2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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I wonder how much more indigestion Baez is going to get today. Don't let them bully you, Amy! Stay strong for Caylee!

Sending good, strong vibes to AH today! I assume she has an attorney present with her. He/she should keep JB and CM in check, hopefully, because I can see them trying to pull a number on her. She is going to be a dangerous witness for them, IMO, in that she has very damning info on KC at the time Caylee was missing. They may want to watch their steps!
So how much trouble is JB going to have with the transcription, which will delay the release of the deposition to the public!?
Okay, per the timeline, the amount of money that KC is stealing from Cindy is just incredible. Cindy definitely needs psychiatric help. Abbsollutely, positively.

It is also incredible how she lied to Yuri and the FBI and the State about this. As far as I know, per Cindy, she talked about KC stealing from her mother and one check for the birthday party (Mexican theme) and the deposit slip. This is far worse than she tells.

This family is beyond bizarre. If they don't say it, I guess it means no one will know about it. It is incredible the amount of money that KC is going through.

Yes, Casey was on a fast, footloose & fancy free spending spree..
I did a quick tally, Dec 2007 to May 2008, approx $4000
Not shown are any credit card purchases ie:JC Penny

Cindy's July 3rd myspace post about Casey stealing money, lots of money is proven to be true..
Can anyone help me. I am reading the Hinkley timeline and they say the following: the phone records for the Anthony home phone show NO incoming calls from KC for the period from 06/15/08 to 07/17/08.

But bolded below, it is clear that kC calls the Anthony home, so what is Hinkley saying?

15 -12:13 am TL calls KC, has 11 minute phone call
8:56 am KC attempts to call AH.
9:15 am KC attempts to call TL.
12:51pm KC calls AH, 9 minute phone call.
1:01 pm KC calls her own phone
2:44 pm KC calls her own phone
3:35 pm Anthony home attempts to call KC
3:35 pm KC calls voicemail
3:45 pm KK attempts to call KC
3:45 pm KC calls voicemail
5:06 pm KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute phone call
7:10 pm KC attempts to call Anthony h
8:38 pm KC texts TL
8:48 pm KC calls her own phone
9:08 pm KC texts TL
10:06 KC calls TL, 10 minute conversation.
10:38 KC calls TL, 4 minute conversation
10:45 TL calls KC, 3 minute conversation
11:44 KC calls TL, 1 hour, 20 minute conversation

Can anyone help me. I am reading the Hinkley timeline and they say the following: the phone records for the Anthony home phone show NO incoming calls from KC for the period from 06/15/08 to 07/17/08.

But bolded below, it is clear that kC calls the Anthony home, so what is Hinkley saying?

15 -12:13 am TL calls KC, has 11 minute phone call
8:56 am KC attempts to call AH.
9:15 am KC attempts to call TL.
12:51pm KC calls AH, 9 minute phone call.
1:01 pm KC calls her own phone
2:44 pm KC calls her own phone
3:35 pm Anthony home attempts to call KC
3:35 pm KC calls voicemail
3:45 pm KK attempts to call KC
3:45 pm KC calls voicemail
5:06 pm KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute phone call
7:10 pm KC attempts to call Anthony h
8:38 pm KC texts TL
8:48 pm KC calls her own phone
9:08 pm KC texts TL
10:06 KC calls TL, 10 minute conversation.
10:38 KC calls TL, 4 minute conversation
10:45 TL calls KC, 3 minute conversation
11:44 KC calls TL, 1 hour, 20 minute conversation


Maybe we are misunderstanding and she is leaving a full rant for CA that lasted for three minutes? Is that possible? Or maybe she talked to George?
She may have been making up stories for him - maybe he said he would calm CA down or something...:waitasec:
Maybe we are misunderstanding and she is leaving a full rant for CA that lasted for three minutes? Is that possible? Or maybe she talked to George?
She may have been making up stories for him - maybe he said he would calm CA down or something...:waitasec:

Yes but

Hinkley says no incoming calls to the Anthony home from KC's phone from June 15 08 to July 17 08 -

Anyway, and more importantly (that is probably just a mistake on his part) not a big deal,

MORE importantly, if you look at the timeline, KC is writing somewhere between 200 to 500 a week in checks to herself from Cindy's account. It is incredible. At one point Cindy closes the account and KC steals from the grandfather and then figures out how to get into Cindy's other account.

What this tells me is that it was fine with Cindy because she knew KC was stealing and did not notify her "new" bank to ask for a code when checks are written, etc. anythng to let her know that KC is writing checks on her account. She knew it and let it go on. But it is a lot of money. Chekcs daily to herself (KC) AND checks every other day to Target. This does not even include charges that KC made on credit cards.

This family is bizarre. Bizarre.

So in essence Cindy is letting this go on just to keep Caylee at her home so KC doesn't leave and in the end KC ends up killing the child anyway.
I'm confused. Again. :innocent: Who is Hinkley?
Yes but

Hinkley says no incoming calls to the Anthony home from KC's phone from June 15 08 to July 17 08 -

Anyway, and more importantly (that is probably just a mistake on his part) not a big deal,

MORE importantly, if you look at the timeline, KC is writing somewhere between 200 to 500 a week in checks to herself from Cindy's account. It is incredible. At one point Cindy closes the account and KC steals from the grandfather and then figures out how to get into Cindy's other account.

What this tells me is that it was fine with Cindy because she knew KC was stealing and did not notify her "new" bank to ask for a code when checks are written, etc. anythng to let her know that KC is writing checks on her account. She knew it and let it go on. But it is a lot of money. Chekcs daily to herself (KC) AND checks every other day to Target. This does not even include charges that KC made on credit cards.

This family is bizarre. Bizarre.

So in essence Cindy is letting this go on just to keep Caylee at her home so KC doesn't leave and in the end KC ends up killing the child anyway.

Agree with the bizarre statement but I'm wondering if ICA always managed to stay one step head of CA, until CA finally blew up. My guess is that ICA was much more computer literate than CA who was at work everyday, not sitting around like ICA, thinking up new ways to keep stealing from her mother. And yes, I can imagine CA's frustration and shame when this goes on in the family but CA would feel stealing from her poor sick dad was way over her stress tolerance.
Agree with the bizarre statement but I'm wondering if ICA always managed to stay one step head of CA, until CA finally blew up. My guess is that ICA was much more computer literate than CA who was at work everyday, not sitting around like ICA, thinking up new ways to keep stealing from her mother.

Yes but the records are from December 2007 on. Logic, if you checked your account at the end of a month and saw several checks to your daughter and several checks to Target and a check for 167 to T Mobile and you know you didnot do it, you would put a stop to it and call the bank and say my daughter has been doing this and I want to make sure no one can write a check but me, wouldn't you. Cindy lets this go on and on and just closes her account and KC starts on another account about a month after she closes it but not before she steals from her grandfather.

There is no way that Cindy did not know about this unless she did not want to.
Okay, per the timeline, the amount of money that KC is stealing from Cindy is just incredible. Cindy definitely needs psychiatric help. Abbsollutely, positively.

It is also incredible how she lied to Yuri and the FBI and the State about this.As far as I know, per Cindy, she talked about KC stealing from her mother and one check for the birthday party (Mexican theme) and the deposit slip. This is far worse than she tells.

This family is beyond bizarre. If they don't say it, I guess it means no one will know about it. It is incredible the amount of money that KC is going through.
In her deposition with the State (July 28, 2009 / pages 106 - 110) she is of course still lying about all sorts of things (including this subject), but she does admit Casey also stole about 5000 using one of her credit cards, a couple hundred $ using her J.C. Penny card, some cash from her purse, 'some' checks and rolls of quarters from Lee.
Yes but the records are from December 2007 on. Logic, if you checked your account at the end of a month and saw several checks to your daughter and several checks to Target and a check for 167 to T Mobile and you know you didnot do it, you would put a stop to it and call the bank and say my daughter has been doing this and I want to make sure no one can write a check but me, wouldn't you. Cindy lets this go on and on and just closes her account and KC starts on another account about a month after she closes it but not before she steals from her grandfather.

There is no way that Cindy did not know about this unless she did not want to.

Oh I think there is not doubt Cindy knew it but I also think ICA was generally an explosive person and Cindy kept trying to reason with her and threaten her. It may be that ICA made her usual promises to keep Cindy off her back. Don't misunderstand me, I am not trying to make excuses for Cindy. I am thinking back to some of my own daughter "experiences" that went on and on until I finally hit my wall. But our situation was a "normal" one and did not have the horrendous consequences this one finally did.

Cindy says in her online posting "a mother forgives, etc etc." but to me ICA was clearly had the upper hand in this situation.
I've always wondered if Cindy was angry about the Pleasea theft because it's just WRONG to steal from old folks (or anyone) or if she was simply P'O'd because now she had to deal with Shirley's wrath. Wonder if Cindy had independently discovered the theft but it slipped by Shirley if she would have been angry at all. Or thought it was all that wrong.

She didn't seem to have much umbrage about the Amy theft. I recall when Amy told her about it on the car ride over to Tony's she said something like, Oh well, you'll never see that money again. Then she snatched the $200 from Casey's wallet and pocketed it. You'd think if she was interested in right and wrong she would have turned that money right over to Amy asap and apologized on behalf of her daughter (as it was pretty clear that was not Casey's money, nor hers).

But instead what does she do? Accuse Amy of being Zanny - RED FLAG ya'll, to the FBI no less. Nice.
I've always wondered if Cindy was angry about the Pleasea theft because it's just WRONG to steal from old folks (or anyone) or if she was simply P'O'd because now she had to deal with Shirley's wrath. Wonder if Cindy had independently discovered the theft but it slipped by Shirley if she would have been angry at all. Or thought it was all that wrong.

She didn't seem to have much umbrage about the Amy theft. I recall when Amy told her about it on the car ride over to Tony's she said something like, Oh well, you'll never see that money again. Then she snatched the $200 from Casey's wallet and pocketed it. You'd think if she was interested in right and wrong she would have turned that money right over to Amy asap and apologized on behalf of her daughter (as it was pretty clear that was not Casey's money, nor hers).

But instead what does she do? Accuse Amy of being Zanny - RED FLAG ya'll, to the FBI no less. Nice.

Great point. I don't think she cared that much about Amy - the situation was different now - Caylee is gone and she knows she is dead.

However, in April when KC stole from her mother, Cindy knew that the "whole" family would find out and if you listen to Rick's tapes, he said Cindy would tell the family when something good happened but would ignore the family when something bad happened. She was probably infuriated that KC stole and the family would know.
Great point. I don't think she cared that much about Amy - the situation was different now - Caylee is gone and she knows she is dead.

However, in April when KC stole from her mother, Cindy knew that the "whole" family would find out and if you listen to Rick's tapes, he said Cindy would tell the family when something good happened but would ignore the family when something bad happened. She was probably infuriated that KC stole and the family would know.

Yup. With that woman I really do think it's all about appearances and not guilt or shame or any kind of moral compass. What can you get away with, without anyone finding out. Well if no one knows I guess it didn't happen. If a tree falls in the forest, yadda yadda.
Yes but

Hinkley says no incoming calls to the Anthony home from KC's phone from June 15 08 to July 17 08 -

Anyway, and more importantly (that is probably just a mistake on his part) not a big deal,

MORE importantly, if you look at the timeline, KC is writing somewhere between 200 to 500 a week in checks to herself from Cindy's account. It is incredible. At one point Cindy closes the account and KC steals from the grandfather and then figures out how to get into Cindy's other account.

What this tells me is that it was fine with Cindy because she knew KC was stealing and did not notify her "new" bank to ask for a code when checks are written, etc. anythng to let her know that KC is writing checks on her account. She knew it and let it go on. But it is a lot of money. Chekcs daily to herself (KC) AND checks every other day to Target. This does not even include charges that KC made on credit cards.

This family is bizarre. Bizarre.

So in essence Cindy is letting this go on just to keep Caylee at her home so KC doesn't leave and in the end KC ends up killing the child anyway.

BBM- that kills me, because that's about how much someone working a normal job might make, it just grinds my gears that KC made stealing from her parents her full-time job.

Amy is indeed a dangerous witness, didn't she tell the investigators that the first time she ever heard the name ZFG was when Caylee was already gone? That right there is a massive, huge, shiny nail in the imaginanny story.
I feel bad for Amy, she does not look like a happy camper.
And, they made her drive all the way up to Orlando on what was probably supposed to be her down time. Does she have to pay her attorneys fees out of her own pocket? If so, it seems like the victims in this case are the only ones that keep getting used and abused.
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