW did have Lisa at anytime that home would have been searched the same way.

We only know what MW has spewed during one of her many 'media' hits. Sorry but I do not believe her.
I totally agree on the bad advice concerning the representation,should have stayed with local lawyer.Anytime these lawyers and PIs that run from case to case come on the scene,well you know how it gets.But there's one story and you tell everything right up front,it will come out anyway.

MW is confusing the heck out of everyone and tomorrow it will be something else.I think she's in the media,because she's trying to clear herself and having no lawyer,keeps talking. If there's anything she hasn't told LE they'll bring her back in.
I totally agree on the bad advice concerning the representation,should have stayed with local lawyer.Anytime these lawyers and PIs that run from case to case come on the scene,well you know how it gets.But there's one story and you tell everything right up front,it will come out anyway.

MW is confusing the heck out of everyone and tomorrow it will be something else.I think she's in the media,because she's trying to clear herself and having no lawyer,keeps talking. If there's anything she hasn't told LE they'll bring her back in.


Then she's not to bright. IMHO MW is confusing/obfuscating for a reason. IF she is innocent, say it and 'move on'. 14.5 minutes and counting.:waiting: [I hope]
I am not going to believe any of it anymore until LE comes out and says what time or times were these phone calls made at. Because it's getting ridiculous. I don't know where press gets this info, but I am just going to ignore it until LE says what were the times.
I don't think that is correct - Megan said she and Jersey broke up 2 weeks before Baby Lisa went missing and her car was torched a few days after the breakup. This is according to Facebook posts.

....Sounds like she is saying Jersey torched her car. She says she's a pyro and her ex-BF has been arrested for arson and served five years...perfect match!
First of all, what sources are stating as fact that DB was on her porch at 10:30?
Second of all, if you can't even nail down the time the call originated, how can you determine who was able to make that call?

Even if we take the hard line that she went inside at 10:30, why couldn't she had laid down at 10:45pm, passed/blacked out, intruder in the house at 11:15pm, baby gone by 11:30pm.

I just made that up off the top of my head and it automatically fits these ridiculous timelines.

1-DB herself said she went in at 1030
2-DB herself said in an interview she got on puter after she went in at 1030
3-If the neighbors were still out front on her front porch until 1130-I would think they would have seen someone trying to break in DB'D front window
4-they would have seen kidnapper walk out front door with baby!!!
I am not going to argue-I believe DB is not telling the truth!!

BBM So you will believe DB when it suits you and not believe her when she doesn't? In one instance you are using DB's words to bolster your claim only she could have made the call yet go on to say you don't believe a word she says. :twocents:
I have been reading this thread for the past gazillion hours and my mind and brain are mush. But a thought that continues to pop up in my mind (what left there is of it) is that the computer in the Irwin/Bradley home could be traced (is that the term?) to indicate the time that DB was on it,w hat was it being used for, past connections, etc.

Has this been discussed? Is this even relevant?

Judge Jeanine said LE gave her MW's name,now they're not talking,so it was given for a good reason.I think to put pressure on MW so she'll get people to talk or tell more,or for whatever reason.The only fact is someone used DB's phone to call MW's phone.
I have been reading this thread for the past gazillion hours and my mind and brain are mush. But a thought that continues to pop up in my mind (what left there is of it) is that the computer in the Irwin/Bradley home could be traced (is that the term?) to indicate the time that DB was on it,w hat was it being used for, past connections, etc.

Has this been discussed? Is this even relevant?


They can,did they take it into evidence?
I'm not going for the the three-ring circus going on with all the peripheral players. I say the parents moved out on the very first day and are staying away from the house because it reminds them of what happened there. Leaving your home when your child is kidnapped is unusual as many would want to maintain a vigil not give up and move out...I think they left because they were told it may be bugged. FGS, they left the first day!!!

Most of us know of another couple in Satsuma who fled their home also never to return.

My mindset would be to stay in the home....not run away. It tells me they know Lisa is not returning. I kinda got that idea when I saw the nursery and junk in the crib.
I watched the clip with Megan Kelly from America Live. (Link below) She cut to Trace Gallagher who gave more information on how Verizon operates with a customer's partial service due to non-payment. If a customer has partial service (only incoming calls/texts due to non-payment) the call that is trying to be placed on the phone will automatically route to a Verizon call center, which I guess would remind the caller that the bill is not paid. The call would not be completed to the number dialed. Yet, Mr. Gallagher was not clear on this when he said Verizon would have a record of the number dialed and the length of the call. However, they would only have the number that was dialed, they can't have the length of a phone call that was not completed to the intended party.

I have no idea where this case is going. I do not think we should believe any time of the call supposedly made by DB's partial service phone. So far, we have heard 2:30am, 8:30pm and now, 11:57pm. Was there even a call at all? This, also, is from an unnamed source. The media is trying to "make the news" in this case and it is misleading to all of us.

We should all try to separate known facts from named sources against "sources close to the investigation, etc" which tells us nothing about the origination of the (mis)information.


Then she's not to bright. IMHO MW is confusing/obfuscating for a reason. IF she is innocent, say it and 'move on'. 14.5 minutes and counting.:waiting: [I hope]
At least she is talking. I wish I could say the same about Lisa's Mommy.
I'm not going for the the three-ring circus going on with all the peripheral players. I say the parents moved out on the very first day and are staying away from the house because it reminds them of what happened there. Leaving your home when your child is kidnapped is unusual as many would want to maintain a vigil not give up and move out...I think they left because they were told it may be bugged. FGS, they left the first day!!!

Most of us know of another couple in Satsuma who fled their home also never to return.

My mindset would be to stay in the home....not run away. It tells me they know Lisa is not returning. I kinda got that idea when I saw the nursery and junk in the crib

Funny isn't it how people looked differently at the pictures of Lisa's crib?

I read comments that hinted the crib had storage boxes in it because-- paraphrasing-- because closets were being cleaned or because LE moved things and put them in the crib during the search.

I felt the same way you did The "junk in the crib" was a sure sign imo that DB knew the baby wasn't coming home.
At least she is talking. I wish I could say the same about Lisa's Mommy.

She has spoken, to the police, to media; she took a polygraph and did an interview wiht the police. Once Tacopino came in, he represents the family now. MW is just spewing, either she is seeking attention or trying to cya.

Look at the info at missingkids.com JI/DB did the right things, they have a missing child, let them handle it the way they best can.
The trouble I have with this particular incident which i find to be a very valuable part of this investigation is the fact that the FBI has this phone, and they (including Kansas City Missouri Police) are really the only one's who know what time a call actually came in. When FOX News put this out this morning, the first thing that crossed my mind was, "how on earth would they be able to obtain the information regarding the phone records?" I then pictured a legal assistant from JT's office sending over a fax with those statements (imo) to further distract the previous nights news story featuring MW on cnn. I'm starting to see a pattern here when one story comes out, another story (rebuttal) appears following.

The cast of characters continues to grow each week, adding more twists to this whole case/story, and a good example we should all pay attention to here is the neighbor a few doors down who was present that night. What we should learn from this example is that LE knows so much more than we do, and due to the nature of this case, I am certain they are remaining very tight lipped about information regarding this case, including cell phone recrords and exploiting times a call could have been made. IMO them releasing certain information could be a prosecutors worst nightmare and a defense teams biggest dream. It may have sounded like I just over exaggerated with that last statement, but I feel that crossing all t's and dotting all i's are very important in this case.

Also IMO, I feel that LE knows so much more than what the public's perception has been drawn to in this case. I feel they established something early on in the case that has not led them away from the neighborhood, that has not had them searching in areas further away from home like the furthest sighting location (biker guy sighting)...

I am confident though that something is going to come out of this phone call. It's by far the best lead the public has been informed of.

I don't know who or what to believe at this point, but it's apparent that when DB stated her cell phones had restricted service, one of them wasn't too restricted to make an outgoing call from.

IMO, we could also look at this from the standpoint of there never being a phone call made. What if LE just wanted to interview MW because she was Jersey's former girlfriend and seen in the neighborhood? Could LE have fabricated the phone call story just to try to get information from MW about Jersey in the beginning to attempt to build a case on him? Stating that opinion is no different than LE telling MW that DB had her phone number written on her hand.

This case file might really have us shaking our head in the end here, only time will tell.
I wonder if JT and co would have come out with a copy of the parents' phone records and made a statement to the effect that there is no phone call if there was no phone call. They can still get their own records from the phone company even after LE has subpoenaed them, can't they?

If the 11:57pm time is correct it would fit in with the guy seen on Chelsea after 12 am.

If SB and the other SB went inside at 11:30 it would also fit in with either DB or the intruder watching them until they're sure the coast is clear.
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