17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30

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Possibly because she didn't feel there was enough to convince one.


Somehow I doubt that. It was reported very early on that Corey probably would not use a grand jury to issue an indictment. That doesn't appear to be a standard practice for her.

From the link below....

The prosecutor at the center of the national firestorm over whether the man who killed Trayvon Martin should be charged in his death says she’s not likely to need a grand jury to make the decision for her.

More probable, she said, is that she’ll be the one to decide.

“I always lean towards moving forward without needing the grand jury in a case like this,” Angela Corey, the state attorney assigned to the case by Gov. Rick Scott, told The Herald/Times. “I foresee us being able to make a decision, and move on it on our own.”

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/...in-spotlight.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy

She can say what Trayvon said, but she might not be believed. There is no proof that is what he said. There is no recording. As a juror, I wouldn't put much stock into what she says.

I would believe the 911 tapes first.

Why would that be???? Why would her testimony be any less valuable than any other witness??? jmo
Could the photog be a LE official? That's the only way it would make sense to me...

OK, I am going to say this although I have no link....this is exactly what I heard back in the beginning of this case... that one of the officers used his cell to take a pic. This was way before this picture or the video ever appeared in the media.

I never mentioned this before because I didn't have a link but I am locate and saw a lot of coverage on local TV before i ever started following this case here a week or so later.

So because I don't have link I will say....jmo
Kids like to listen to each other breathe!

"Hang up."

"You hang up first."
--true, the jury can give "little weight" "a lot of weight" or "no weight at all" to testimony from any witness.

--they may not believe a single word of what george has to say either.

-or francis taaffe..or robZ Jr...

Exactly. It's up the jury to decide if any witnesses testimony is up to par. She has just as much chance of being believed as any witness for the prosecution or defense. I wouldn't throw her out so fast. She is a key witness, having heard Trayvon on the phone right before he died. Her testimony is going to be very compelling, IMO.
What grand jury?

Not the GJ but she has been interviewed by the SA's office. I also think she will be a powerful witness to what Trayvon and GZ said to each other and the tone of those exchanges. She can also testify to how TM was trying to get away from GZ and he did not mention any plan to her of hiding out to jump on GZ. He only was fearful and wanting to get away from this strange man following him for some unknown reason...and he died still not knowing why. IMO
Why NOT? What reason on this earth would make her not believable? Am I in the Twilight Zone? Because that is what this feels like. She was on the phone with him, and will relay what he said. She has absolutely no reason to lie here. I don't understand at all how she could be a bad witness. And what, GZ's family and friends make perfect witnesses?

It's hearsay. There was no witness to the phone call. I would give her testimony little weight. She is not an independent witness. She has a dog in this race.
I don't recall any witnesses stating they were beating each other. What was reported is that they appeared to be wrestling. If TM were trying to get away and GZ was holding onto him it could appear as if they were wrestling. In any case Gilbreath mentioned TM's body as evidence. The bullet track will tell a story or two. John can't testify that GZ was screaming because he claims GZ was calling for help. For all we know GZ wanted John to get TM off of him so he could get up and hold onto TM until LE arrived. GZ already had all the help he needed.....he had the gun. If TM managed to get far enough away from GZ that he had started to stand when he was shot....it's all over for Mr. Z. Those 911 screams tell me TM knew GZ had a gun and was trying to get away from him. jmo

"Wrestling" is the strongest word that any "witness" has used to describe the interaction, on the ground, between GZ & TM.
Do you really think LE would let anyone, anyone other than LE get near GZ after taking a gun away from him???? Something just does not make sense about someone taking a picture of his head three minutes after he shot someone. Who would do that unless GZ asked for them to do so??? GZ was attended to by an EMT as soon as the scene was secured so his head would have been cleaned up right away. Something very unnatural about the picture being taken at that time unless there is more to the picture. jmo

The witness "John" called 911 from upstairs in his apartment. Would it be reasonable to say that he may have then came out on his upstairs balcony and taken that photo since it happened by his back porch directly UNDER the balcony?

JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO ' n stuff.
It's hearsay. There was no witness to the phone call. I would give her testimony little weight. She is not an independent witness. She has a dog in this race.

I would like to hear Hornsby's thoughts on the admissibility of the gf's testimony
"He was recognized by the city for his efforts, his mother said."

I would like to know if this is true, has anyone found anything that supports GZ was recognized by the city/mayor for his efforts ?
Is there any articles in any newspapers about it or news online ?
Is all we have GZ's word that this actually happened ?


Yes, it kinda sounds like the "graduation" party for not graduating to me. IMO
"He was recognized by the city for his efforts, his mother said."

I would like to know if this is true, has anyone found anything that supports GZ was recognized by the city/mayor for his efforts ?
Is there any articles in any newspapers about it or news online ?
Is all we have GZ's word that this actually happened ?


If she lied under oath, the state could charge her with perjury.
You will be surprised how much better you will feel. Good luck to you.

Oh, I do know how much better it will be! I've been bone on bone for ten years on the left knee and five on the right. The aftermath of the replacement may hurt but at least there is the prospect that the pain will not be forever worsening like what I have been having. Everyone I know who's gotten knee replacement has told me it was worth it, even the lady I met who has had three replacements on EACH knee.

I've got three weeks but wanted to let people here know why my participation will be less.

Thank you all!
Agree. I'd really liked to have seen SA go a step further. Might have convinced the judge to set a more significant bail amount.

But the judge made a statement that bail decisions are pretty standard, this case is no different than any other. If he set his bail too high GZ would have a reasonable complaint. He's not special. He's no different than anyone else in that position. To make him so would be with prejudice. jmo
Why NOT? What reason on this earth would make her not believable? Am I in the Twilight Zone? Because that is what this feels like. She was on the phone with him, and will relay what he said. She has absolutely no reason to lie here. I don't understand at all how she could be a bad witness. And what, GZ's family and friends make perfect witnesses?

--it's what the defense "may" do to her.

--try to trip her up and twist her words, or, they may choose to "not be the bad guy to a young girl" and have her on and off the stand in a jiffy.

--i'm counting on the SA to elicit her truthful testimony, the jury will see it through the eyes of trayvon, and she will be the--rightfully so-- star witness.
Oh, I do know how much better it will be! I've been bone on bone for ten years on the left knee and five on the right. The aftermath of the replacement may hurt but at least there is the prospect that the pain will not be forever worsening like what I have been having. Everyone I know who's gotten knee replacement has told me it was worth it, even the lady I met who has had three replacements on EACH knee.

I've got three weeks but wanted to let people here know why my participation will be less.

Thank you all!

My grandmother had hers done at 98 years old, now at about 105 she still loves her "new" knees.
I think that is what a jury or if no jury a judge does. Choose to believe or not, they weigh the testimony.

Just the fact that a 4 minute phone call existed and ended seconds before he was shot, is pretty compelling evidence, in and of itself, that it's unlikely one of the parties on the call was chatting while repeatedly smashing someone's head on a sidewalk OR holding their hands over someone's mouth and nose using their FULL body weight.

I've watched a lot of the world's true bad azzes, from Joe Fraizer to Mike Tyson, put brutal beatings on their opponents in the ring. Never saw one of em chatting on the phone while doing so.
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