2008.07.15 Revisiting the 911 Calls

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Hi Madjgnlaw,
I've got some time this afternoon to do some sleuthing. Let me know what information you are still looking for and I will be glad to help.
I agree that is a good point as it is said that Cindy was the primary care giver and she spent 95% of the time with Caylee. I could see how that would upset Caylee. Here is the thing, why did Cindy not call 911 or DCS at least the first few days of Caylee missing? I could understand going one or two days, but she waited 31 days and was this child's primary care giver. She knows her daughter and should of known something was wrong from day one and did nothing until July 15th.

I think fear of kc ..... also possibly dcs taking the baby away....I don't know--I find it odd myself----I also don't quite get the big deal over who held Caylee first....that to me is moot...I couldn't tell you who held my babies first---(had c-section--labor 4 days...drugs were good!):waitasec:
My sister Casey Anthony has been M.I.A. for weeks, I assumed with her daughter Caylee Marie Anthony. I came to the house this morning to see my mother and found Casey's vehicle in the garage and no sign of anyone. Casey and my mother showed up and both acted as if they been fighting abut Caylee. (What Time was this)

Not being critical of acandyrose because she (?) has done a bang-up job of getting searchable transcripts of interviews out there, but the above I came to the house this morning is a transcription error. The best of us make them, and I have even seen several in the LE reports and summaries.

In Lee's written statement he clearly wrote evening and not morning.

When something I read about this case confuses me and it did not come from a document released by LE, I always go back to the document dump.

Bumping this up pursuant to revisiting Cindy's 911 call. Dispatcher asks to speak to Casey.

CA: "Casey, the sheriff's department, they want to talk to you."

- And I swear I hear -

CMA: "I don't have anything to talk to them about." :eek:

CA: "Answer their questions."

Am I hearing things? This has probably already been discussed and if so, I'm sorry. I don't ever remember this being discussed on any media outlet. This is quite interesting to me considering she had a missing child she had LOTS to talk to LE about.
Not being critical of acandyrose because she (?) has done a bang-up job of getting searchable transcripts of interviews out there, but the above I came to the house this morning is a transcription error. The best of us make them, and I have even seen several in the LE reports and summaries.

In Lee's written statement he clearly wrote evening and not morning.

When something I read about this case confuses me and it did not come from a document released by LE, I always go back to the document dump.

Thank you for checking that! I was wondering the same thing......that would have really screwed up the July 15th timeline!
Ok, what I hear in this recording, the cleaned up version posted in audacity, is at .51 sec Cindy is saying, "Casey... sheriffs department they want to talk to you"
Casey replies " I'll never get to talk to him (them)"
Cindy says "Answer the questions"

I listened to this section about 10 times trying to understand the exchange between CA and Casey, it seems that Cindys repsonse " Answer the questions" doesn't correspond to Kc's last staement. This makes me believe I'm not hearing it correctly or maybe more accurately Cindy was beside herself and wasn't making much sense at the time. Lord knows I wouldn't make sense at this moment either.
Ok, what I hear in this recording, the cleaned up version posted in audacity, is at .51 sec Cindy is saying, "Casey... sheriffs department they want to talk to you"
Casey replies " I'll never get to talk to him (them)"
Cindy says "Answer the questions"

I listened to this section about 10 times trying to understand the exchange between CA and Casey, it seems that Cindys repsonse " Answer the questions" doesn't correspond to Kc's last staement. This makes me believe I'm not hearing it correctly or maybe more accurately Cindy was beside herself and wasn't making much sense at the time. Lord knows I wouldn't make sense at this moment either.

I thought KC said something like "I don't want to talk to them"? And that's why CA replied "answer their questions"
I thought KC said something like "I don't want to talk to them"? And that's why CA replied "answer their questions"

It sure would make more sense if thats what KC said, but try as I might I don't hear the hard hard consant T sound in don't and want....I wish I could becuase then it would make sense to me!:confused:
I don't see a thread for the deputy that YM and JA question about taking the call in Aug to meet RK at Suburban. Can I just say that I am appalled. How can this person be a deputy? I hope the defense can't make this into something other than........I'm not saying it. I am beside myself at this audio though. jmo
Refresher course is in order for us all here lest we forget whom we are dealing with. Cindy IMO is the master that Casey learned her art from...lying that is...
"Lee Anthony: "You know, you are having a real tough year and making it real tough for anybody to want to try to, even if it is giving..."

She had a tough year? Whaaaa? I'll write youse a tough year!!! What is he talking about that we don't know? There has to be somethig....
"Lee Anthony: "You know, you are having a real tough year and making it real tough for anybody to want to try to, even if it is giving..."

She had a tough year? Whaaaa? I'll write youse a tough year!!! What is he talking about that we don't know? There has to be somethig....
Perhaps, since he and she were SO close, she had cried to him with all of her man troubles, etc, and it is even possible that she made things up about her work or others to gain his sympathy and compassion? Or there could be some secrets that we will never know...that is likely I'd say since there seems to be NOBODY in that entire family except Shirley and Rick who has a word of truth to say!

Notice how Cindy outright lies about the date the car was "stolen"? She says the 30th...that was the date the car was TOWED so does that mean the tow company stole her car? lol...The devil is in the details every time.
Perhaps, since he and she were SO close, she had cried to him with all of her man troubles, etc, and it is even possible that she made things up about her work or others to gain his sympathy and compassion? Or there could be some secrets that we will never know...that is likely I'd say since there seems to be NOBODY in that entire family except Shirley and Rick who has a word of truth to say!

Notice how Cindy outright lies about the date the car was "stolen"? She says the 30th...that was the date the car was TOWED so does that mean the tow company stole her car? lol...The devil is in the details every time.

My Bold. Hmmmm - perhaps secrets that Lee vowed he would never divulge at the Caylee memorial? Casey's "don't worry, I didn't tell them anything" remark comes to mind as well...
I think all the stealing and being caught in so many lies may be what Lee is referring to. Remember she stole from him as well. Not taking care of her child, working, etc. She may have gotten away with a lot of her bullcrap because of Cindy covering up for her for so long. Eventually that all unfolded. In one of the interviews Lee's room mate states that they all knew she wasn't working. The 4,000.00 robbery from her parents, etc. Feel free to add to that list because there's plenty. I'm sure a lot of Casey's behavior went unchecked and noticed until Caylee came along but there is a pattern of her activities progressing. She herself tried to pass blame onto Cindy that night when she told Lee that Mom should have done this a long time ago. As in put her foot down, call LE or whatever.

Bumping this up pursuant to revisiting Cindy's 911 call. Dispatcher asks to speak to Casey.

CA: "Casey, the sheriff's department, they want to talk to you."

- And I swear I hear -

CMA: "I don't have anything to talk to them about." :eek:

CA: "Answer their questions."

Am I hearing things? This has probably already been discussed and if so, I'm sorry. I don't ever remember this being discussed on any media outlet. This is quite interesting to me considering she had a missing child she had LOTS to talk to LE about.

I thought I heard, "You can't make me talk to them."
"Lee Anthony: "You know, you are having a real tough year and making it real tough for anybody to want to try to, even if it is giving..."

She had a tough year? Whaaaa? I'll write youse a tough year!!! What is he talking about that we don't know? There has to be somethig....

Maybe or maybe not, depending on what lies KC told her family. She made stuff up about the family to her friends. She could've been making stiff up about the friends to the family-- the whole ZG freeway accident thing, for example. Or, complaining about "job problems."
Okay- we all know about the three 911 calls-
1) CA reports- wanting her daughter arrested for Grand theft of a lot of money from her- and her stolen car.

2) CA reports wanting her daughter arrested for stealing her car- her money and a possible missing child ?

3) CA reports a missing child ? and the car smeels like a dead body has been in it.

Okay now- I can't make sense of any of this-

1 The Charges- I ain't buying it. What parent calls the police and demand their own child be arrested for false charges ?

a)Theft of a car ? The car was not stolen-CA admitted this-So false !
This was a false accusation against her own child- for what reason ?

b) Grand theft-Stealing lots of money from CA-CA has known about KC stealing money for a long time from a number of people. CA even stopped her own Mom from pressing charges against KC, and passed off the others as no big deal, and to JG, "It was only once." LA even pointed out to KC that CA has never called police before about her stealing checks and money. CA also said on July 15th, she even had affadavit's from her bank. Why was only CA's money important enough to want to have her daughter arrested?
Why hide and not report all the other thefts from other people? Who the money was stolen from doesn't make it okay.
Why wait until the car was found to report money being stolen and demand KC be arrested? For what reason ?

2) CA admitted the car was not stolen and now trying to change her story that KC did not steal money from her. I don't think she ever intended to press charges against her for the money.
But- CA reported Grand theft of a lot of money- for what reason ?

3) So- if it wasn't about the car, and it wasn't really about the money- then what was it about? Why did CA cal 911 ?

a) Since CA only reported KC to the police after the car was found, then the first 911 call, wasn't even about Caylee.

b) Was it the decomp smell in the car, along with whatever, items were in there as well ?

Why didn't GA or CA call 911 immediately when they smelled the decomp odor.
I can't believe anyone with common sense would buy they didn't know.
So- why didn't that get mentioned in the first 911 call ?

Now- (assuming) that they knew it was decomp they smelled- they knew their had indeed been a dead body in the car- Why didn't they report that in the first 911 call or even the second 911 call ?

So, (assuming) they knew it had been a dead body in the car- why then did they clean the car and the items within-? They would have been very miuch aware they were covering a crime and tampering with evidence- Why?

So- (assuming) they knew now a dead body had been in the car- why would they think it was okay to destroy evidence and try to cover a crime?

And- whose body did they think had been in the car ?

CA even told AH she had to find KC or KC could go to jail. This apparently was not about money being stolen or the car being stolen, nor about Caylee-
So- what was CA talking about- since she did not elaborate further.

Bottom line- The first and second 911 calls were not about the car beig stolen- so why even say such a thing ?
1) Because the smell of decomp scared her- and she thought KC was involved in a murder of someone?
2) Because the car was in her or LA's name and she wasn't taking a rap or getting involved with KC's messes?
3) Or CA was giving KC a set-up for an alibi that she had the car with CA's permission, but someone else stole the car from KC and committed a crime that they knew nothing about?
(Holes in this story would be- CA and GA cleaned the car- knowing of the smell.)

The 911 calls were not about the money-
CA didn't just find out KC was a thief on July 15th, 2008. This story is too old for anyone to buy into.

The 911 calls had to be about the decomp odor in the car- But- before they knew it was Caylee- Who did they think it had been in the car -what was the reason it was in KC's car- & why?

Why was the decomp not mentionned in the first two 911 calls- Why did CA & GA allegedly clean the car and leave it open in the garage to air and dry out from the cleaning- Were they waiting for the odor to subside and the cleaning solutions to dry before calling the police. If KC had given CA the answer she was seeking (Where Caylee was and if Caylee had been alive) would CA never have mentioned the decomp in the car, and just dropped charges ?
Isn't it a felony to call 911 and falsely report crimes?

Why if CA was only concerned about Caylee's whereabout and well-being- didn't CA just go to any Police station and ask advice. How did CA know that KC & Caylee were okay when she and GA found out about the car, and then the decomp- Why didn't they panic and call 911 right then and there- at the tow yard- and not touch anything?

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