17 y/o Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #20

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Can't help but think GZ's dad is running the show, GZ's arrest in the past seem to have been "taken care of" I believe now that his dad had a allot to do with GZ getting out of convictions. This is one more time that GZ has gotten into trouble, and daddy thinks he can pull it off one more time. If this is so, they both are delusional ! JMO

Appreciate your math and maps, at least there is some form of factual basis to your conclusions. Have some questions related to these below.

I will answer your questions, doubt they will suffice though.

For one, Zimmerman's purpose and Trayvon's purpose would likely change their rates. To use any kind of uniform travel rate would be incorrect, IMO. We also don't know how long Zimmerman might've peered down the sidewalk on his way to get the address.

Two, I have a hard time assuming that they met at the exact intersection of the sidewalks. It's not unreasonable to me that they might have met futher up the middle sidewalk.

1. Am gonna download Google Earth and see if I can play along with your work. Until I have time to do so, can you guestimate the distance from the truck to Brandy Green's home via the two routes possible (sidewalk between and through to Retreat Circle and down)? Seems like it would be less than a quarter mile given the distance to the convenience store.

2. Can you pinpoint the timeframe when Trayvon was walking back towards Zimmerman per the 911 call?

3. Have you mapped out, using your walk rates and the 911 tape, the trip Trayvon would have taken up til Zimmerman lost him? If you've done this on another thread, I apologize, haven't seen every post on every thread.

Thanks in advance!

I'm getting ready to leave my office. When I get settled in at home, I'll check the questions you raised.

2 quick points at this time, however, in the time/distance calculations I have done up to this point, I'm using well established rates of 3 mph for walking, and 8 mph for running.

BTW, your est. really isn't too far off that walk rate, lol.

Also, I don't think they met at that intersection either, that's just the location given by Robert Zimmerman. A few feet N/S/E/W wouldn't matter much to me, but 100 feet raises concerns.
Sonner: Evidence out there, TM's dad's statement, GZ's statements, police reports, 911 calls I believe when evidence comes together he was acting in self-defense that night. I think forensics will reveal details that show GZ was acting in self-defense that night.
Still? I don't think they should have said that? If they are not his lawyers, they should have simply just said they were withdrawling. All this extra information, although great for us, is unprofessional, IMO?


Milking their last possible few minutes?
just fine. If they only talk to him they will understand. He will tell them his version and all will be well. That sort of thing....

His lawyers are talking PTSD. I don't believe it. I think he still thinks he can do no wrong and whatever he does he can explain and everyone will be OK with it. I don't know whether this indicates any change in his mental health at all. This might just be consistent with it. I've not heard anything about this guy that makes him sound like a normal, well rounded person. He has a history of aggression, excuses, obsession with law enforcement and chasing people in cars and on foot and calling 911 for anything that occurs to him. He has always sounded like a ticking time bomb to me and his behavior is just part of that persona. No one, even his own attorneys, are going to tell HIM what to do. As he told the SA, they're just his "legal advisers" not his lawyers. He's always got an answer and a reason he should get his way.

I see parallels with FCA and the Anthony family. As for his website asking for donation- his ex-attorneys state that they have been working pro bono! So, why does he need money for a legal defense???
Sooooo.....the sequence for the last few days is

Grand Jury not needed>>>>"Sources" say charges are coming>>>income source established>>>>>Suspect disappears>>>>"Far away" from Florida
Uhrig: Question 1: was GZ racist? Multi-racial family, mentoring boy, not a member of Aryan nation if you will. Has friends like JO who was not afraid to come forward and support him. No direct evidence he was a racist.

He made 40 phone calls? Yeah, he was neighborhood watch.

But 9 of them were about blacks? He was always asked.

Fron time earth cooled to the present, there is nothing to support that he is racist. Facts show that the night he called the police, a story repeated by his father, his brother... The only living eyewitness is GZ and the evidence is consistent with what he said.
I hope their verbal whipping of the media will have some affect on their treatment of him.

I didn't think they "verbally whipped" the media... I did however see them continue to leave the door open and posture like Defense attorneys tend to do.
So much for a guarantee that he'll turn himself in should he be charged.
that a person who calls 911 on a boy who is walking was motivated by something. What could it be? Maybe because he was a black person walking because nothing he was doing was objectively suspicious and yet old GZ riled himself into a frenzy based upon someone walking. He almost immediately concluded a whole range of things, all negative... "there's something wrong with him...he's on drugs...he's up to no good...he's reaching in to his waistband...he's got something in his hand...he's running" at which point he decides it's a good idea to grab his gun and follow this dangerous criminal he's just called 911 on and continues to do so after being told not to because, he's sick of these a#$holes always getting away.

What a$%holes would he be referring to? We're all been around and we're entitled to draw reasonable conclusions based on the evidence presented which is what we're doing. And many of us believe GZ was engaged in racial profiling, deciding that Trayvon was a criminal because some robberies had been committed by black people so when he saw this black boy who was unknown to him he decided he was one of those robbers. I find that both racist and ridiculous. There are almost 300 units in that complex and many black families live there, all of whom have friends and family members who may also visit. Trayvon was no more likely to be a criminal than any other individual walking down the street there.

Racial profiling is not used because it is not useful in identifying any particular individual who is more likely to be a criminal. It is more relevant to use behavioral profiling which would mean he would be right to be suspicious IF Trayvon were engaging in any activity objectively suggestive of criminal propensity like checking out windows and doors, going up to garage door openers, looking in windows, hiding behind bushes, going from house to house looking in windows or doors. Walking in the rain is not a suspicious activity.

To many of us all of this makes a great deal of sense, very real and very disturbing sense.

Obviously...walking casually in the rain, two miles for candy we're told, checking out houses in a neighborhood that has had burglary by kids as opposed to an interest of getting home quickly, nothing suspicious about that.
These attorneys no longer representing GZ, but touting his innocence???!!!
I didn't think they "verbally whipped" the media... I did however see them continue to leave the door open and posture like Defense attorneys tend to do.

Sure looks to me like he's whipping the media. It came early on, and he blamed the media for posting erroneous information, and just now said again that they should report the truth and not make it turn out the way they want it to have happened. Ouch, on the part of the media.
Wow, for people who aren't representing him anymore, they sure are trying him in the public right now!

I guess they don't want to waste a good defense. :(

Jury Pool destruction in action. :maddening: Good job, guys!

They are saying "Trayvon was 'slinking along' between the buildings."

Holy Crap - I'm just speechless - this is going on and on. :banghead:
Sonner: Evidence out there, TM's dad's statement, GZ's statements, police reports, 911 calls I believe when evidence comes together he was acting in self-defense that night. I think forensics will reveal details that show GZ was acting in self-defense that night.

As Zimmerman's ex lawyer that has stated he will still represent Zimmerman if Zimmerman calls him and requests it, does anyone really think that Sonner would say that Zimmerman was NOT acting in self-defense?!?! Wow, these two lawyers are really shoveling the carp right now and expecting all of us to listen and agree with them.

Soo... they've stepped down as counsel but are now trying the case in the media.

So much for a guarantee that he'll turn himself in should he be charged.

GZ is a gone pecan! Probably in a country that will not extradite (surely his dad and mom are well versed in this).
Help--can someone pick up? ThoughtFox, you still with this?
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