17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #29

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Just sayin'. Many believe from the start GZ profiled based on TM's clothing. You provided an example of how we all look at people and their dress and how that makes a statement about them as a person.

I don't think GZ profiled him because of his clothing? I think GZ profiled Trayvon because he was black. If Trayvon would have been wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt, I still think George would have done what he did.
I haven't changed my views. I still believe that GZ is arrogant, manipulative, and deceptive and I do not believe any of his stories of what happened. The thing that bothers me the most of what he said is that he said that the cries of terror were his.
IIRC in the police report one of the officers recalls GZ uttering that he had been yelling for help during the fight, but no one would help him. The witness who saw the fight and ran into his home to call 911 stated that he saw TM on top attacking GZ, and that GZ was yelling for help.

I think it is going to be impossible to prove that GZ was not yelling before TM was shot. I'm not saying SM was wrong to think she recognized her son's voice on the recording. IMO it would be normal in the heat of a serious physical fight, for both combatants to be vocalizing. JMO
I don't think GZ profiled him because of his clothing? I think GZ profiled Trayvon because he was black. If Trayvon would have been wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt, I still think George would have done what he did.

Perhaps you think that but that's not the commentary from a lot of other folks. They believe he was profiled due to race as well as his hoodie.
that's right. So why were the shackles no big deal but wearing the orange was?

Honestly, Dr. I don't see the suit or the shackles as some great big issue. There's so much more going on in this case and I truly hope and pray that whatever justice should be will be.
He's not being charged with simply shooting TM, unless I misunderstood 2nd degree

Isabelle posted:

GZ's apology would have had a greater chance of being accepted had he said, 'I am sorry I caused the death of your son'.

You said it would be admitting guilt, but he is admitting guilt to causing the death of their son (presuming that the autopsy shows the COD was a gunshot wound). He brought the gun and pulled the trigger that sent away the bullet that hit TM in the chest and caused his death.

Whether he was justified under the SYG law to shoot and cause TM's death is an open question that the court has to decide on but he has not denied that he did so.

Framing an apology in a minimizing way "sorry for your loss" will not take it away imo, neither does his lawyer saying "he realizes he was involved in some way in Trayvon Martin's death".
Perhaps you think that but that's not the commentary from a lot of other folks. They believe he was profiled due to race as well as his hoodie.

And they have a right to think that. I don't think his clothing has anything to do with it... but that's just me?

He didn't hand over anything to the prosecution. He waved the piece of paper and then set back down on his file.

Word for word on the transcript....

O'MARA: Do you want a copy of them?


O'MARA: I'll give them to the state. It's a more appropriate way to do it. If you haven't had them yet, I don't want to cross you on them.

Even so, do you think he'd have presented the documents in front of the judge, stated what they were and that he'd hand them over to the prosecution... If they didn't exist? What would he gain at a bond hearing, absent a jury, by doing this? He'd completely blow his credibility. I think it was to make a point to the prosecution, and it went over very well.
Any word about GZ's release? I heard on the morning news that he was most likely counting the hours until his release.

Actually, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we learned that Zimmerman has already been released and is now in his "safe", out-of-state house. He could have been taken away during the wee hours when no one realized what was going on. :moo:
Isabelle posted:

You said it would be admitting guilt, but he is admitting guilt to causing the death of their son (presuming that the autopsy shows the COD was a gunshot wound). He brought the gun and pulled the trigger that sent away the bullet that hit TM in the chest and caused his death.

Whether he was justified under the SYG law to shoot and cause TM's death is an open question that the court has to decide on but he has not denied that he did so.

Framing an apology in a minimizing way "sorry for your loss" will not take it away imo, neither does his lawyer saying "he realizes he was involved in some way in Trayvon Martin's death".
It could be construed that he doesn't feel it was necessary to take Martin's life if he states he's sorry that he killed him.
Any word about GZ's release? I heard on the morning news that he was most likely counting the hours until his release.

Actually, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we learned that Zimmerman has already been released and is now in his "safe", out-of-state house. He could have been taken away during the wee hours when no one realized what was going on. :moo:

As long as he shows up for his court dates -- that's cool! Let him keep posting on his website. You know he has a problem with listening to what people tell him not to do!

Still can't wait to see what the whole text message about Tracy is about!!
I really do not believe that gz is sorry for what he has done. In his mind, he has done nothing wrong. Legally, he may be right. Morally, he is absolutely wrong. I am scared he will get off. If you look at things form a legal standpoint versus a moral standpoint, there is a huge chance he can get off. I believe that what he did is absolutely manslaughter. I just want people to be prepared for him not even making it to trial,because from what ihave seen from the law in FL, that is a real possibility. This law is scaaarrryyyy! all imo.
Why does the state not have GZ's medical records yet? If they contain important information about GZ's injuries, isn't it against his own best interests that they have held onto them and not submitted them into the state's evidence.

If the prosecutors knew that these docs show beyond a doubt that TM brutally beat GZ up and he was severely injured he might never have been charged in the first place.

That is the point that MOM was making in court. The state had never even asked for medical reports from GZ before charging him.
Isabelle posted:

You said it would be admitting guilt, but he is admitting guilt to causing the death of their son (presuming that the autopsy shows the COD was a gunshot wound). He brought the gun and pulled the trigger that sent away the bullet that hit TM in the chest and caused his death.

Whether he was justified under the SYG law to shoot and cause TM's death is an open question that the court has to decide on but he has not denied that he did so.

Framing an apology in a minimizing way "sorry for your loss" will not take it away imo, neither does his lawyer saying "he realizes he was involved in some way in Trayvon Martin's death".

Point taken. I'll disagree that his 'apology has a better chance of being accepted' if he worded it differently. I don't think there is anything he could of said or didn't say that would be ok, whether that be with the family or those firmly believing in his guilt.
It could be construed that he doesn't feel it was necessary to take Martin's life if he states he's sorry that he killed him.

I think it is possible to be sorry for terrible things one did that were necessary and many people are.
That is the point that MOM was making in court. The state had never even asked for medical reports from GZ before charging him.

Why would they need medical reports if they believed Trayvon was the one defending himself based on the statements given by George and Trayvon's autospy?
I wonder why Martin only ran around the truck 3 times? Why not 4?
Please, help me out with this. I asked before, but I think a lot of people don't see my posts (lol). Can someone please provide the source for this description that is being accepted by posters as fact --> That TM "ran around" or "circled around" GZ's truck, not just once but "three times?"

I have searched MSM; nothing. Searched Google and it only redirects me to WS. A source would be greatly appreciated. TIA
I think it is possible to be sorry for terrible things one did that were necessary and many people are.
To feel one way and to say that in a setting in which it can be used to incarcerate you for life are two different vastly things.
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